RE: Waiting for my account to be nullified.

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Waiting for my account to be nullified.

in fourfourfourfour •  4 years ago 

Crazy. How can anyone trust Steem if they do this?

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The V.22.2 Cabal started all this by freezing $10 million of assets of Mr. Sun. His retaliation has no merit, yet let's not forget who picked this fight in the first place.

Very true. The precedent was set. I objected to it. It had already happend.

The crypto-currency community shouldn't rely too much on precedent. Re-evaluate your PoS coins, with the knowledge they could disappear at anytime. It's just easier to do this theft on Steem for the moderately rich because we make transactions through ids.

The good that has come out of Steem is a decentralized login system (and the rest of the social media backend).

I objected to it.

Me as well.

Exactly! Justin Sun started it when he announced he was going to move steem to the Tron network

"who picked this fight in the first place"
Do you actually think there's some kind of fight happening? Who are the people involved in the fighting?

The people whose power and control in the position of the top 20 witnesses was threatened by the stake that could threaten that power, Justin Sun. There was even a Korean whale with the balance of power who left 5 of Justin Sun's witness sock puppets and 5 of the original V.22.2 Cabal as top 20 witnesses, allowing time for dialogue by no one with enough consensus to install a new version. The V.22.2 Cabal's response was a vindicative fork to HIVE; blacklisting the very whale that was suggesting dialogue between the two parties. This fork has done nothing but highlight human greed and the failure of DPoS Governance to protect the integrity of the blockchain. That was the intended role of the witnesses; not to alter the chain's history to reinforce their power base but to secure that ledger's history.

Actions speak louder than words. It was the actions of the V.22.2 Cabal which fired the first shot in the distruction of the STEEM/HIVE projects. It is hard to imagine any crypto investor considering either chain secure at this stage.

There is no such thing as a 'vindictive fork'. lol.
Forks are just variants made through free will off the back of the developers involved. Put down the Koolaid.

By this logic the new proposed fork deleting these account balances is also not vindictive, simply a variant made through free will..

The problem with the whole situation is everyone is wrong... Humans are dumb... The one's in control appear to be human... Ergo, ya'll gonna do sum dumb shit.

This fork is dumb, the last fork was dumb, the softfork was stupid.. so very very stupid.. I can't begin to express how stupid... I mean come on... Any of us less stupid chimps foresaw this reaction..

My only regret for being in power down on both chains is that my upvote will not reward your comment enough. 😎

There is no such thing as a 'vindictive fork'.

There is one now and it is called HIVE. Name one fork that changed history prior to the fork's creation. Even Etherium rolled back time they did not change history. Thought witnesses were there to protect the ledger's history not alter it.

I'm not sure we are talking about the same thing because I can't make sense of what you are saying here. You appear to be saying that Hive is the 'vindictive fork'. Vindictive implies 'vengeful' or 'cruel', however, HIVE is just a fork created by industrious people using open source code. There is no inherent attack with such a fork, it's just a statement of disagreement with regards how STEEM is being run and a courageous move to offer something different. No-one is 'owed' anything by the creators of HIVE and no-one is obliged to use it - it's all voluntary. If Hive is 'in the wrong', then 'let the market decide' and it will all be irrelevant since Hive will die. In reality, it seems so far the markets see Hive as just fine.

If you think things are being run differently on HIVE then allow me to not disturb your illusion. If you think the blacklistings et al were not vindictive then allow me to not disturb your illusion. DPoS Governance, on both chains, has proven to be a failure in my opinion. Only a few more weeks of powering down to be done with it.

It would be illogical to try to break free from people you view as being anti-social (the current steem operators) and to then invite them in with 'free' stake into the space you created away from them. Was it vindictive when the founders of the USA didn't give the monarch of Britain a throne in Washington?

At this stage, I don't see how anyone can trust, even these blockchain systems that claim to be "censorship resistant", as anything more than free hosting.

Let's think in simple terms, if instead of "crypto" that the platform was operating on real securities, Justin, the earlier steemit team, and anyone who was deciding the direction of the platform would EACH be facing 20+ year prison terms.