RE: [Freedom] Alex Jones Kicked From Online Services

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[Freedom] Alex Jones Kicked From Online Services

in freedom •  7 years ago 

So recently my friend, a musician, had his account's "promote/ads" banned. Twitter support won't say why specificially they said he had an offensive tweet, but they won't tell him which one. They said if he removes it he can be reinstated. Mind you, he spent the $99 for the stupid beta promote mode which is beta anyway. I can't see any vulgar or offensive tweet he's made and they won't tell him. So finally after back and forth, they told him not to contact them anymore about it! They won't say what the offensive tweet is. This is really upsetting.

So I'm starting to change my mind about this debate. These companies are not operating professionally. It's like someone at Twitter just decided they didn't like my friend's tweets for some undisclosed reason and decided to take away his ability to promote. It's hard to promote as a musician but I assure you my friend's content is super mild compared to a lot what is out there. It feels like discrimination to be honest, which sounds paranoid, but it just feels that way.

Which got me thinking these big companies are getting out of hand. Of course I can't stand Alex Jones and I do think he broke the terms of use. But it seems Twitter at least is just deciding to run roughshod on anyone they just for some reason (because they aren't specific).

So I'm pretty pissed lately about "social media" and while I've never liked it that much I tell you this experience really sucks when a "little fish" like my friend is on the receiving end of this kind of banning. I'm looking forward to more decentralized options that's for sure.

Also in other news - I've had a lot of personal things this week and I missed @calluna 's contest which I'm really beating myself up about because you guys mean a lot to me, and especially she was inspired by an article I had written. Please let her know how much I regret my circumstances. Basically I had 2 tests of different kinds this week and it was very stressful. Hugs to you both.

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That really is terrible, they won't even tell him what the offending tweet is?

I think in their eyes they are operating professionally, because we aren't the customer but the commodity. It's the companies who pump millions into these platforms who are the cherished customer. Not that I think that's right or how things should be.

I think my perspective is pretty much the same, but it's not that I agree with these platforms (YouTube, Twitter or Facebook). They are private platforms, owned by private entities and that just means they can do what they want. Personally, I'd like to see some regulations put in place by governments to ensure the fair treatment of their users. In terms of your friend who paid Twitter, I dunno, like if he'd gone to a brick-and-mortar marketing agency, paid them and they acted the same way as Twitter, he'd be covered by consumer rights. I think Twitter and Facebook in particular won't be around forever, they're already showing declines in their userbases.

I think part of the problem is that these companies are constantly playing catch up, chasing their tail. There'll be the newest outrage of the week, they knee-jerk react by culling everything and anything that might be remotely unfriendly towards shareholders or advertisers.

I was just catching up on my YouTube, and saw a video from H3H3 about the Alex Jones thing. Basically, in one of their podcasts recently, they were talking about Jones and showed some of the clips, but part way through the stream they received a community guideline strike from YouTube, completely halting the stream, just because they played some clips from a channel that's recently been banned.

I think that's why I'm feeling so frustrated with Steem and Steemit in part... now is the time to pull the carpet out from under the feet of these ridiculously large tech companies, and yet I see so little effort on their part. HF20 still hasn't arrived, the interface is bare, the hot/trending/promote tabs are pointless and there just isn't enough of a user base (despite 1 million accounts) to build a regular audience, in my opinion anyway.

I've been looking at Narrative a bit more, and I won't be trying to own any of the Niches, but I do think it has an awful lot of potential. From what I can tell, owners get 10%, moderators 30% and creators get 60%. At first glance that doesn't seem like a great deal, however on Steemit we only get 75% anyway. If the owner and moderator do their jobs, promote and look after their niches, you have the potential to create a really engaging platform.

I've also been looking at Medium, which although isn't blockchain or decentralised, you can earn on your work. Also, they are very strictly against fake news and the like, so there's no anti-vaxxers, truthers or general nutjobs about. By selecting the topics you're interested in when you sign up, you can then view only the content you're interested in. I just feel Steemit has so far to go still, and the competition are really upping their game.

I'll let her know for you :) gotta say, you really mean a lot to us too! I hope the tests went ok for you, I know how that can be. Sorry I've bombarded you with walls of text again