English singer-songwriter Rita Ora, Thanksgiving, “Alabama Pig Roast”, “Mexican Lawnmower”, and “Queening” aren’t really mentioned much in this edition of the series. Nothing here but stupid questions. Here they are, boys and girls:
Any of you ladies interested in being stuffed like a turkey for the holiday?
Is it true that Cardi B. makes music for women who skip showers and Febreeze their panties?
Is it true that to men boobs are “the cat’s meow”?
Is it true that when a deaf girl jacks off a guy it’s technically oral?
Do you know any shy, innocent people who are really secretly kinky?
Is it true that the definition of “disgusting” is shoving seven oysters up your grandma and sucking out eight?
Did you ever listen to someone speak and think: “You must have the IQ of a f*cking crayon”?
Is it true that you’re the sh*t when people who don’t even know you hate you?
What part of the word “illegal” do some people STILL not get? (En Espanol: Que parte “illegal” no lo entiendes?)
Would you really care if I ever forgot to include lesbians?
What is 200 feet long and has no pubic hair?
The front row of a Jonas Brothers concert.
Steven Y. asked: “If a supervisor at work gets the COVID do the people who kiss that @ss need to be tested? Asking for a friend.”
(All images courtesy of original owners)