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Trump or Hilliary.. it doesn't matter we going to war soon

Well if god says it

wow. That's funny!

At Least @craig-grant uses his phone Landscape so we don't have to put up with less than a Full Screen............This is Classic keep the FLOW going Craig.

America is like a tv show only its real, thats scary.

This really makes me laugh. Hollywood really does live in its own bubble.

Morgan Freeman can say anything...he's GOD and he sounds awesome...but why would he endorse this? ...who is doing the propaganda now?

Scary stuff and could be a reality somewhere. Good post.

lol I bet Putin enjoys all this publicity! America is the last country to get mad over shit like this, when we mingle in so many elections and revolutions across the world! I though freeman would be smarter then this. Great post and keep it up my friend!

hi craig can you help me pls with some bcc ? i need a small boost
radjar BCC

Your facial reactions are delicious :)))

watch right at :42 when he says war....see that micro expression smile?

and at he wins he smiles twice. Man he must be getting paid a huge amount for this video.

This guy is scary , I really mean that.
He sounds like the voice of the doom. Only God know what is behind those eyes

This guy? Blasphemy!

LMFAO just Epiccc

They want an excuse to go to war. They need to kill the failing paper dollar and bring in a digital world currency. A war would be an excellent scapegoat.

Kinda of makes it seem different with MF, I want him to narrate my life