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thanks for introducing us to slack

wao... its precious .. thanks @adept

Hey! Editor of the above Jesus video here! 👋 Glad to be apart of this project! :) You guys should check out /r/FuckToken we've got a great little community going

This is classic @stellabelle ! :)

Fucks given 100%


  ·  7 years ago (edited)

It's just a matter of time until this one hardfuc… hardforks into DGF (Don't Give a Fuck) variation…

…and also DRF (Don't Remember a Fuck) variation, @stellabelle!

How about their less intelligent cousin dumbfuck?

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

also don't forget the 2nd removed cousin stupiddumbfuck?

Steemit: Welcoming All Kinds of Cousins / Coins

They look good @stellabelle

steem now like on a shit!

Stellabelle got laid.

haha...This Is The Best Comment and Compliment For a Poster :D

OMG! The only problem I see is... what does the porn industry call their token?

Titcoin. Google it.

@business ...with the way these cryptos are sprouting up everywhere that should have the ornithology world in an uproar - now the real tit can't have its own coin

NO FUKING WAY! Funniest thing I have ever heard.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

fuck yeah!

Steemit: Where Steem Owners Can Show Love For Other Coins

Freddie Mercury for the win.

Freddie is one solid Fucker.....fucks both girls and guys I read 😇😁✌

fucking exactly

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Fuck those tokens!
Fuck! Those tokens. . .

the fuck token.. that is funny..
hahaha @stellabelle

I give load of fucks bout this posts @stellabelle

I give at least 4 out of 5 fucks for this post!

i just put my address on this post.....I've never done this before! First time for everthing..

I should put my fuck token address on this post!

Excellent material

Such lolz!!! 😇

yeah, that second video got me laughing out loud! Bascially Steem's problem could be solved if people just gave actual fucks!

it already has a marketcap of $834,000

wow, seriously... this maybe a goer.. going to have a look..

nah, change my mind.. there are still fees to tip..

Actually there's NO FEES! :) all fees are covered by the Fucktoken team. It's what they use the ICO ETH for

So they are doing an ICO so they can use that to pay the transaction fees?

The ICO ended months ago. Yes, one of the things they are using the money for is to cover all Reddit tipbot fees.

That's not what I'm reading in their website. Is their a link to your source? And are they going to cover only reddit fees indefinitely? How about other social media when they eventually apply it?

I was with you up until "Fuck DOGE Coin." I'd trade my fucks for doge right now. :)

yeah, i don't like that part either! I think they didn't have an editor...obviously.


Holy cow I just love it XD

I'm bent out of shape.

All your posts reek of a grandma trying to stay relevant while experimenting with psychedelics.

I mean that in a nice way.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

And rawawg gives a fuck goddamn it! I really fucking give a fuck. i fuckin' care man! :) :)

Thanks to the news about your fuck tokens—I don't even remember where I saw it—I now have an annotated pdf of the FUCK token documentation. I'm not sure what my life is in 2017. I'm fishing for the first time in decades, but for whales on "whale sonar" (I know you're a "whale," and I'm seriously mentioning that for comedic effect, not casting a lure here: I mean really, FUCK tokens and "whale fishing" on my computer? Wtf is happening).

What the hell fucktoken? i have never heard..
Personally I cant accept offend religious.

What a funny name. I actually thought you were joking when u mentioned d "fuck token"..
But I must confess, Ur gifs are killing me. Is so fucking cool... 😉

haha thats funny name for token

You make a splendid gift @stellabelle, I like it.

We can make Planet Steem a better place by giving an actual fuck.

Yap, the GIFs are really funny.
@stellabelle this is cool.

I will send you fucks when I have enough fucks to give.

God loves you @stellabelle and God gives a fuck about you.
I love you too and I know your heart is good and you are one person who actually gives a fuck about others around here.

@tojukaka(a Christian)

god = dog

I love it 😂

Finally someone who gives a f$€k. Most times I hear people say they are out of f to give. Introducing the f token. Now you can give all the f you want. Isn't that awesome? Lol.

i really give a fuck about's worth fucking with

I want to be loved and not fucked @stellabelle

Why Ethereum?

That is pretty funny...... the British accent is perfect. Hopefully people will start giving a fuck these days! lol

cooooooo-ooooooooool. Im likey! Except I couldn't possibly be seen to be giving a fuck about anything..... sex is too weird to be handing out 'willy-nilly'. Id rather hand out Wigs (for people to wear) or Trunks (not the swimming kind, or the nasal type, more like the box so that you can put your wigs in them)

fuck token has nothing to do with sex.

I need to buy me some fuck tokens. I literally LOL'd when I first heard of them.

Ha ha @stellabelle the GIF's are amazing... Picture always tells the story!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

If I offend anyone religious, I apologize. However, I am an atheist, so if that bothers you, you should probably unfollow me. I don't want to pretend to be anything I'm not.

Son, find your salvation in Lord Dinkan for you are sinned. See even BBC has found Salvation and peace in the burrows of our lord and now its your turn. reference :

I just love the time we're living in right now. And the people here who actually give a fuck while not giving a fuck. FUCK yeah! And thanks for the memes @stellabelle, and the laughs.

Sometimes, i get so frustrated that those that can help do not. they sit there will a quarter of a million delegation doing nothing to help the community. then out of the blue, someone makes an action that gives you hope and encourages you to not give up. I think you know those people, i think you support those people, I thank you for being that person.

Your efforts are not going unnoticed. You're doing great and you deserve more than even I can give.

I really really apologize - - - Sorry to be so off topic - - - but as you are a semi big whale, (not even a minnow here) A Friend could use some whale help.

Please Help - - - no ONE person should be able to dictate how much a person earns on post. And I apologize for using this method to contact you.

Any sort of help/pressure you can apply would be much appreciated. She is a Published Author, she was sharing her stories with us. I like to read. Maybe de-monetize one of his post? or ask him to undo what he has done to her.

I know you like steemit/steem, and are a big supporter of it and steemit users. And I seriously do apologize for being off topic. Any pressure you can bring to bear would be appreciated by me. I love to read, and she has some very good stories.