Shadows Lie, The Monochrome Monday Edition

in funny •  5 years ago  (edited)

Shadows Lie


Here we have definitive proof that both man and sharks existed at the same time as dinosaurs. A shark ate a shark that ate a shark eating a shark and they all up-chucked a hipster. Meanwhile a dinosaur that I am not nearly nerdy enough to name looks on in amazement. I bet he's chicken. #evolutionjoke #nerdhumor


Why the talk of shadows and evolution?

Watch me .

Well steemians, here is a chance to evolve your shadow photo into some thing it is not. All it takes is a little imagination, a deal with a Sith lord, and maybe a some squinting.

You can do it. Go ahead and lie to us. @melinda010010 is hosting the contest and I am judging. You can enter here. There are still a few days left.

I will leave you with some monochrome flowers because I want to.

IMG_7144 (2) copy.jpg

Sorry, I broke my segway.

All photos are my own. #teamsteem

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"A shark ate a shark that ate a shark eating a shark and they all up-chucked a hipster." OMG! Okay… that was a genuine LOL!

Haha. Glad you like it:)

Love it, and a little segway thingy too. Doesn't get much better than this. You are too funny. (There IS not such thing...). I will go out and look for shadows. But it is up to the shadows, not me. As you know, "Only they know". Better get bikin'. Cheers on a Monday in June.

Thank you, DD:) Can't wait to see what you find. Feeling a little tired at the moment from a few hours in the sun and I was trying to figure our if you were getting bikini or you were suggesting I needed one . LOL. Bikin' ... I get it now:)

Ha haa. Me in a bikini, now THAT would be a site for ? sore eyes? Sad? Not something one wants to see, whatever you might call it. I love when tired or misreading things leads to a classic word of phrase. I have whole notebooks of stuff, with lots of those in them. Some are hilarious (at least in my world of thought ( :

As close as we might get...

"Autumn Beauty-Caught In Nature's Web"

(From post No. 4 - In the DDS World of Steemit, going on 3 years ago...)

Haha ... Froghorn Leghorn pulls it off:)

An early-on post, poking fun at a contest that was all about 'Autumn Color'. It went well for awhile, then people started putting attractive, partially-dressed women in front of autumnal leaves. And getting many votes. So this was my hero, Foghorn in a onesie stuffed with kitchen towels. What a beauty. (I have been known to drive around with him or Bugs B. in the front seat of the car. Gets some good looks and catcalls...)

Now ... bugs. He could probably pull off a bikini:)

Haha ... like the response:)

Skinny Legs and All (Also a book by Tom Robbins)

Al models have skinny legs. It is prerequisite. Have you ever seen the Victoria Secret bunch. Your legs can't be that skinny.

And I've been searching odd shadows as I go bikin' in my swimsuite, but so far, just the mundane world of the sun casting about on everyday things. Large Sigh Here

A bikini model never gives up. There is still time:)

It's still a scary image thought, even WITH perseverance....


Good luck in the shadow contest.

Thank you, Kam. I am judging. I am already lucky:):):)

Haha Love your humour. I will have to find a lying shadow.

Look forward to it, Jo:)

That is glorious! Ha!!

Glad you like it. Hope you join in:)

Thank you so much for hosting this week's shadow contest! As a token of appreciation I bought 2 sbi shares for you, and for engaging with everyone who entered here are some !ENGAGE 20 tok

Thanks so much, Melinda. It was a pleasure and thank you so much for the thank you gift:):):)

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