Freya is not Frigg 2

in freya •  11 months ago 

Profile photo for David Morris
David Morris
· Feb 23
I thought nothing was set in stone about Norse mythology, and that there's plenty of evidence that allows one to conclude that Freya and Frigg are the same Goddess just as there's evidence that they're not. It's not like Freya and her brother Freyr or anything.

Either way, in the Marvel comic version Freya is Thors stepmom. In the God of War version, Frigg is an aesir alias Odin made up so any accomplishments his Vanir wife made would be attributed to the aesir. Nothing wrong with that. Apparently they share a common root deity before being split in two according to scholars, so blame the source material for being ambivalent about that.


Profile photo for Demon Saiyan Crusher Corpz
Demon Saiyan Crusher Corpz
· Feb 23
Nothing set in stone? No it’s as simple as, some people are wrong and some people are right. “Norse Mythology for Smart People” is wrong. Various other sources prove they are wrong.

“In the God of War version, Frigg is an aesir alias Odin made up so any accomplishments his Vanir wife made would be attributed to the aesir. Nothing wrong with that”

Nothing wrong with that!? Yes there is! It’s WRONG! They make Freya into a CONCUBINE! That’s NOWHERE near true. If they do something wrong they should be called out on it! They should be ridiculed. It’s unacceptable.

Holy c r a p where do I even start with this? I just told you that stupid game has their lore wrong. So what you just told me the game said about Freya and Frigga…guess what? It’s WRONG!

“Apparently they share a common root deity” No. Wrong. That’s a false assumption by the people that get everything about both Goddesses wrong. I’ve done a whole huge post on this myself. They’re all wrong.

In the God of War Ragnarok game, they have made that up about Frigga and Odin obviously. You’re quoting the details from the game I’m criticizing. Proving nothing. What that game says is irrelevant.

That game is full of garbage. And so is marvel. They haven’t got the slightest clue what they’re talking about.

Frigga is a Goddess of different elements to Freya entirely. More focused on Maternal, familial bonds. As well as being a powerful Goddess, but second to Freya in magical power. But being higher on the hierarchy of nobility, as being Odins wife. Freya is said to be thought as “ALMOST as noble” as Frigga. How can Freya be ALMOST as noble as Frigga, if Freya and Frigga are the same Goddess? They can’t. I can end the post right there. I’m right. They’re wrong.

Frigga has a different father to Freya. His name is Fjorgynn.

Freyas father is named Njörd.

Freyas husband is Odr and is an entirely different entity with an entirely different role to Odin. Freya is not Odins….CONCUBINE. What an insult to the true story. Are you really referencing that GAME to try and prove something? What a laugh! Freya is insulted by this game. Her great name is denigrated by this game.

Freyas only relationship to Odin, Woden his real name, is that of the relegation of the souls of courageous people to go to either Freyas hall or Odins hall. They have two separate halls. Freya doesn’t like…LIVE in Valhalla. She has her field, her Heavenly field Folkvangr, which is basically “Heaven” in this case for everyone else that doesn’t go to Sessrumnir or Valhalla, where LOYAL lovers, that never take another after their loved one has died, are reunited with their departed lover, as well as their friends and family, to live on in Folkvangr. If your wife dies, and you so much as kiss another woman, you will never be with her, again. You moved on. Freya disapproves. And she’ll probably get another lover in Folkvangr. I don’t know. All I know is there’s Valkyries here.

But there’s GAAAAY, GAAAAAY, mostly male in appearance archangels that are androgynous or sexless actually. GAAAAY Archangels ‘Dark angels, Archons’ in yahwehs heaven. And in yahwehs heaven, you will NOT be with your wife again for you will be “like the ANGELS” as jesus said.

What would you prefer??? A stupid question, to be sure. Choose wisely. Ha ha ha ha ha ha.

And her hall is called Sessrumnir, and she gets the first pick of 50% of the courageous souls. Not necessarily all being “warriors that died in battle” that is a myth. Courage takes many forms. Freya has nothing to do with Odins hall and lives in her own place.

Frigga was Odins wife. And it was a trade at the end of the war.

It was not “taking prisoners” it was a peace treaty. Not a “condition of surrender” no one won that war.

Don’t look at God of War Ragnarok, to determine any facts about that mythology and use that as “evidence” They have everything wrong. Freya is not Odins concubine.

Freya and Odin, are GREAT FRIENDS, in the real mythology. Freya happily, willingly, teaches Odin Seidr magic. Freya, MADE, the Runes, that Odin learned the secrets of, in the first place, before our Cosmos was even created. As far as I can recall, Odin only took part creating our Cosmos, AFTER he died and came back to life. And people wanna talk about yahweh and jesus? This is older than the Norse tell us it is. Odin had Groves before christianity came into being. The ones Tacitus ordered to be destroyed! And it’s even older than that. You can find Runes in the Doggerbank Area that date back over 7000 years, since that’s when that piece of landmass sank, called Atland. And the Runes aren’t 7000 years old. That’s just when it sank. Those Runes, talk about Atlantis. And so that goes back over 11 000 years. And there are 33 Runes. Not 24. The Norse don’t know the full story. The Norse, inherited their mythology from over 7000 years ago at the very least. And that’s a whole other story.

FREYA, manipulated the Triple Goddess, the Wyrd, the Norns, to change Odins fate, to make it so he would WANT to spear himself to the Wolf Tree/Yggdrasil Tree, to learn the Secret of the Runes. She HELPED him.

“It was the Goddess Freya who discovered how Runes could be created. She used her knowledge and wisdom to influence the fate of Odin, who sacrificed himself for nine days on the Tree of Life and then donated one of his eyes to this Oracle’s generation.”

Go to my Quora post to read the rest.

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