Just another day in Paradise.

in freebornsociety •  7 years ago 

I was sitting around the house today when one of the girls came through on a promise it looked like had been broken.

She has a very real history of making promises she has no intention of keeping.

She wonders why nobody, except me, likes her.

Her denial has resisted my best attempts at reaching her with the reality she actually exists in rather than the made up one that consists of the lies she tells herself.

We all do this to some extent, it is a rare bird that can think objectively about themselves.

However, this bird has a real issue that is covered up by her extreme willingness to wage slave.

She has not missed a day of work since she went back to work after the baby 10+ years ago.

The policy of the society is that we may not like what you do, we may even run you off for doing it, but push comes to shove we will still give you the love that you deserve, as a human being.

Have a perfectly peaceful day!

Vote FBA king of the world!

Keep working, stop paying!

Viva! Tradeqwik, the exchange that pays you.


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