My Friends

in funny •  6 years ago 

My friends
Hello friends, today I will tell you something about my life! I will tell you about my friends ...


Studying engineering at the University of Carabobo, I got many friends and a few friends at the beginning of my university career, some I met because we saw subjects together as analysis 1, analytical geometry, human sciences and dhp1 to name some subjects of my career ( that even in these moments of my continuous life, because I have not graduated) others I met them for casual chats anywhere in the university the boulevard (a place of recreation in the university), in the cafetin among other places and good not friendships are missing that are born in a chat in the middle of nervousness to wait for your final grade in the semester ... if engineering is known people like that.

The majority of my friendships are men, since usually in the engineering faculty men study;
the faculty of engineering at carabobo university is divided into 6 chemical, telecommunications, civil, industrial, electrical and mechanical engineering schools in all those schools I have at least one friend or friendship that I keep and every time I can I cultivate them;), they They are very special for me because as they say they are the family that is chosen, with them I have spent many happy, funny and sad moments, each one of them has a special essence that defines them as a person. I admire a lot and I celebrate with them their special particularity. This post I do to remember my friends and the moments lived with them, that the majority today are not in the faculty for economic reasons, because they left the country and others for who decided to leave school and work ... then I leave you some pictures of our adventures while we were still together and I would like that someday everything will improve in my country Venezuela and we could prune We all meet again.

Fuente:el universal

A day in vigirima hill


My friend Ale


Birthdat of my friend Elvis

Elvis,before singing birthday

The party in the night

the boys visiting me


On the beach




Proyect defense,inventive creativity (boulevard)

after the defense of the project

and with that picture I say goodbye ... I hope you liked my story, greetings from venezuela :)

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