Sour Grapes...

in fruit •  7 years ago 

Have you heard my latest post on Steemit Openmic?Of Course Not! Mostly no one has.Well I'm not here for the sympathy.Just the amount I have made so far in a song I wrote over 25 years ago.
I didn't get 10 cents a year so far! Venting a bit.Open mic seems to be a friends and family thing. I know my songs are good so f em all.
If they read this post I will be shocked since they don't listen to the songs. I use sub par equipment and still manage to get a decent sound. Do you like my Sour Grapes? Truthfully I don't know what happened.I started slow then made over 100 two-3 weeks,then 70(for a song about America) then right down the toilet after that.Maybe I have not posted back enuff .Maybe it's my own fault. I forget shit.ADHD for adults.If they knew me better,they might leave out the adult part.But what's a Doctor to do in 6 minutes,which I believe is what you get with an HMO plan. I am on disability for severe depression. (I think) I'm not really sure.I have to say,not getting up votes for my music doesn't make me feel any better.Angrier maybe. But better,NAAAAAA I don't care.I have huge swings. As I say in one of my songs..."I'll swing for you if you'll swing with me" I don't think I've played that one yet. Well it's 1 AM Friday morning in the Philippines.Until we meet again...

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I don't know how to respond to this post. I listen to and upvote each one of your Open Mic posts.

The first few weeks you entered you were also picked up by @curie which helped boost your posts. They will not pick you up every week though once you reach a certain level because they focus on new authors.

Your music is good and you shouldn't base your value on the number of upvotes you get. Also, I'm looking at your tags for this post and the only two tags I see that will get you views is openmic and music. There is no one looking in the fruit sickness or oldies tag at all so using those tags is like posting to yourself.

You are not the only person to post on OpenMic and do really well at first and then drop off after a while. This has happened to everyone including OpenMic itself. There are countless weeks that I give more Steem away than I get back from people upvoting and I'm OK with that because I'm building community more than anything else.

Sometimes I get a fraction back from OpenMic that I give away. Steemit is a bit of a lottery. Try to remember that and our focus is building community more than anything. This is supposed to be fun.

what ever do you mean.This is a general post.I dont know much about tags.It is not for open mic but for the fact that no one listens to my music on openmic. It is sarcasm at best. You always at least put your Mark,but not always a comment.I am in dismay at how little attention I get.I am stuck in a foreign land(for me PHil) and enjoy playing,and am Grateful for the program you have started. I have given many kudos to, and for you,have voted for you as a witness,and for steemfest etc.I have nothing but admiration towards you and pfunk and at least one judge besides you,so Please,make that pretty please(with sugar on top) don't take it personally. I am just seeing if I might pick up some votes as a crazed writer of sorts.I didn't expect you to show up.I apologize to you on a personal note. I don't understand why some of week 56 end up behind 55 no matter when they are put on openmic. I am sure that is an I T issue ,not yours. So try to understand my frustration,as I see the same group seemingly every week.I dont care if I win...I just want to make some extra money.I am semi-retired and going nuts over here!Again,let's begin anew,and I hope there will be NO hard feelings on your end,as I think you have a hard job,and you do it well. I may not agree with all the judges picks,and that some overdub,and some have more than one account,but I will just say from the part of me that is non political,and just musical...THANKS!

I will try to tone it down. You and pfunk are doing a top notch job.

I will try to tone it down. You and pfunk are doing a top notch job.