Warning: May Contain Graphic Images...Not Suitable for all Readers...
Pain can show itself in many shapes,forms. All never good. We all deal with pain in many ways. Some deal with it in prayer, others seek advice from professionals, and some rely on those self help books. How do you deal with pain?
Myself, I load myself up with the best drugs money can buy, although sometimes they are "under the table" pharmaceuticals, which seem to work much better than those prescribed by a physician. Let us now take a look at some of the many faces of pain...
This is the stub your toe on the coffee table, or bed frame face...

We've all done this at one time or other. We get up through the night, are either on our way to the bathroom or kitchen, and BANG! Right into the coffee table, or we bang ourselves off on the bed frame on the way back in. After the initial bang, we usually say a few choice words, which by the way never help.

Now being young and viral is a good thing, but sometimes when we rush, things may be a little "tight" and ying and yang sometimes don't mesh. this is when we haul out those things that make things slippery and slidely and help with that fit. BUT... sometimes things happen and it isn't good folks, I give you the , "Who put the sand in the vaseline" face...
Now I have a very lovely wife, she works her little heart out doing things around the house, cooking and cleaning, polishing and dusting... Then there are times she has the stupidest of ideas. The other day she was out grocery shopping and got the usual things we use daily and weekly. While she was there she picked up some new items, which I didn't know she did, until it was too late.
So I know you are wondering what could this be about... it's dayum "embossed" toilet paper. It's like wiping with 80 grit sandpaper. Talk about a shock to the old system! The only thing it may be good for is sanding off hemorrhoids! I give you the "who the hell put embossed toilet paper on the roll face..."

Yes folks, pain comes in many faces... try to avoid them at all costs...
Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://skiponlinenow.com/the-many-faces-of-pain/