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I just bought some dip too, ugh.
Randomly here's a civet and the "special" coffee beans.

You're very kind!

so true

she looks very disappointed in you. how many seconds did you last? 10?

But what's haejin have to say doe

he's got 10 posts for you to digest. everyday.

Ah, i knew TA meant Ten Analisis.

your mind has been busy.

Hey listen here bud i have a collection iq of over 140 so I dunno who you think i are

edit: sorry *1.40

you still missed a decimal. >>> 0.140?

What, no. Duh

Oh wait, forgot that dash thingy before the number. What is that anyway

if you have to ask then i apologize for the mistake.

the correct figure was 0.0140.

I wish I had some real life money to buy Steem with right now. My VP could use a boost.

I feel like curling up in that cage as well.

you are welcome to join me anytime.