Double Standards, Hypocrisy of Free Speech

in freedom-speech •  8 years ago 

Facts Are Free

One of our most important values as a modern, secular, Western society is our support of free speech. It allows us to question everything so that we can build a better world based upon the truth.
Then how come it is illegal for people in many countries of Europe to ask certain questions? For instance, even just questioning the official facts about the Holocaust and WW2 is considered a crime in many countries, and people are even serving jail time right now for doing this.
Wait a second? I thought that our European counterparts had free speech like we do. This cannot be a genuine form of free speech. Regardless of how many feelings are hurt, the truth is more important. Right? It doesn't seem that the establishment thinks the truth is more important.
It's like a truth brigade watches over us, ever vigilant to keep our thoughts in line with the official narrative. My favorite one so far concerns 9/11. If you even question the official story, the truth brigade bamboozles you as a tinfoil hat wearing idiot. But it's okay to believe that Muslim cavemen with box cutters were the only ones responsible... Again, if you think otherwise then you are a lunatic, so better just fall in line. (Go do drugs, engage in promiscuity, and watch TV instead).
I have come to the conclusion that part of government is controlling the opinions of people. The function of the mass media is to serve the government's purpose. That is why they talk down to us. That is why they do not present evidence or facts very often. That is why they resort to emotional arguments when confronted with information they do not want the majority of people to know about.

Is There An Answer???
So what is our solution? Will we be able to free ourselves from the informational control of the media and establishment? How can we do so? It looks like social media is the first step. But sooner or later we will need to have a viable alternative to the mainstream. We need a reliable place to obtain facts and get our news. We have to, or else our freedom of speech is threatened and may go away.

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Great writeup!
Keep sharing.