I'm sick and tired of reading daily all these whiners cry, "I wish Bitcoin [or insert any crypto name] would go down to $_________ [ insert a price]"
What a freakin' cry baby brat you are if this is you!
Don't you realize that "wishing" won't get you anything. Notta! Nothing! Learn to read a financial chart.
Wishing for lower prices is a symptom of an impoverished belief system. The truth is if Bitcoin or any other crypto you're wishing about were to go to the price you wished upon I would wager you wouldn't buy it then neither.
The price would still be too high.
Here's the hard fact your whiny ass will come to realize and that is wishing will land you out of the market when prices explode.
So wipe those tears and blow your nose! Quit that annoying whining and for everbodies' sake please, please, please learn chart analysis [I mean really learn it] and quit depending on all these Twitter quasi professionals that just started trading crypto last year for your trading advise.
Have an awesome day!