Would you trade 48 years of your life for 13 years of FREEDOM?

in freedom β€’Β  8 years agoΒ 

Check this out πŸ‘€ and stay with me...I got to thinking about something the other day that's either directly affecting you or someone you care about....
It's a long post, but PLEASE READ IT πŸ‘‡.
Who do you know that lives for the weekend?
Those 2 days, where you have no one to report too, stay up late πŸ₯‚, hang out with friends πŸ‘₯, sleep in, spend more time at the gym πŸ‹οΈβ€β™€οΈ, take a weekend getaway πŸ›«, spend time with family, check off a bucket list item,etc....
Follow along closely.
The average lifespan for a North American (and probably roughly the same for our U.K. friends) is 79.8 years.
Let's assume that the average person begins working at the age of 18 (it's probably a bit younger than that, but I'll be generous).
Currently, the average retirement age is 66 years old.
So, with that, we have an average of 48 years of work πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ’»πŸ‘©β€πŸ’Ό.
There are roughly 48 "weekend days" per calendar year.
So, 104 weekend days X 48 years of work = 4,992 total weekend days during your 'career.'
4,992 weekend days divided by 365 days = 13.6 years of total weekend days.
Think about that for a second....You're going to work for roughly 48 years of YOUR life in exchange for 13 years of actual "freedom" where you don't have to go into the office?
And by the time you "retire" (and we're not going to get into what the average person has in their bank account when they call it a day πŸ’°πŸ˜°) on average you have about 13-14 years of life left.....And what's the quality of life like at that point (assuming you've actually managed your stress & taken care of your health, which statistics say you won't do)?
Of course I didn't include sick or vacation days, but I can't imagine those would make a dent.
Though, those would most get erased by the weekends where you do get forced to go into the office.
But just stop for a second, please....and ask yourself "Is it worth it❓"
Is doing something for someone else, building someone else's dream, trading time for money all for a whopping 13 years of "freedom"....worth it?
If not, then DIG IN TO THIS!!I Our Network Marketing Company is a proven methodology that has liberated my spouse and I along with TONS of others JUST LIKE YOU from that grind over the last few years...you CAN DO THIS!
I'm just tired of watching people suffer. I'm tired of people buying into the bullshit of what society thinks they 'ought' to be doing.
You've got one life...wouldn't you prefer for all of it to feel like a weekend β˜€οΈπŸŒˆπŸŒΈ?

Credit goes to Zach Slobin's Facebook timeline!

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Β  Β· Β 8 years agoΒ 

Agreed! Well said πŸ‘ŒπŸ˜Ž

Β  Β· Β 8 years agoΒ 

Hey Jaynie, I really believe everyone that puts his mind into it can make it out of the slavery system. It is not easy, but it is possible!