I did a little research and found out that this energy drink is not new, nor is it specific to this area but the fact that there is no outcry of social justice based on some words makes me happy that I live here and not in the land of perpetual offense that is my home country.
I drink energy drinks and honestly, I don't even know why. I don't really feel as though they necessarily give me much "pep" but this might be because I drink coffee all day, every day and yes, I know this is not good for me. I just don't care.
I ran into this product today at my local minimart and had it not been for the oh so familiar face i probably wouldn't have paid it any mind.
Nothing wrong with that right? Well someone in the States probably had a problem with it because of the name of the company.
I am quite certain that someone out there would probably get offended with this not because Mike is a convicted rapist on an overpriced can of chemicals, but because he is black and the company is called "Black Energy."
I'm not going to bother looking for it but I am sure someone attempted to cancel this company even though their name has nothing to do with the skin color of one of their spokespersons. What would be amusing to me would be to hear Mike try to speak about it since he is nearly un-understandable when he talks.
I'll say this though: The advertising was effective because I never would have given this can a second glance had it not been for ol' ear biter looking at me through the fridge.