A Response and Entry to @FreedomTribe’s Freedom Challenge - Afraid to Loose My Freedom to...

in freedomtribe •  5 years ago  (edited)



@FreedomTribe has given us a really great Challenge Question to ponder on...

"What's the one thing you have lost - or would be afraid to lose - which would limit (or has already limited) your personal Freedom?"

Do you ever think about how mothers gave birth to their babies before doctors and massive technology came into play? Before the late 19th century most births took place right in the home. Some were attended by midwives who received their training through practical experience. There was no pain medication, drugs to speed up labor, nothing to put mothers to sleep...it was all done with mental strength, physical endurance and the natural process of labor.

Some where along the way things got shifted and we started to rely on doctors and the interventions they offered more than our own strengths. Giving birth to a child became a medical event instead of an intimate inherent experience. By the early 20th century it was standard practice to give laboring mothers a combination of morphine and scopolamine. These drugs relieved pain but erased the memory of the birth. They also caused complications in childbirth for mother and baby.

I always say,

I’d rather be strong and endure the potent sensations of labor now rather than suffer the consequences later.

It may feel as if we are doing our bodies a favor when taking meds in that moment but there is no escaping the sensations. We all feel them sooner or later. Some women never fully recover from certain medical interventions that are given during the course of labor.

So what’s the one thing I am afraid to lose that would limit my personal freedom?...

My choice in the way I decide to give birth to my children.




When we give birth without meds our bodies are allowed to move through the labor process as it was intended. We are connected with the motions of our babies and together we work to bring them down safely through the birth canal. When this process is interrupted we can’t feel what our bodies are telling us to do. We don’t know when to push or relax or when to change positions because our bodies are numbed to the signals. We then have to rely on someone else to tell us these things.

Giving birth is a miraculous privilege and I want to be alert and in tune with every moment of it. I remember distinctly the sensations I felt delivering each of my five children (it helps that I wrote them down). I can tell each of them how easy or difficult their births were and the emotions I felt before, during and after delivery.

When your mind is free to think, and your body is clear to feel, there’s this oneness that occurs where everything in connection works together. My midwives have never had to tell me when to push, I tell them when it’s time for me to push. If my body wasn’t clear of interference I wouldn’t be able to feel those urges.

Being able to labor as you please is a beautiful freedom. My labors went smoothly because I was free to move around and work with birthing tools as I needed. I was able to choose positions that worked with gravity (being upright) instead of against it (laying on back which is how most deliveries are accomplished). When you work against gravity you put yourself and your body through unnecessary strain and pressure and end up working way harder than needed.

So knowing these things from experience I wouldn’t do well if this freedom was taken away from me. I wouldn’t be okay with someone else making decisions for me. If I was unable to connect with my baby it would be devastating for me. I love the whole experience, even the tough moments. Giving birth shows me just how much strength I really have and what my body and mind are capable of. These are moments I get to have personally with my babies and the last ones that are all to myself.




Let Me Be

An Original Poem by @crosheille

Let me be free to move along the path that’s aligned with my body. No need for straps and chains unnecessary strains. My undivided focus is needed by my unborn child for our connection and communication. Don’t give me interventions that interfere with my intentions.

Restrictions limit my capabilities to do what God created this body to do. Allow my strength to shine, don’t take away what’s rightfully mine. My inner loins are capable of bringing this life amidst. I’m empowered to achieve this moment in confidence.

I value this freedom to soar to my highest potential and accomplish something miraculously incredible. Feeling every sensation bypassing dictation I’m able to be free just my baby and me. Seeing with my eyes, hearing with my ears and feeling every part of this descending. Remembering the toil, sweat and all the tears it took me to bore my children naturally over the last nine years.

Losing this freedom would devastate me taking away a big part of who I am. Who am I, a woman with girded loins ready to take on any challenge I may face. Let me be, oh let me be, give me my space and watch me travail. As I mission my purpose I always prevail!

Thank You for Reading my Freedom Challenge Entry!

Thank you @freedomtribe for such an awesome opportunity and challenge that exerted my thinking and creativity ~


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WOW this is such a great entry to that contest and question, although i am a mere male and of course have not experienced childbirth having four daughters and being there for each of their births I can relate to a small degree,

Thanks for this great post and being an active member of @steemusa !tip

Thank you! Fathers can definitely relate. My husband was there for each of the births and he said he will never forget what he witnessed.

Thanks so much for the support and tip!

Ohh yes those are memories I will also never forget, a feeling of Awe a feeling of amazement and feelings of helplessness all at once

I heard that!!! 😉⭐️

Wow, what an amazing post @crosheille. So proud of you and your strength as a woman. Thank you for sharing this, I wish I had had access to this type of information when I had children, really beautiful.

Thank you so much @birdsinparadise! That means a lot! I have been so determined to be strong for my babies no matter what. I’ve been blessed to be able to have low maintenance pregnancies which play a role in how I birth. I hope new and young mothers find this info helpful and empowering. I wish you would of had access to it too. ♥️

Amazing response @crosheille and such a deeply important topic. I didn't feel I had any choices when I was giving birth to my son. Midwives/doulas were not allowed, home births not allowed either. I went into labor with so much fear and stress and it was not a nice expereince at all. I am so glad that this has started to change again in our area.

Thank you so much @walkerland! It saddens me when hearing women don’t have a lot of choices. I realize I was fortunate to be in an area where these things were allowed and available. Soooo many women fear birth, they view it as an event to hurry and get over with or the most dreadful moment of their lives. We have been misguided and directed to feel this way when it should be the opposite. That’s why this type of awareness and education are so important to share.

But overall I’m glad you got your son out and you are okay. I always tell mothers don’t beat yourself up, you accomplished a beautiful thing by getting your baby here rather it was with or without interventions. I just try to encourage women to first shoot for this way and then if complications happen and changes have to occur, getting the baby out safely and keeping mama safe are the most important things.

Thank you for sharing your experience ~ 💗

Thanks, It is a vitally important topic. I am so glad that having a doula and home births are "in fashion" again. I've read that some hospitals prefer it because of all the superbugs and other things they'd rather not have babies in the hospital unless necessary. Crazy world right?

I was pretty young when I had my son but I did it medication free (there is some choice). Regardless of the environment and some of the mishaps, it was still a beautiful and profound experience and I've got a healthy 22-year-old son that I adore. xx

I am glad they are in fashion too! I so agree with that! If I could of had my babies in home I would have chose that over the hospital.

That’s awesome you gave birth meds free! The fact that you view it as a beautiful and profound experience is all that matters


I was hands on with my daughters birth. We definitely reached out for a midwife. SHe's been a healthy, energetic little light since the day she came out.

That’s so great! Midwives are amazing! 😊

Wow!! What an amazing post!
I have been told that because of my multiple fibroid surgeries over the years, I will have to have a C-section when it is time. Totally making me think about opening up the conversation with my OBGYN again. 💜
Blessings in the contest!!

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Thank you lovely! Don’t settle for what you are told your limits are. Make sure you get second and third opinions. If it is not something that could harm you and your baby I encourage you to go forward in trying to birth the way you desire. When it comes that time for you to give birth your body may be capable of doing what it needs to do without going surgical. I hope your OBGYN is supportive of non-interventional births.

Thanks for the blessings ~ 💗

When your mind is free to think, and your body is clear to feel, there’s this oneness that occurs where everything in connection works together.

That is just sublime. Love it. I couldn't help but think of HandMaids Tale and the very worst extreme of that. Horrifying. Lost connections with our bodies is one of the worst things about the modern age, all around, childbirth or no.

A great response and WOW.. that picture of you is so beautiful..

Posted using Partiko Android

I couldn’t agree more!! Lost connections is just bad all around in any situation. We’ve got to get back to that!

Thank you so much for your supportive response! Lol, I picked that picture because the woman reminded me of myself...it belongs to Pixabay though! 😄 I would love to take a picture like that with the sun shining in the background.

Oh I didn't look closely enough... she does look like you!!!!!

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😄 yep!!

yes such a wonderful, powerful entry, freedom to birth, that was my first choice too but in the end I spoke about the freedom to think for myself, which really ties in with this. Being allowed to make our own choices, being allowed to let our bodies do, what they know how to. That poem is so amazing, so beautiful what a warrior mama you are, thank you for this xxx

Thank you beautiful! I’ll be reading your entry soon! I love what you chose to write about. It really all does tie in together!

I’m so glad you liked the poem! One warrior mama to another ~ ♥️🌺

🎁 Hi @crosheille! You have received 0.1 SBD tip from @tattoodjay!

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What a beautiful perspective @crosheille I absolutely love your passion for birthing your babies the way it's supposed to be done: as a privilege & honor, not the fear it's become by a culture afraid of being real & respecting woman's natural power. How fortunate your kids are. And your poetry is beautiful. I hope you WIN!!! ♥♥♥

Oh wow! Thank you so much for such a lovely and supportive response! It’s so sad the way something so beautiful has become something so feared. I want to help mothers take their births back, it belongs to us!

Thank you again ~ 😊♥️

Keep those needles away from those beautiful bellies and babies. Good post. HealthImpactNews

Posted using Partiko Android

Absolutely! Keep them away!

Thank you! I appreciate you reading and supporting. Thanks for the link as well ~

I have never thought of this in the way you describe it. My wife and I do not have children so this part of my life is unexperienced. I can understand why you would want to be “in-tune” with your body and be able to relate with your child. That is s very loving and beautiful ability. The way I guess to choose to look as this is that humankind has been giving birth without medicine and drugs for a lot longer than it has with them. And while many think those drugs help, I can see how they could alter the experience negatively. I believe life is all about experience and I too, wish to experience the “realness” of life - both positive and negative. Thanks for sharing such a great post.

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Thank you for your response. You have some really great points. I know quite a few women that still suffer from the negative effects of interventions. My sister in law had her daughter five years ago and every time it thunderstorms she feels a tingling sensation in her spine. She’s never had this before...until after the epidural.

There are preventative steps we as women can take that will help us keep our bodies intact and safely prepare for labor. I won’t go into details here but if you and your wife decide to have children and go for a non-Intervention birth I’d be glad to share some things with her that could aide her in that :)

I am the same way, I want to experience the “realness” of life. Thanks so much for reading.

A child birth memory is one of the most wonderful memory a Mother carries all through out her life. The Pain that a mother goes through while giving birth is what builds that connection between the baby and the mother, as if the baby is also silently going through the pain along with the mother. Loved the way you shared your thoughts and your beautiful poem. True if this freedom is taken away from the mother, it would be the most heinous act.

Yes it is! They are of my fondest memories and will be forever. Love this,

The Pain that a mother goes through while giving birth is what builds that connection between the baby and the mother

So very true! We are able to feel all sorts of connections with our babies even before they are born.

Thank you! I appreciate you reading and responding! 🌺

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You can see your post's place along the track here: The Daily Whistle Stops, Issue 470

Thank you!

hola, que lindo post, dedicado a uno de los momentos más hermosos de una mujer.


Amazing post! I am always in awe when I meet (even virtually) women who decided to have more than three kids and selected to give birth naturally!

Thank you so much ~