have a friend who is so fond of singing? Shout like a professional singer with a voice that could be considered mediocre or even ancur? Even this temen agan ampe intent really follow-up talent search event so sing, and feel he really deserve to escape and eventually become famous?
Do not always say kepedean or do not know yourself gan emoticons-Big Grin because it is no explanation. It is also what makes us sometimes feel good if singing, feel good karaokean kalo, but when our voice is recorded we may think,
#1 The sound itself we hear is different from the original sound we heard other people
We know and know, when we speak, the sounds we hear are usually different from those heard by others. If you are curious, how the heck other people hear our voice, just try to record our voice. Yess! That's how it sounds to us in the ears of others. And most people do not like to hear his own voice. Do not always listen to the sound of singing deh, the sounds just do not usually like the point is there is a long process that causes this. So if all this time we are confident with our sound timbre, belom of course that is actually like that.
#2 Because we do not just catch sound waves wrote
Human hearing system located in the inner ear requires a variety of ways let ordinary sound waves reach it. So, all the things we've heard so far are sound waves transmitted through the air.
In the process of hearing, a sound wave will reach the outside of the ear and pass through the eardrum, the middle ear to the cochlea. The cochlea itself is a fluid-filled spiral organ that has the ability to convert sound waves into sounds for our brains. However, the process is not the only way for the sound to reach the cochlea. Bones and tissue that is in our heads also have the ability to transmit sound waves to the cochlea.
Well, as we speak, our vocal cords produce sounds that can be transmitted over the air, so what others hear about our voices is the original waves that are transmitted over the air. Simpelnya, our opponent is nangkep timbre or the color of our voice is directly by the sense of hearing.
But, the bones and tissue that is in our head, can directly drain the wave to the cochlea. So our voice that we hear when speaking is the result of the transmission of sound inside our own heads. It must be different from what others hear.
Also the sound of our voice recording, automatically it is a voice that is transmitted through the air. So part of the sound waves we hear because of the transmission from inside our head earlier, no longer heard.
The thing that makes our voice sound different is because the bones and tissues that are in the head usually add vibrations from the low frequency of our sound waves. As a result, our voice usually sounds deeper and denser than others can hear. That's also why on record, our sound usually sounds higher but weaker.
In other words, when we speak, there is a vibrant vocal cord that travels through our own bones. This makes our ears hear a sound or vibration sound much more melodious than the real.
So, the melodious voice we've been listening to does not mean that the sound is actually heard by others! Could be, our voice actually more fals and so forth. Still want to confess his voice melodious? Try first to record the emoticons-Big Grin
And if you have a friend who kepedean singing when his voice just barely, try diem-diem record, and record the recording