RE: Funniest Gifs Competition - Win $10 Steem Here!

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Funniest Gifs Competition - Win $10 Steem Here!

in funny •  8 years ago 

True story. When I was 16 I got a 3 in one printer. Back then it was a big deal, since they where new. So I started scanning $20.00 bills, then cutting them out so they where the exact size as real $20.00 bills. I brought a big wad of these copies to school and scared my teachers to death. Which led to me getting lectured about counterfeiting.

I think there are actually security features in all in one printers these days to prevent such things. Don't quote me on that. I do know it worked out well back then.

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LOL.. that's very funny.. a kid counterfeiting. Lucky you didn't go make a suitcase of phony bills.. you might of gotten in a fair bit of trouble then hehe..