The Specter, Free Energy

in freeenergy •  8 years ago 

This is not specifically about Max Loughan all though he does deserve it. This article is about the negative effects that separate us from a "free" future. The industries that prevent any acceptance of "Free" services. And, the harsh reality that must be faced to free ourselves from current energy policy.

Energy today is not free. It costs money. Lots of money. It is a $331 Billion dollar industry in the U.S. It employs more than 9 million people. Although the transition to "Clean" energy is underway, the vast majority of employment opportunity is found within the fossil fuel sub-strata of the Energy Sector; which brings me to my point.

To have truly free energy, energy like Max shows how simple it is to collect; this would mean the absolute death of several million jobs. This is the problem and obstacle that separates us from the "Free" future fantasy we, as Americans, grew up believing is just around the corner. In my opinion this "Free" future is just around the 'coroner.'

That's right, in order to plant the future into this Now we must first kill the competition, cut off its many and various limbs, grind it to a halt, and finally compost its naturally decaying body into a fertile bed of opportunity. It is within the foul stinking and rotten host that the "Free Future" will grow, and fast.

Change comes quickly and violently, in some contexts, bringing about new opportunity in the wake of presumably disastrous demise. In order for freedom to ring it must first be freed from the clutches of those who exert their power over the rest by monetizing and metering access to obtain it.

My energy bill goes up and down but on average it is about $100/mo. If I made one of Max's Electromagnetic Harvesters and employed it as a cost savings device, those who enjoy their stature from capitalizing on current and previous methods to produce energy, will feel the pinch in their pocket books. Which, undoubtedly, will find its way into a Congressional sub-committee resulting in strict and heavy enforcement over the use of such devices. Man cannot free himself unless the masters allow it.

It's not a matter of technology, as evidenced by Max's offering, freedom can be purchased as cheap as $14. This is VERY affordable and no doubt an easy investment for anyone's financial status(if necessary). This is where it becomes a threat to established 'power'-companies.

The specter of the current Energy-sector looms in understated and recycled fashion. Although Max is a genius, his creation is accessible for many. Most likely you already have everything you need in your home to make an Electromagnetic Harvester. You may not see the parts currently, but with an educated adjustment, you may find easily repurposed parts, every where.

At the cost of millions of good paying, honest labor jobs, we see how costly the seed of a Free Future becomes. It is unfortunate that untethered future is always pitted against the reliable constructive elements that undergird the present. Yet in order to move into the newly freed space Free-Energy provides we must reapportion the elements and composition of the present.

Jobs are important and without a job, presumably, you cannot provide for yourself, and perhaps a family. This is what is holding us back from stepping into the Future in present tense. Understandably, placing our families into a precarious and uncertain circumstance goes against everything that makes sense. Why fix what is not broken? Assuming our energy-sector is operating in resonance with nature. But, it is not.

These honest paying labor jobs within the energy sector are the obstacle to our knowable and accessible Future. We, collectively, do not wish ill-harm on honest people(Current leadership is not considered within the collective) How then will we justify extinction of such a vast number of honest, hard-working, people? Removing their livelihood is tantamount to removing their lives. I do not want this.

The way forward is tenuous at best. Many adulate and adore the idea of "Freedom" but shy away from the necessary decisions that postpone its implementation. People are going to suffer, at least financially, during the phase of change from old technology to new. The jobs that supported the old technology will no longer be secured by necessity. The fruit of a large segment of our labor-sector will find themselves needing social graces, social programs, and reeducation. Who is going to pay for it? No one 'wants' to pay for it.

The Future is already here, but in large part still unknown, unknowable. The old-paradigm tightens its grasp on this Now by purveying its specter of loss in human terms. The scale at which people will suffer is great and spread throughout this country, and world. To switch would be disastrous to everyone. Until, the fruit of the future ripens in hand and at a scale untenable by current technology. The suffering one feels is at ones' own hand.

Step into the Future, it is now. Feel it. Know it. Breathe it in. We made it. Act accordingly.

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