Want to keep kidney healthy? Then stay away from this fruit.....If you know the benefits of eating raw gram in the morning you will eat every day?

in fruite •  6 years ago 

Suffering kidney problems? So today it will be a special result to leave. Not only the patients suffering from kidney problems, but also to keep the kidneys overall good, a study saying that the fruit is 'banned'.

This fruit yields well in many countries including India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. Especially, the use of this fruit is seen throughout Southeast Asia. There is nowhere to eat this fruit even if it is boiled in some raw, somewhere or cottage form, and boiled it somewhere. Researchers at São Paulo University of Brazil have recently announced that the popular Kamrunga is very dangerous for kidney patients this time.

However, Sao Paulo is not alone, many researchers in China and US Mulu also said the same thing. Kidney expert Abhijit Tarafdar also tells them to respect their views. According to him, "There is no disagreement about this ban only for kidney patients. Not only those who do not have kidney disease, it is also good to eat these fruits as low as possible for them. "
If you know the benefits of eating raw gram in the morning you will eat every day.....?

We all know about the quality of raw chili. There are several types of Vitamin, Mineral salt, Magnesium and Phosphorus in Cholay. High protein protein rich foods The raw, boiled or curry may also be cooked. The raw molasses, exfoliate, plays with raw adhesive, and the body is formed together with amyas and antibiotics. If you know the benefits of eating raw gram in the morning you will eat every day. Know about some health benefits -

Beneficial in diabetes: 100 grams of cholaya contains 17 grams of protein or protein, 64 grams of carbohydrate and 5 grams of fat or oil. Glycemic index of low-fat carbohydrate or carbohydrate is low. So the sugar is good for diabetic patients. Each 100 grams of calcium contains about 200 milligrams of iron, 10 mg of iron, and 190 mg of vitamins A. There are also vitamins B-1, B-2, phosphorus and magnesium. All of these come in the way of the body.

Physical power enhancement: Its role in increasing physical strength is very important. Dry gram grams working for the old cough or caffeine in the airway. Piglets and boots are very beneficial for the body. There is a large amount of dietary fiber or fiber, which can be used in this pseudo-shell. Thin fiber in the diary fiber diet, which removes constipation. So it is not just Ramadan month, it is 12 months for your partner.

Blood pressure control: A study published in the Journal of American Medical Association showed that the reduction of hypertension in younger women who eat more folic acid content. Since there is a good amount of folic acid in the spleen, it is easy to control the blood pressure while playing the gram. Besides, cholera helps in maintaining the heart health of girls later on.

Removes the pain of the spinal cord: Vitamin 'B' also has adequate amounts. Vitamin 'B' decreases spinal cord, nerve weakness.

Cancer prevention: In their studies, Korean researchers have shown that women can be free from the risk of colon cancer and rectal cancer by taking with more folic acid foods. Folic acid reduces blood allergy and also reduces the incidence of asthma. And eat it regularly and stay healthy.

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