TRUTH OR DARE #186 - Are you a Hairy Person? - UPVOTE Giveaway 0.010 SBDs HAVE FUN an get PAID :)!!

in funny •  6 years ago 

TRUTH OR DARE #186 - Are you a Hairy Person? - UPVOTE Giveaway 0.010 SBDs HAVE FUN an get PAID :)!!


Open to anyone Who is ((( FOLLOWING ME (UPVOTE + REPLY to the Question))) .

The (FIRST 20 VOTES+REPLY WILL RECEIVE 0.010 SBD UPVOTE), have fun and make a little coin every time you (Upvote + Reply).

Hi Everyone welcome to TRUTH OR DARE. When i was a kid growing up i never thought about hair very much it never really was a subject of interest for me. But on a train ride i met another boy who had a fur pelt on his arms no joke hairiest guy i ever seen. well i do have hair on my arms as my girlfriends are reminded me by yanking it every chance they had. i can only wonder how other guys deal with it cause sometimes it can be very irritating specially if they do it over an over you can get into a jumpy state. the reason im talking about this is because i remember one of my kids had this trick when they wanted attention over the others she would pull just one hair on my arm and that usually was enough to to my undivided attention how ever to the point.

Over the years i also noticed that guys who had a lot of arm hair also lost hair on top earlier than others i guess that's genetics for you, you get the good and the unwanted effects may be hairy back and stomach and most likely the legs even shoes might be a problem, hey one of my friends is so hairy he goes to bed with a shop vac lol no just Joking not true but it's bad, he shed's like a don't wnat to say but an animal but his wife likes him just as he is:)). Like i said i am not a candidate for the most hairy arms specially after my daughter must have plucked oh wow look there's a bear spot see i have proof! So do you enjoy having Hairy Arms?
Please Enjoy play and leave a reply!

# UPVOTE + REPLY # to this Question to get PAID:

TRUTH OR DARE QUESTION # 186 - Are you a Hairy Person?


DARE: Tell us an unusual body part you shave? :)


P.s. Scratch my back and i'll love you back !:)
You're the best!little_dog.gif

Thank you @darsico



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I hate hair lol shave it off!

Back in the 70s and 80s having hair was trendy. Nowadays is no hair at all. I wonder what the next 30 years will bring? Thanks for making me laugh today.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

it's true for as long as i can remember hair or laCK of hair has always been some kind of issue or another for different people mainly young people even going back Elvis and the Beatles all those fads that brought us greased hair to long hair and yeah more recently no hair how ironic or extremist will we go, anyways i'm fine just wish i had a little more LOL :)

Thanks for another AWESOME Truth or Dare! I guess I consider myself not A Hairy Person. Especially my arms. The only thing that I shave is my face and that is more than enough to do in the morning. Well besides, going to the bathroom, showering, breakfast and brushing my teeth. In no particular order LOL! Austin Powers movies were so GREAT and ENTERTAINING! Just like @darsico Truth or Dares! All the VERY best! Your Friend @extraterrestrial :)

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

thanks again @extraterrestrial your always a great sport
i guess even myself i let myself go from time to time :))

It is my pleasure! Thank you again for everything! I'm slowly but surely purchasing and building STEEM Power. Now, I also have to start working on some posts! That most definitely is HAIRY POTTER LOL! I strongly feel that we all deserve to let ourselves go from time to time LOL! Just like HAIRY POTTER LOL! Thanks VERY much for keeping in touch my Friend! I always look forward to your AMAZING Truth or Dares and your AWESOME Replies! Your Friend @extraterrestrial :)

you will do very well just take your time go slow and you will see the efforts of your work payoff

Thanks so VERY much for the inspiration, advice and encouragement! Your Friend @extraterrestrial :)

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

okay it's coming back to me now, the girl with the hairy armpits reminds me of one of my old girl friends from way back she was french but i convinced her it was hygienic LOL cause i was allergic :)

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Thanks for the laugh! That is one of the reasons why I was afraid to date one! But, I heard that they do kiss VERY well LOL! :)

I might as well be a gorilla. I am so freaking hairy. My mom always says that I am more hair than boy. And I'm only 12...

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

always remember with almost everything in life there can be advantages and disadvantages but in the end it's our character that counts.

Hello I am a hairy person, that is my inheritance from my parents hahaha, all legs, arms up to the face, it was HORRIBLE, I had to resort to a laser hair removal in the face because they grew thick as the beards of men, because I used eyebrow tweezers to remove them, this irritated me and they came out thick, when I talked to people I did not show my face because they saw my chin where I had thick hair and when they grabbed my chin it looked like a sandpaper because of thick hair It was fatal for me, but with this laser technique, I improve my face.

And the legs use shaving or shaving cream, when I have enough money because now here in Venezuela everything is very expensive. But my concern was the face, which I could at the time solve with laser hair removal. This technique is great. Greetings.

I have lots of hair, most of my life there have been people in my life who have suggested that I shave... Well I enjoy my hair, it serves its purpose.
I will not shave fore anyone other than myself!

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

well i asked for it so okay,
myself i tried stop shaving , it all went good for a while everyone said hey you look cool nice beard but it itched like crazy a few days later decided then make a little change and i chopped off the sides made a nice goatee but still itchy and scratchy just to say it looked great but i was so outta my comfort zone i had to shave it off, i thought i would save on some razor blades but alas I'm not able, i can be scruffy but that's my limit :)

I find it itchy when I shave, and the hair is softer when it's long... That's why I never shave anymore, it makes me more uncomfortable, especially the midnight shadow stage... I like beards 😍

you're right

they try to hard :D

i'll give you one for free i guess but that scraps you off the list

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

you know you awoke him oh oh he's got questions...

o dear ... what to do now ... :/

uaghh! That makes me want to get my next Brazilian wax!!!

Luckily, I am normally hairy :-)

I will follow you now anyway.

LOL ;)

Not that "hairy person'.😅
Had smooth hairy at my arm and leg..People will notice within 30cm distance. Don't shaving your hairy hand or leg, but use wax instead. It help si next time the hair don't grow thick and dark..😅

Yes. I am hairy and too scared to wax or shave as not only there is a good chance it will come back even hairier but the pain involved. We had a dare at work and no one could do it. It was called sack,back and crack lol.

Growing up i never liked hair on my body so I'll shave my legs and arms but now i do not even wanna lose one hair on my leg mpo.

am not hairy. but there is nothing bad in it. i love hairy people

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

I dont grow too much hair around my chest or back but I actually don't shave armpits, never did. Some of my friends consider it disgusting, but hey, for me a part of manhood is armpit hair, lol. I do shave my beard, I shave down below front and back, especially for the summer...I btw I almost peed my pants during that waxing scene :D

I can say I'm a hairy person, it can be as long as one inch haha...but after my first pregnancy, it falled out 😅. Now still abit hairy but it's shorter compare before this hehe... I never shave. 😆

Thank you @darsico

again you're welcome @nytrie but you should keep writing :)

Yeah... I'm still learning 😉

I am a hairy person. :D :) I once tried to shave the hair in my legs before when I was still in grade school but my mom caught me and she told me not to do it because it will just make the hair become thick and curly. HAHA :D Since then, I didn't shave already. :D

what comics really changed my day those videos

Not hairy on my arms or body but plenty on top!!

I have hair where it matters 😉😋. Am proud of it too

Nope . I am not hairy and don't like hairy. However i think if kept properly it could be quite cute

I'm not hairy.

I am hairy like a Grizzly Adams

Haha like the topic. 😁 Anyway, im not hairy person. I never had an experienc to shaving or waxing my hair 😅

Well with my creole genes my hair and nails grow pretty quickly. My sister got off easy though.

I think the hairless are hated by his for his gift, while the rest are slaves of waxing. for me it is something of hygiene

I'm a pretty hairy guy. It's never bothered me, except for when I used to wear watches. The hair on my wrists would always get stuck in the band and then yank out. So, I stopped wearing watches :) On the plus side, I'd rather have a beard and a thick head of hair than a watch.

i hear ya i think that i have pulled out so many wrist hair from my watch metal wrist band that i have a permanent bare spot guess where under and all round my watch:)

I'm not a hairy person. I only shave my beard and moustache.

Yes, unfortunately! I really wish i wasn't lol

This post has received a 4.20 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @darsico.

I love!

kind regards of @rudyardcatling who ran out of 100% votes, much obliged

i'm a total rug, but that never stopped me

i tend to end up a hairball in their throat

cUzzz they not cat



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