Wherein I Want To Set Things On Fire, A Story With Naughty Words

in frustration •  7 years ago 

If you are unfamiliar, there is a site called Next Door that is local social media. I have given away many things on it and sold a few, as well as bought my silverware and received free cat food, so it has its merits. But living in the neighborhood between "where you go to pick up a sex worker or street drugs" and "three million dollar mansions" means you get wildly disparate people on there. And it's always the rich bastards who make me want to go see if IKEA sells guillotines.

image from Pinterest

I give you an example from tonight:

Nice neighbor: shares info about program to fill sidewalk gaps so everyone can get around.

Rich twatfucking butttrumpets: "Waah, I don't want a sidewalk, people might WALK by my HOUSE, and they might have a DOG who POOPS!!! And then elderly people will have to shovel the sidewalk!"

Nice neighbor: "Here is a program to help elderly people who need help shoveling sidewalks, and I help my neighbor do theirs. Remember that some of those elderly people might have mobility issues and be in wheelchairs or some such and need a sidewalk."

Rich dickspawn assface: "I have never seen anybody in a wheelchair use my block!"



I'mma be over here, building my Søkkømb.

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Don't sugar coat it..


Yes! LOL 😂

LOL! I guess if you need a guillotine/Søkkømb, IKEA would be the place to get one, along with what I'm assuming are completely impossible instructions. Fun fact: When I was in eighth grade, I had to do a history class project that involved writing a paper on some topic and building some kind of model to present with it. I wrote my paper on the guillotine, and built a fun little working model of a guillotine. I used it to kill some carrots. I wish I had a picture of the thing, I'm not even sure what I did with it actually.

Maybe Next Door needs to implement a new setting where you can filter between the nice neighbors and the twatfucking butttrumpets. You should make a suggestion.

I love that you built a carrot-murder guillotine! LOL New on late night infomercials: do you struggle to chop carrots and celery?! Buy a Veggietine!
Oh, I would so love that filter. Mute any asshat on NextDoor.

We could call the new filter NextSøkkømb.


What is a sokkomb??

ohhh I c

LOL yep fake Ikea name. ;)

Good one!!

All to commom! 💯🐒

Is commom a typo or am I confused? LOL

Yes common sorry :). With the rich land owners in the closed communities bla bla bla 💯🐒

Gotcha! LOL It was my bedtime.

Yer was late here too ;) 💯🐒

I will help you build it! My younger son has cerebral palsy and will appreciate footpaths when he's old enough for a wheelchair. Or maybe a wheelchair with tank treads. And knowing him, a flamethrower. Which would come in handy when roasting rich, privileged, awful people!

Oh we totally need to build a steampunk wheelchair with tank treads and flamethrower!! 😄

I'm sure we could cobble one together using ikea parts... XD

LOL yay!