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so true..

Technology is definitely not to blame, but it certainly made things worse... Kids were outside playing, exploring and interacting back then. They didn't have their nose in a newspaper all the time.
Now, kids walk down the street staring at smartphones, and most would rather play on their tablets then play outside. It's sad...

Times have changed. I don't live in a dangerous neighborhood by any mean. But I don't feel comfortable with my kids just running all over the place. They are a lot of sick sick people out there.
Sorry steered away from the main subject but couldn't help myself.

The important thing is to learn and let go together

This is a great grandfather complete.
I hope you will follow us and thank you

The bottom part is one of my favorite pics on the internet. "All this technology is making us antisocial," indeed. Ha!

Newspapers are a technology too.

Technology is presented to provide flexibility and development of human capabilities. Otherwise, do not enslave by them