Fungi Friday - Hairy Hexagonia

in fungifriday •  2 years ago  (edited)


Welcome to my blog.

A few days ago I shared some pictures about a hairy fungus I found on the bark of an avocado tree. In the comments of that post, I told @qwerrie that I would try to go back to that place to shot more photos of this fungus but this time with my Nikon camera. Exactly two days ago I was back and on this Fungi Friday, I come to share with you the photographic material collected.

I shot pictures of it from all possible angles and through the Google Lens function, I was able to confirm that it is indeed a Hexagonia Hydnoides, however, the information on this species is completely limited.


Hexagonia hydnoides is a species of fungus in the Polyporaceae family. It is a plant pathogen. This fungus is largely saprophytic, decaying deadwood tissues. Wikipedia.

According to what I read previously through Wikipedia the presence of this fungus on the avocado tree could indicate that the plant is diseased and could eventually die. Currently, as I also told you in the first post I made about it, the plant has an abundant load of avocados but I do not know if the course of the disease can be stopped and whether or not it is affecting the quality and development of the fruit.


In this photograph, it is possible to see the area currently occupied by this fungus in the bark.


When I thought I had already obtained all the photos I needed I observed the formation of a new hairy fungus, this one is still very small but it is already possible to see its similarities with the previous one.

Thank you so much for stopping by.

With love,


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hi there! its a good thing when we can get correct iD for a fungus, but no doubts their alien-esque forms and textures are splendid and appealing even without knowing the names. intresting find, thank you for sharing. my weight here is less weighty and sufficient than at another blockchain, but anyway, supported and upvoted.

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