Freedom? - Freiheit?

in freedom •  7 years ago  (edited)

Bildschirmfoto 2018-07-10 um 21.01.10.png

Hey guys! Freedom, in my opinion it is a very difficult topic. A few years ago, I was pretty sure that I know exactly what "freedom" means to me. Less than 10 years later, I changed my opinions often and have questioned my opinion of my decision on the subject of "freedom".

I turn back the clock 10 years. I was 20 years young at this time. Freedom meant for me to go to this kind of places where and when I want to go, not to have any commitments, be it residence or job to which a person is often tied. Money should grow on trees and the principle was minimal effort and maximum success. National borders should not exist and every tree and its roots are loosely pulled out of the ground. There are no worries, every day is unique and full of adventure and tomorrow really only existed tomorrow and never in thoughts of today. Loosely, I got what I imagined. The place of residence was not relevant, as a nomad I drew the years to this day and luck was not a rare visitor. Friends were all acquaintances on my journey and it never got lonely. No way was too far, the heart said. So I let myself happily drift through life and do not regret anything til today :) Maybe some people do have the same imagination of "Freedom" as I described my life in the past ...

Well, which thoughts do I have today, 10 years later, what has changed, what does freedom really mean for me?

It's the 10th of July 2018. Suddenly I want to feel some certainty in life, commitments make me no longer afraid but even challenge me. I need a place to live and suddenly the desire for a "home" is getting bigger and bigger. Work gets a higher priority in my life, I want to do good work and a lot to prove to me that I can outgrow my own knowledge. I want to give a lot and the maximum success is not that important anymore.Every day I remind myself how important it is to be grateful and to expect no consideration from loved ones in my environment. As a result, I am gifted in life with gifts in the form of surprises that life is giving to me. Gifts are beautiful encounters in life, a well-functioning belly feeling , which can also be called as an inner voice. I want to earn the money of today with good deeds and try not to seek recognition. Because searching comes from addiction and this in turn can become a drug. I realize that not every tree with roots can be uprooted from the ground without any problems and suddenly worries like a chill in the thought come to the fore. I wonder "Why??" well this question is not relevant. Despite different thoughts, each day is still unique, adventure is available, not that turbulent as in the past :) From time to time I realized that I can not get everything at once. Who are my real friends? Is it getting more important to have less acquaintances and have more best friends? Suddenly there are limits on the path of life, ... some roads to go are going to be to far? I am going through life more thoughtfully and ask myself the question of how I want to shape my life. Happiness is still not a rare guest and I wonder "How do I imagine my freedom today? Is it suddenly the desire for consistency and routine? As foreign words, I would have called "consistency and routine" earlier, the body is getting tired and my self-proclaimed freedom has become a dead end .... Is it the desire for change? Being able to courageously accept and carry out this change today means freedom for me! In addition, it is becoming more and more important not to repress love, to integrate it in life and to allow it. The fear of disappointment suddenly becomes ridiculous ...

Every human being will describe freedom differently, and as with me, the meaning will often change over time! Have you experienced something similar?

Some pictures next to the railway inspired me to think about my opinion of "Freedom" ...

Bildschirmfoto 2018-07-10 um 20.56.12.png
If you never try to cross the railway lines in your life, maybe you will never figure out which surprises are waiting on the other side ...

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Me :)

Bildschirmfoto 2018-07-10 um 20.59.26.png

Wish you all a nice Tuesday evening - See You Soon - Big Hug Lena <3 <3

deutsch / same post in German

Bildschirmfoto 2018-07-10 um 21.01.10.png

Hallo an alle da draussen! Freiheit, meiner Meinung ist es ein sehr schwieriges Thema. Vor ein paar Jahren war ich mir ziemlich sicher, dass ich ganz genau weiss was genau „Freiheit“ für mich bedeutet. Knapp 10 Jahre später änderte ich meine Meinungen oft und hab die Sicherheit über meinen Entschluss zum Thema „Freiheit“ erstmal in Frage gestellt.

Ich drehe die Uhr 10 Jahre zurück. 20 Jahre jung war ich zu dieser Zeit. Freiheit bedeutete für mich da hin zu gehen wohin ich möchte, keine Verpflichtungen eingehen zu müssen, sei es Wohnort oder Arbeitsstelle an die ein Mensch oft gebunden ist. Geld sollte am besten auf Bäumen wachsen und das Prinzip war Minimaler Aufwand und Maximaler Erfolg. Landesgrenzen dürften nicht existieren und jeder Baum wird samt Wurzeln locker aus der Erde gezogen. Sorgen gibt es nicht, jeder Tag ist einzigartig und voller Abenteuer und das Morgen existierte auch wirklich nur morgen und niemals in Gedanken schon heute. Locker habe ich das bekommen was ich mir vorgestellt habe. Der Wohnort war nicht relevant, wie eine Nomadin zog ich die Jahre bis zum heutigen Tag und Glück war kein seltener Gast. Freunde waren alle Bekanntschaften auf meiner Reise und es wurde nie einsam. Kein Weg war zu weit sagte das Herz. So lies ich mich glücklich durch das Leben treiben und bereue heute nichts :) Vielleicht stellen sich einige da draussen die Freiheit genau so vor, wie ich sie gerade eben beschrieben habe.

Doch welche Gedanken habe ich heute, 10 Jahre später, was hat sich verändert, was bedeutet nun wirklich Freiheit für mich?

Es ist der 10. Juli 2018. Plötzlich möchte ich eine Gewisse Sicherheit im Leben spüren, Verpflichtungen eingehen machen mir keine Angst mehr sondern fordern mich sogar heraus. Ein Platz zum Leben brauche ich und plötzlich wurde der Wunsch nach einem „Zu Hause“ immer grösser. Die Arbeit bekommt einen höheren Stellenwert in meinem Leben, ich möchte gutes Schaffen und viel geben, um auch mir zu beweisen, dass man über sein eigenes Wissen hinauswachsen kann. Ich möchte viel geben und der maximale Erfolg tritt in den Schatten. Jeden Tag erinnere ich mich selber wie wichtig es ist Dankbar zu sein und keine Gegenleistungen von lieben Menschen in meiner Umgebung zu erwarten. Dadurch werde ich im Leben durch Geschenke in Form von Überraschungen, die das Leben ständig für einen parat hat beschenkt. Geschenke sind schöne Begegnungen im Leben, das gut funktionierende Bauchgefühl, die auch als innere Stimme genannt werden kann. Das Geld von heute möchte ich mit guten Taten erarbeiten und versuche nicht nach Anerkennung zu suchen. Denn suchen kommt von Sucht und dies kann wiederum zu einer Droge werden. Mir wird bewusst, dass nicht jeder Baum samt Wurzeln aus der Erde problemlos entwurzelt werden kann und plötzlich ziehen Sorgen wie ein Schauer in den Gedanken in den Vordergrund. „Warum" fragt man sich? Doch diese Frage ist nicht relevant. Trotz unterschiedlicher Gedanken ist jeder Tag immer noch einzigartig, Abenteuer ist vorhanden, jedoch überdacht und nicht mehr so turbulent :) Hin und wieder musste ich feststellen, dass ich doch nicht alles auf einmal bekommen kann. Wer sind meine wirklichen Freunde? Wird jetzt ausgemistet, ist es plötzlich wichtiger weniger Bekanntschaften zu haben und diese durch gute Freunde auszutauschen? Plötzlich gibt es Grenzen auf dem Pfad des Lebens, werden jetzt doch einige Wege für bestimmte Zwecke zu weit? Ich gehe bedachter durchs Leben und stelle mir die Frage wie ich mein Leben gestalten möchte. Glück ist immer noch kein seltener Gast und ich frage mich „Wie stelle ich mir meine Freiheit heute vor? Ist es plötzlich der Wunsch nach Beständigkeit und Routine? Als Fremdwörter hätte ich "Beständigkeit und Routine" früher bezeichnet, der Körper wird müde und meine selbst ernannte Freiheit entwickelte sich zur Sackgasse…. Ist es der Wunsch nach Veränderung? Diese Veränderung mutig anzunehmen und auch durchführen zu können bedeutet heute Freiheit für mich! Hinzukommt, dass es immer wichtiger wird Liebe nicht zu verdrängen und diese zu Leben, zu integrieren und auch zuzulassen. Die Angst vor Enttäuschungen wird plötzlich lächerlich…

Freiheit wird jeder Mensch anders beschreiben und auch wie bei mir wird sich die Bedeutung im Laufe der Zeit oft verändern! Habt ihr ähnliches erlebt?

Einige Bilder habe ich in Gleisnähe geknipst... dieser Ort inspirierte mich über meine Bedeutung von "Freiheit" zu philosophieren :) ...

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Wenn wir niemals versuchen unsere eigene "Bahnübergang - Gleise" im Leben zu überqueren, werden wir niemals herausfinden welche Überraschungen das Leben für uns auf der anderen Seite parat hält ...

Bildschirmfoto 2018-07-10 um 20.58.13.png
Ich :)

Bildschirmfoto 2018-07-10 um 20.59.26.png

Wünsche euch allen einen schönen Dienstag Abend - Bis Bald und nen fetten Drücker - LG Lena <3 <3

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Adolescence is a time of turmoil.
Adolescence is also vulnerable to a variety of complex and complicated issues. Because it is in this period that a person grows and goes through the search for identity to form a personality character. This period is also often referred to as the transitional period of a person from childhood to adulthood. Thus, often childishness is still inherent and maturity considerations have not been fully established.

You are right , be free and be happy my dear @lenatramper

Very good poste...👍

Posted using Partiko Android

oh, my sweet friend.. @lenatramper you always looking very gorgeous.i am always support your work and appreciating.because your every post very perfect and original..i respect your big thought..freedom is one of them main part for success in the future..every people wants freedom.i think that, you are freedom women.because always looks you enjoy your life very happily and travelling country to country alots of happiness.every pics very fantastic.because anytime capture every photo very properly..very well done..thanks to sharing for your great post of freedom.take care yourself and best of luck of your great work.may god bless you..i wish that,you always stayed live long wishes always.. dear my friend. @lenatramper

freedom is the most fun thing. because I find it hard to get freedom because I'm always in business


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Lovely looking your photography, i like your freedom.
and i always appreciate your all traveling.....
upvote and resteemit done.

Hi @lenatramper.. long time not to see you :)

Nice theme dear @lenatramper. This is very important for our lives
that every experience must be incorporated into life, to enrich life itself. Because there is no final word to learn as there is no final word for life. Our business in life is not to transcend others, but to transcend ourselves, to break our own record, and to go beyond today with today.
freedom is the concept of localization as a way to overcome statisme and reach the free world. We all want to live peacefully. We all want fair treatment. We all want to be prosperous. We all need freedom. We all need love.

Thanks for this Dear @lenatramper

Pemandangan yang sangat indah
Saya sangat menyukai...

An interesting story. Freedom is actually an act that shows a change in human behavior. Behavior that wants to be free from a custom bond and existing rules. this freedom will be able to harm yourself or others because it is free from the bond rules that have been made. The real freedom is an act of self-expression without having to fight the existing rules.

freedom can indeed make us happy but on the other hand we also have to make their own rules to limit freedom so as not to harm ourselves

This was a lesson for me!

Schöne schwarz weiß Bilder passt Mega gut

Freedom is very important for all of us. Every living thing like freedom. Without freedom life is end. You do nothing with your choice.
I lovr freedom

Ja, man wird älter, und die Ansichten ändern sich. Das ist glaub ich “normal“🤗

the article about your experience is right @lenatramper,
thank you fo sharing.

I think there are three freedoms, is physical freedom, mindfulness and greediness.

our goal is from a combination of three things above that is.
happiness in the world and the hereafter.

Bildschirmfoto 2018-07-10 um 21.01.10.png

beautiful neture and nice pic..

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

hopefully your wishes can be realized and the belief that you have already in front of your live, I as friend always support, what you run, hopefully your life goals will soon be achieved, because life will not be eternal @lenatramper, always happy for hearted friend,🙂

Freedom - my favorite topic - although you did not go deep into it.

In my recent post, I said that freedom is not free ...

As for friendship - most of what seems to be a friendship that you developed but not tested will fade away when separated for a while. I do not have many friends that endured long periods of separation; including childhood friends.

So, be ready to make new friends and hang on to old ones if you can.

All the best!

freedom is quite a debatable the way a gerat art of phhotography in your post ....i love it a lot

freedom is one of the only life that is very fun, we can go wherever and whenever.

hi also dear friend »Lena. Yes, true! I agree with your opinion, because everyone wants it all Freedom, because freedom is everyone's dream.

A very interesting writing you wrote today. I am almost 60 years old now. I can feel your words. To me what I wanted at 20 and then at 30 changed. I will have to say that at each 10 years I changed my mind about a lot of things. Everyday with new information that we didn't know then, but know now only by experience or discovery we can change our mind about things or maybe redefine those same words that we used when at 20. I enjoyed this writing of yours very much.

Hey David, thank you very much for your interesting answer. My question to you? How did your opinion change from 30 to 40 years old? Greeting Lena

Hi Lena, Yes, it did change. When I was about 29 years old I got married to a girl at my work. It was a couple months later that I turned 30. Well she left me about 2 years later. Before that I can feel there was something wrong, but I couldn't get her to talk to me. I suggested we go to a marriage counselor. She didn't want to go. I just wanted her to talk to me and tell me what is the matter. She told me that there are things that she will never tell me. So before I knew it I received divorce papers. I wouldn't sign them, but then I heard she was living with someone. That is when I signed the papers. After that I would just go out and drink at the dance bars. I don't do that any more, but did that a lot then. That wasn't my normal pattern. During our marriage together we had just bought a house and we needed both incomes to make the payments. When she left I had to get roommates or I would have lost the house for sure. I would say to myself, why didn't she leave before we bought this house. Same house I am in now. I went going on dates never got the right match. By the time of was 40 I had paid off a lot of debt so that I didn't have to have roommates. Anyway those 10 years it is hard to say. I even had women that proposed to me. I didn't want to marry them. I guess I could see in my head that it wouldn't work. I mean if dating them doesn't go that well then living with them can't be any better. Well, in my thoughts anyway. Now that was my life then. I was going though a lot of stuff.

If you decide to get married it is best to really look at your potential partner. As for me she was very good looking, but I should chosen someone that believes like I believe. She seemed to, but not quite there. I did have people tell me this is not the one. Well, I should have listened. I was so sure she was the one, but I didn't see or I refused to see the other things. After me she married 3 more times at least. I know this is getting long. You seem like a very nice person and I wouldn't want you to go through what I went through.

So I don't know if I even answered your question, but I hope I did.

Greetings, David.

making sure or determining the attitude to live in releasing freedom 10 years ago is actually not so easy, but it is a step that we must follow, hopefully in determining your future @lenatramper will be full of success

Good post @lenatramper

Beautiful picture @lenatramper

Nice post @lenatramper! :)