Stones of Remembrance

in fraud •  4 years ago 

As we go through life, it is helpful to learn from the example of thoes that have travled a similar path before us, it is also important for us to remember thoes that may journey behind us.
Often GOD would have a alter (some sort of token) placed at a special location that served as a memory marker.

At this time I would like to drop one of thoes memory markers (it just so happens that a key component in computers are stones...what did you think that silicon was?)
I like to imagine that at a future time, someone might wonder what all the fuss concerning 2020 was. Well one of the ways to sum up the year is with the word 'fraud'
Through fraud and deception a story was told that shut down large sections of the ecconomy. Its like this 'rattle snakes are a real danger, and it could be very bad if you get bitten by one (I think there is like an 80% chance that a person that is bitten by a rattle snake will recover.)
I feel pretty safe saying that the majority of people that are reading my words are not severely threatened by rattle snakes...although they can be deadly.

Anyway in 2020 nefarious people shut down the economy so that people would be protected from an illness that is far less deadly than rattle snakes.
Now I want to talk about another huge fraud that was placed upon the American people. Today while listening to One American News Network

I heard a guy from Wisconsin say that when he went to observe the election process, the observation center did not allow people to have lage backpacks, bags, or purses. The guy said that when he went inside he saw 'democratic' workers walking around with large camping style backpacks (I assume that this refered to a hiking backpack that had an external frame)

(I did not hear the guy mention what he thought the backpacks were for, however external frame backpacks are used to transport moderatly heavy loads)

The man also stated that he observed a ballot counter at a table that was far removed from the watchful eyes of 'election watchers'. He said that the behavior was odd because tables that were close to the observation area were not being used. The man said that the worker was doing work behind boxes (I thought that it was implied that the boxes had purposefully placed in that location to block the know like us cool kids used to do in school by putting up our folders 🙂 )

The man said that (since he had to stay in the observation area) he asked some of the other officials what was going on at that table...and the other workers were not given a straight answer.
I have dealt with the tactics of 'under handed people'. They try to conceal their actions by playing a game of mental 'keep away' In case you have not figured it out yet, in the past few years 'politics has almost merged with religion'. I am a conservative independent voter, but a few years ago I looked at the amount of politicians that not only supported the killing of innocent babies, but they think that I should pay for it! Proably 99% of politicans that felt that way were on one side of the isle, and I do not support the sheding of innocent blood

(Proverbs 6:16-19 These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, an heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, a false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.)

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