Basic Knowledge in Organizational Freedom

in freedom •  6 years ago  (edited)

Freedom means freedom to act according to the will of the heart. However, our freedom should not interfere with the freedom of others. We should use our freedom with a sense of responsibility. Using freedom responsibly is a manifestation of respect for the freedom of others to exercise their rights and obligations.

One example of our freedom is the free choice of organizations, both within the school and in the community. Freedom of association means the fundamental right of a person to choose or join an organization in accordance with his conscience. So no one has the right to forbid someone to organize.


Although everyone is entitled to choose to become a member or board of an organization, but must consider the following points:

• Know the purpose of the organization. This means that the organization to be entered is in accordance with the will and can help the development of learning or not. Do not let the organization harm us.

• Find out what activities an organization has done. This means the activities are helpful or not in the process of self-development.

• Finding out what positions fit within the organization to be entered.

• Perform tasks that the organization has been given responsibly.

An organization is an association of two or more people working together to achieve a common goal. A group of people just can not be called an organization, to be called a group organization the person must have a purpose. An organization has the same goals, and work together to achieve the desired goals together. Many things must be in the organization. All of that must be fulfilled so that the goal can be achieved. The elements are as follows.

Member (human)

Members in the organization are human. Organization is a tool or container to achieve something desired. For the purpose of the task given by the teacher can run well, then made a small organization within the scope of learning activities. In addition to the example above, of course you can see various organizations that have been made by certain groups to achieve a common goal. The organization is an association of several people, in which there are leaders and members.


The beginning of the organization was formed because there is a goal to be achieved. For this reason all organizations must have a purpose. For example, make group learning organization, the goal is to learn can be more effective and the results are better. If the organization has no purpose, what good is the organization made? Similarly, in the existing goal must be the same. If the purpose is different, then no organization needs to be created. An example of a group of people going to work is not an organization, because each has a different purpose.


The organization will exist if any tasks are performed. Basically with the existing organization hope that work can be done effectively. The work can be done well and in accordance with the desired. A teacher assigns the task to his students in groups, of course, this task is not done alone, but must be done in groups. In order for his work that can be in accordance with the expectations of his teacher, then formed the organization in completing joint tasks.


A group of people who have common goals but done individually can not be said to be an organization. To be said as a common purpose organization must be done together. That means there must be cooperation to achieve common goals. Cooperation should involve everyone in the group. Everyone in the group must work together, if one of them does not join the organization will become bogged down.


Structure means working relationship between parts. In the organization, there is a working relationship between sections. An example is a school organization, in which there is a clear task between each section. There is a chairman, vice chairman, secretary, treasurer, there are parts of cleanliness, security, beauty, kinship, and others. All perform their respective functions.

The place

Every organization always has the place where the organization is created. It may be where the organization is in the classroom. As an example of a small organization in performing the task of the teacher. There are organizations that are in offices, in government, even many organizations that place in the community. There are also political organizations. All organizations must have a place.

How to organize good

• Gather some people who have the same goals.
• Conduct a meeting to determine the organizational structure.
• Make clear assignments for each member.
• Adjust tasks with capabilities.
• Grow mutual trust between members.
• Avoid feeling the greatest feeling among friends.
• Create harmony in working for each member.
• Make good coordination to achieve common goals.

In the organizational structure there is usually a division of positions for each section. Positions in an organization usually consist of: Chairman, vice chairman, secretary, treasurer, and sections. The following is the job of each position in the organization:

• Chairman, duties of a chairman are as follows
o organizing the organization
o responsible for organizational sustainability
o leading every meeting
o making contact with outsiders
o create a work plan

• Vice chairman, the task of a deputy ketau is:
o assisting the chairman in organizing the organization
o replace the chairman's job, if the chair is absent

• Secretary
o create an organizational agenda
o make the necessary letters
o create archiving of letters
o assist the chairman in making a work plan

• Treasurer
o taking care of organizational financial problems
o create financial statements
o Help the chairman in making a work plan

• Sections, Field Sections can be established as needed, according to the activities and types of the organization itself.
o security section, take care of security issues.
o consumption section, take care of consumption issues (dish).
o hygiene section, take care of hygiene issues.
o the accommodation section, taking care of everything needed in an activity.
o documentation section, taking care of activity documentation.
o section decoration, take care of the arrangement of the place of activity.
o section of publications, taking care of the publication / dissemination of activities.

By following an organization, both at school and in society, we will be able to benefit. The benefits of following the organization are as follows:
• Increase insight and experience
• Knowing and developing talents
• Add friend
• Learn to express opinions
• Learn to respect others
• Learn to respect the opinions of others
• Easy to get along
• Self-training self-reliance
• Practicing self-discipline
• Dividing and filling in time with useful activities
• Self-confidence and not easy to complain


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