How to Become a Successful Freelance Writer if You are a Student

in freelance •  3 years ago  (edited)

Going through college can be expensive, especially when you are self-supported. You have to worry about tuition fees, books, rent, feeding, and more. The result, having to work while studying to keep up with your growing bills. The ideal situation would be to get a job that lets you shuffle your time between academics and work without burning out. So, it's of little wonder why freelancing online is the go-to option for many students.

Freelance writing is one of the top ways for college students to make money online. Few jobs match its offer of convenience and flexibility. If you are a student looking to become a successful freelance writer, here are some tips to help you achieve this goal.


Plan Your Schedule

Being a freelance writer does come with the perk of having flexible work hours, but procrastinating or slacking can negate this benefit. You'll need to plan your schedule and stay committed to it. You can use a calendar app to prepare your work, study, and private hours. Many writers take the application route, as this software sends real-time notifications and reminders about their upcoming tasks.

Start your work early and always have some spare time on your schedule to account for emergencies. Consider optimizing your work and study hours to fit into periods of the day you're most productive.

Create Time to Improve Your Skills

One of the perks of freelancing for students is that it allows them to grow and develop their writing skills. So, it would help if you made out time to learn new things. Growth is critical to achieving and maintaining success; without it, you risk the possibility of falling behind the competition.

Create a Portfolio

Having a great portfolio is an excellent opportunity to boost your status as a top writer. Here, you provide an overview of your outstanding work to clients, convincing them of your high quality. For many students looking to put their best foot forward, hiring PowerPoint presentation writing services to prepare portfolio slides is often the go-to option. This way, they save time and have professionals create a piece that converts and captures the client's attention.

Push Your Portfolio with Internships

Multiple writing agencies offer students the chance to take on internship roles remotely. You might not get the full price for your time, but it provides you with an opportunity to learn on the job and grow your portfolio. In such employment, you get to take on new topics while grooming your skills as a writer. If you're a newbie, it's helpful to start things off with Internship writing jobs.

Clients are Golden

Be professional and always communicate with your clients. It's best to have an excellent response time; you can set up automated emails to respond during periods that you are away. Remember to keep up with deadlines and be polite to your clients, as such behavior helps retain their engagement.

Create a Blog

As a freelance writer, it's helpful to have a blog showcasing your work. You can refer new clients to your website so they get an idea of how much quality you bring to the table. A blog isn't just a reference tool; you can also make extra cash through your generated traffic.

Bloggers who get high traffic earn thousands of dollars from their posts. The key to boosting your blog includes posting the right text content, having great SEO, being consistent, and more.

Use Helpful Software

Achieving success as a student writer means consistently delivering high-quality results. Multiple applications can help you maintain this level, helping you avoid burning out, improving your efficiency, guard against mistakes, and more. You can employ grammar checkers to review your work for misspellings and errors, automation apps to handle various tasks, blog tools to help you manage your posts, and more.


It's helpful to de-stress yourself and keep a sound mind as a writer. If you feel you need a break, it's best to take a day off from work to recover. Remember, your mental health comes first, and overwhelming yourself would reflect poorly on your academics and write-ups. It would help if you got enough sleep, avoid late nights, and eat healthily.


Final Thoughts

Students can make extra money online working as freelance writers. It's a great avenue to grow as an individual and academically, given that you get to explore new topics and knowledge on the job. As a student, you can achieve success in this field by emulating the following practices.

  1. Staying professional
  2. Improving your writing skills
  3. Taking on Internship placements
  4. Creating a blog
  5. Employing helpful software
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