Deciding on financial independence! i made i's choice.

in freedom •  8 years ago 

It was back in 2004 or 2005 when the decision was made to change my focus from JOB's to look for financial independence. Skills i had. Determination i had. Confidence ehheaa , not so much. Despite the slight lack in confidence, the decision was made.

First things first. What am i going to do. Oh yeah baby, i dropped the jobs and went straight into the unknown. So, of course, i am not suggesting that anyone go this route. But this is what i felt i needed to do so that i would be forced to make something happen. In my head at the time, it was my feeling that if i could work for someone else for 40, 60, even 80 hours a week, that i certainly could for myself.

Listing the skills was my first task. i needed to know what to do before i could decide on what it was that i would do for compensation(income, at the time). The list was quite long, as i remember it. It included skill sets that most would take for granted, like: phone, calculator, talking to people, any type of software that i knew how to operate, machinery, processes, etc... It was long.

Second, i compiled a list of services business ideas that i could do for individuals and other businesses. From that list, i prioritized the ones that would yield more compensation than the others. However, which was as important to me, was what i really wanted to do for the compensation. For sure, i didn't have anything on the list that was "illegal". lol

Thirdly, after picking the ones that i felt were doable in the short term, i did the minimum preparation to get started. What i mean by that is, i didn't go out and create a business plan or make brochures, things like that. Getting started and making compensation was the most priority. i just got out there and started pitching my service and started getting customers.

The best part about this whole experience was that "i" did it. i got to keep all the compensation. All the glory went to i. Noone was in my way to stop i or someone to try and tell i no. Things like that.

If you have had made a decision like this in your life please share it.

link to the reason why i use the lower case "i".

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I like it when a man talks about freedom... makes me hot!