Freemasonry and Knights Templars

in freemasons •  5 months ago 


David: The N.S of Germany, one of the things they did was to go after all of the Freemasonic lodges that were there in Germany. There was only 1 or 2 they left untouched. And so if the N.S went after them, it was because of the jewish infiltration and they were also trying to use those to fight N.S. If you really think this vision of what you see in Braveheart is reality, then you're wrong. The only conclusion you can make about the Scottish independence against the English, it was the Templars. At that time, the Templars were also able to continue the spirituality that had been created in all of the mystery schools that came out of Egypt and out of what is called the Brotherhood of the Snake. And this was passed on in what is known as Freemasonry. Now Freemasonry was infiltrated around the time of the American Revolution. But our founding fathers were Freemasons and they are the spiritual descendants of the Knights Templar.


Mike Sledge: And that's the reason why most of the jewish infiltration and control of this truth movement, whether it be Alex Jones or any other show that demonize Freemasonry, they won't mention jew at all, but they'll demonize Freemasonry all day long and here's why. Because Freemasonry was the original kept secrets of the spiritual science and the physical science combined. And (((they))) hate that. And they infiltrated it and took it over and subvert it just like any other organization. Just like our country. We see most of the truth movement which really is a jew movement, by the way, to discredit all of our ancestry and our original beginnings and our original fraternities, to make all of those look stupid, so they can bring in their program they kept in place for 2000 years.

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