For all the lovers out there

in funny •  8 years ago 

You know it is love when you can go full retard with each other. I told my Mrs today that I needed a change up in the bedroom and she asked what it was, so I told her, I wanted to watch her with another lover, she was a little taken aback but said yes.

She knows I love peanut butter and it was going to be used, so I tied her down to the bed and blindfolded her and put ear plugs in, I admit it was creepy as fuck, a little like the film hostel.
To get her in the mood, I proceeded to put some porn onto the 50 Inch tele in our bedroom, she was really excited about what was going to happen, and said don't be long.

I went to collect the stud from a homes near us, his name was Shep, a springer spaniel. I crept up the stairs with a Jimmy Saville swagger and asked if she was ready, she was crying out yesssssss.

I let shep in and he began to eat her out, ravenous the little fella was. The Mrs was cumming like a river, I then removed her earplug and whispered in her ear, that a dogs for life and not just for Christmas. Man did she squirm but Shep was having none of it and the restraints were sturdy, I sat back and watched the show.

Moral of the story, is even after this, were still with each other, and that is when you know your in love, when you can share a moment like this and still go forward. She and the dog are even best friends now.

You should try this out to see if she really loves you, she will forgive you.

Anyway, stay safe, always use peanut butter with the bits in, and remember a dog is for life and not just for Christmas.

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I think this may be floored somewhat. If she were blindfolded and had ear plugs in I see not the sense of wasting electricity on a porn film when clearly she could not hear or see it?

One does not worry about such things

it's people like you that cause the problems with the o zone just for sexual gratification