FRUITS AND VEGGIES MONDAY | Vietnamese Vegetable dish

in fruitsandveggiesmonday •  6 years ago 

In this country, I have learned so many new things; not only about the culture, people, values and beliefs. But mainly, the large variety of food available to the locals.

Just last week, one of my colleagues brought me to a local chinese restaurant in District 5. This restaurant is patronized mainly by the locals and not many foreigners know of this little secret restaurant.

Though I do not understand why since they have english translation on the menu, as such it is not that difficult to order the dishes of your choice. Of course, I was staring at the other tables, observing what others were eating.

My colleague on the other hand have been here before and had great knowledge of what to order. One of the interesting dishes served to us was stir fried vegetables with garlic.


I have never seen this type of vegetable before in my entire life and since I was too absorb in looking at other tables, I wasn't paying attention to what was ordered.

This vegetable dish was indeed crunchy when you put into your mouth. It even had a bit of a sweet bitter taste which was nice.

I'll be sure to find out what is this vegetable called so that I may order it the next time I'm there.

I'll definitely share more in my next post. Hope you enjoy my photo taken from my Huawei

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I think this is called the "夜香花", literally translated night scent flower. Called the chinese violet or something like that.

Posted using Partiko Android

Ooo... Thank you so much.
I've never seen it before but now thanks to you, I know what's it called :)

Thank you for this wonderful article.

I've also shared your post in the Steem Malaysia Community Page on Facebook, hoping to give you the extra exposure because of its good content.

I hope by doing this, more content creators/bloggers/vloggers will get to know this wonderful platform we both thrive in. :)

Keep creating awesome content!

Thank you so much @zord189..
I will have more to share

It's great being able to try new foods! Also good to have someone who can help you navigate the choices!

Yes.. I'm like on a crusade of trying new food on this country every week :)

Whatever it is, it looks delicious! We'd love to have you officially enter #fruitsandveggiesmonday, but just need an additional few pictures for a valid entry! Thanks for using the tag to share some yummy food, though! :)

Yeap ! I saw the announcement and will take note of the new additions..
Next post you can be sure that I will follow the rules :)

Awesome! Can't wait to see it!