in friday13 •  3 months ago  (edited)

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FRIDAY 13 × 1307 CE ?¿

On Friday, October 13, 1307, King Philip IV of France ordered arrest of hundreds of Knights Templar ensuing witchhunt persecution, torture, and executions by fire. Being severely indebted to the Templar Knights, king Philip IV in cahoots with the king of England Edward I, who has mysteriously died same year from what could have been poisoning, have decided instead of paying the knights what was owed they would declare Templars apostate heretics and arrest them.

Well, the Templar Knights are the first multinational corporation and bank with their branches all over the world. They have lost a battle but not the war. Forced to go underground forming a secret society the Templars have declared a war on the European crowns which very soon after begun to fall.

The Templars were rebranded as Illuminati by Adam Weishaupt in 1776 and were behind the Magna Carta, execution of Charles I, French Revolution, American revolution, Russian revolution, WWI, II, III which is already going, and the rest of the globalist neocon agenda because they are still bitter what was done to their members on 13 Friday 1307 CE. The world must die now! Kill and fuck 'em all motherfuckers, basically has been their policy of modus operandi ever since. Bad tempered Templars. However how can anyone blame them for their crimes if they have suffered so much from betrayal. The whole thing is really sad.

Thirteen such a wonderful number, Christ with 12 disciples, sun with 12 zodiac, etc. So, let's not get it spoiled over it. Same applies to swastikas and crosses whatnot symbols.


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