All I have to say about Mike Lindell's supposed "free speech" platform is that he should really distance himself from the free speech label lest real free speech advocates pin down his intellectual avatar of a website and fuck it to death.
What I just said might be censored by other social media sites; but, from what I've read, it would surely by censored by Lindell's network.
Free speech does include offensive language. It needs to include offensive language. For the censors on the left, the debate seems to be whether or not people should be allowed to express awful, offensive ideas. Yes, we should. For Lindell and the right, the question isn't about ideas but the specific language used to express the ideas. Should we be able to be offensive, angry, disrespectful, even profane when we lambast horrible ideas? Hell fucking yes!
I don't like it when people are needlessly profane. I don't like it when people use curse words in lieu of actual vocabulary; but, there's value in shocks and provocation.
If you're going to market yourself as a free speech advocate, you need to be a free speech advocate. You can't draw lines on the basis of your comfort. You can't regulate speech either on the basis of what is said or how it is said.
Lindell is no better than anybody else on free speech. Really, he's worse because he's contaminating the concept.