Natural Medicine Post in Danish / English Naturlig Medicin – Den tilbageholdte viden om Helbredelse

in freedom •  6 years ago  (edited)

Hello Steem Family

This Post is a sharing of important info on Natural Medicines and natural extracts which can cure us from our diseases and pains! The Truth about healing and painfree, healthy lives is exploding online! Time to let the Monsters die! - "Quantum Leap" Miracle Mineral Solution Documentary (Chlorine Dioxide - ClO2)

Cannabis plant! - source: ps://

First - The Danish Post, Scroll down under it for the English Translation!

DAAAAAANIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISH ............................************************

  • Naturlig Medicin og kendskabet til urternes helbredende virkning, er ligeså gammel som sygommme blandt mennesker. Den moderne lægekunst tager sit udgangspunkt i naturen. I middelalderen dyrkede man urter i klostrenes haver, hvor urtekundskaben blev holdt højt i ære. I vore dage kan man teste planternes virkninger med moderne videnskabelige metoder.

  • Medicin (Medicinalindustriens) helbreder ikke!

  • Hospitalerne i dag dygtige til at lappe et brækket ben sammen og andet akut. Hvis man imidlertid har kroniske sygdomme så kan moderne kemisk medicin ikke helbrede dig. Du kan endda risikere at blive mere syg end du var før pga. medicinens direkte virkning, fejlbehandlinger, bivirkninger og direkte virkning som når Lundbecks epilepsimedicin pentobarbital, anvendes til at henrette amerikanske fanger.

  • Det er værd at overveje at lave om på livsstilen og bruge nogle velvalgte naturlige midler så kroppen kan komme i gang med at helbrede sig selv. Mens homøopatisk medicin stort set ikke har bivirkninger, da man anvender stærke fortyndinger, så kan kosttilskud og urter godt have bivirkninger. Disse er dog i reglen slet ikke så kraftige som de bivirkninger vi kender fra kemisk medicin.

  • Lægens Medicin kan ikke udbedre mangler

  • Helse er det samme som balance og balance kan kun oponås ved at bruge naturlige stoffer som vitaminer, mineraler, hormoner, aminosyrer etc.. Det er stoffer, som kroppen må have, for at den kan fungere. Nogle af stofferne producerer kroppen selv. Andre som f.eks. C vitamin, må man have gennem kosten.

  • Kemisk medicin derimod er stoffer, som er fremmed for kroppen, og som er udviklet med henblik på at give en bestemt effekt. Disse stoffer kan ikke udbedre mangler og de vil altid resultere i bivirkninger, i en eller anden udstrækning, fordi de er fremmede for kroppen. Eftersom ingen aner hvordan kroppen virker fuldt ud vil et fremmedstof altid have uoverskuelige bivirkninger.

  • Kemisk medicin har en hurtig målrettet virkning, men kroppen kan ikke tåle den i længere tid, da de ødelægger systemet – og så opstår bivirkningerne.

  • Sundhedsvæsents Sygdom

Firmaerne må ikke skrive at kosttilskud og homøopatiske lægemidler har nogen som helst effekt på helbredet. Årsagen er at sundhedsmyndighederne og mange læger er i lommen på de store multinationale medicinalfirmaer. F.eks. financierer medicinalindustrien det meste af sundhedsstyrelsens indtægter – og man bider jo ikke den hånd der fodrer en!

  • Jo flere som finder ud af at simple kosttilskud kan erstatte de dyre kemiske lægemidler, som vi skatteydere betaler i dyre domme via Sygesikringen, jo mindre afkast får aktionærerne hos Medicinalfirmaerne. I mellemtiden kan Multinationale Medicinalfirmaer slippe afsted med at have dødsensfarligt "medicin" på markedet i årevis.


kilden jeg har taget teksten fra, fordi det ikke rigtig kan beskrives bedre og mere klart end dette!:

*********** ENGLIIIISH **************

  • Natural medicine and the knowledge of the healing effect of the herbs are as old as people's illnesses. Modern medicine takes its starting point in nature. In the Middle Ages, herbs were grown in the gardens of the monasteries, where the old knowledge of the plants was honored. Today, we can test the effects of the plants using modern scientific methods.

  • Medicine (Of the Medicinal Industry) does not heal!

  • Hospitals today are capable of patching a broken leg together and other urgent surgeries, sanitizing efforts and so on. However, if you have chronic diseases, modern chemical medicine can not cure you. You may even risk becoming more ill, than you were before due to the direct effect of the medicine, malpractice and side effects.

  • It's worth considering changing your lifestyle and using some well-chosen natural remedies so your body can start to cure itself. While homeopathic medicine virtually does not have side effects, since strong dilutions are used, dietary supplements and herbs may well have side effects. However, these are generally not as powerful as the side effects we know from chemical medicine and very acceptable compared to having the disease(s)! All changes in our bodies will generate different kinds of changes, and we cannot just take one without the other! That is the classical error, when people choose to swollow Painkillers from the Medicinal Industry instead of changing their habits enough to stop having headaches and pains at all!

  • The doctor's medicine can not correct any defects.

  • Health is the same as balance and balance can only be achieved by using natural substances such as natural, chemical-free food, clean, mineral water, vitamins, minerals, hormones, amino acids, etc. There are substances that the body must have in order for it to function. Some of the substances are produced in the body itself. Others such as C-Vitamin, you must get through your diet.

  • Chemical drugs, on the other hand, are substances that are foreign to the body and which are designed to give a certain effect. These drugs can not correct deficiencies and they will always result in side effects, to some extent because they are strangers to the body. Since they do not work together with our bodies in a real way like natural food does, a foreign matter will always have unimaginable, unwanted, damaging and sometimes paralizing or fatal side effects.

  • Chemical medicine has a rapid targeted effect, but the body can not tolerate it for a long time as they destroy the immune system - and this causes side effects.

  • Healthcare Disease

The companies can not write in the discriptions on products and on websites that dietary supplements and alternative and homeopathic medicines have a healing and positive effect on health. The reason is that the Health Authorities and many doctors are in the pocket of the large Multinational Pharmaceutical companies. In this way, the Pharmaceutical Industry finances most of the healthcare income for the Government Agencies - and "one does not bite the hand that feeds one!" ....

  • The more people who find that simple dietary supplements can replace the expensive chemical drugs that we taxpayers pay in expensive ordeals through health insurance, the less returns the Shareholders get from the Pharmaceutical Companies. Untill we get some much needed changes forced into this Industry of Death and Pain, Multinational Pharmaceutical companies can end up having dangerous and fatal "medicines" on the market for years.

Disclaim: I am not the person appearing in any of the videos I have linked to. I share all links because of the relevance, NOT because I am the author of the sites or videos!

I might very well do my own videos in the near-future. Very possible. But still, I am not in any in this post!


Get your happiness on, mi hente!!

Love you all!

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As always, comment anything you think of. Share info, links, videos. Source the info if relevant.. Everything goodhearted is welcome here!

@kongen great post, sir. This speaks straight to my heart and think you offer good ideas and info here. Science ( The hubris of man ) VS Nature ( The unlimited power of god )... #BigPharma VS #NaturalMedicine ... This is the #informationwar! Check out the @informationwar's feed! Please, check out my stuff for related stuff ;)

Oh yeah, @kongen I noticed you've been getting trashed by trashy users. Don't engage! They will keep coming for you, as they have nothing better to do but mess with you. I've been flagged too in the past, but the best thing is to just ignore and it affects you less... If you need help getting followers and upvotes, please check out these links. These bots will help you, they've definitely helped me so try it out. #1 is called steem follower #2 is called steem engine ... just register there and review content through the website and it will help you gain traffic to your channel. Let me know if you have any questions or need any help! God bless!

Thank you friend! Cant believe how fast you already replied! Awesome!
Im going to bed now, I will follow up on your comment later on and any other things you wanna share here!
Best wishes to you maan! Im just so tired and will check back later tomorrow!

DEFINATELY following you before logging out! :D

Yes, I was attacked, Im trying to freeze it all out as you say!

you are VERY welcome to share as much as you want on my posts in the comments.. Hey, I could even edit the post with a credit to you and with a link to your account .. its a really good platform Steem! cheers.. And forgive me for having to log off so suddenly!

@kongen Awesome, brother! Get some rest, no worries!.. Another thing, I noticed youre upvoting your comments, unfortunately this will really hurt your voting power, which will limit your ability to interact on the platform by using up your bandwidth. I learned this by experience, . Upvoting your posts works out but that is while you are a minnow, upvoting comments not worth it ever unless you really need someone to see your post... I'm still learning the platform but as you can see there are a lot of little details.. So you can check on this by going to your feed, get the URL then replace "it" with "d". For example my feed would be "", this will take you to site that gives more details on who is upvoting you, flagging you, and the status of your voting power! Have you downloaded discord app? talk soon ;)

But, when you do what you did, posting a link which is a referral link and not just the original site, the good manner is to at least mention that it is a referral for your account..

I noticed it, but others might not notice it and it is never nice to be sneaked into a referrel system. Who knows, maybe people know a friend who they want to be referral of or maybe they dont want to be in the referral system at all..

if you make me a small donation in Steem or SBD, I will be glad to use your referral link when I get to signing up there. But for now, I have other stuff to do before researching those sites and signing up in that.

and please remember to upvote the Post here :) i think you forgot to..

Alright @kongen, just thought it would help.

Cierto lo que dices te sigo

gracias amigo.. tambien puedo hablar y escribir en espanjol..
te sigo de vuelvo

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exaxtly ! thank you cheetah, as always, you are welcome anytime! <3

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