The Future Is Now: Neo-Nubia

in future •  8 years ago 

Neo-Nubia is the future of human civilization. It represents a step away from greed based monetary systems that only work for the self interest of a few individuals into community based bartering paradigms that benefit the collective interest of the whole. Neo-Nubia will allow humanity to stop fighting for their basic survival needs on this planet. We will be able to return to being the Gatekeepers of the planet like God created us to be. Neo-Nubia is God's Kingdom on Earth.

Neo-Nubia will provide adequate housing for every human being in the country. Housing is a basic Human Right and will never be based on one’s ability to raise funds on a monthly basis. All housing will be provided to all citizens.

Genetic Modified Organisms (GMO) are evil and will never be allowed in Neo-Nubia. If it’s not from the Earth then it should not be ingested into the human body. GMO’s are an institution similar to the War On Drugs. It is meant to poison the human body with imitation food that lacks the nutrients and overall health value of real food which will result in a shorter lifespan for the humans that digest it. GMO’s are Evil! Neo-Nubia will set aside a large majority of the land to be used to grow fruits & vegetables and also naturally raise farm animals. I believe every human being should know how to grow their own food and tend to the land. Which means it will be the duty of every human occupant, citizen of Neo-Nubia’s population to work in the farm a minimum of 3 months out of the year. There will be the main farm hands that tend the fields year round but I can’t imagine how citizens can make decisions that will be valuable for the entire Nation of Neo-Nubia without understanding the importance of feeding it’s people. Our food is our first defense against diseases. One of the reasons capitalism is such an ineffective system is because the only goal is to get rich no matter what. This sort of ideology allows evil institutions to be established that work to keep people in a constant state of depreciated health so they have no choice but to rely on Pharmaceutical drugs and evil health care institutions that rather keep you sick than cure you. The structure of Neo-Nubia does not allow for such evil to run rampant as it does in Capitalist based systems.

Drugs must be kept out of the Kingdom. Drugs destroy your mind as well the heart and soul of the community. Drugs will not be allowed inside God’s territory. I believe the main reason people increasingly turn to drugs is because of their lack of involvement in a community. Drug users are filling a void or escaping from a reality that has left them with no way out. Some Drug users are trapped by societal barricades that neither allow them free expression nor authentic interaction with their environment; resulting in multiple forms of stress. This stress is relieved in the form of mid- excessive drug use and an aggressive sexual pursuit. To release themselves. The solution lies in a sense of bonding with a positive community that pursue an ideal the drug users can relate to and thus, replace the pursuit of synthetic highs with community oriented purpose. The community therefore becomes an essential deterrent for current and future drug use. You cannot treat drug use like you do cuts and bruises in healthcare, literacy and math in education, or assault and battery in court. Those approaches ignore or fail to ask a core question: What is causing this behavior? A lack of belonging. With a community of unbiased inclusion, that will be pioneered by Neo-Nubia, we can put an end to drug culture.

Neo-Nubia is proud to be the first nation to freely and openly distribute Alkaline Water throughout the Kingdom. Where previous systems of the establishment were content with poisoning it’s citizens with the chemical Fluoride in it’s water system. Fluoride for those who don’t know was used by the Nazi’s to exterminate Jews in Concentration Camps. Does that sound like something you should be drinking? Alkaline water AKA Miracle Water is naturally produced in various areas of the Earth such as Lordes, France or Tecolutla, Mexico. Places where this water naturally occurs have citizens that boast an average 120 year life span. There are no sicknesses in these areas and Alkaline water is even proven to cure most diseases such as Acid Reflux, Heart Disease, Arthritis, High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol, Cancer, Chronic Fatigue, Ulcers, Osteoporosis, Gout...just to name a few. Alkaline water has three main properties that puts the body into a perfect state of synchronicity. This allows our immune system to function properly and optimally. The human body should always be around 7.3 on the PH scale. Our body naturally creates acid to digest the food we eat. This process brings our body down to acidic levels of 3.0 or lower. Drinking Alkaline Water assist our body in raising our PH levels to Alkalinity levels of 8 or more. Allowing our body to function at optimum levels of performance to super charge our immune system to destroy and obliterate all diseases, sicknesses or infirmities. Only providing Alkaline Water will allow The Kingdom of Neo-Nubia's population to effortlessly live an incredibly healthy life.

Alkaline to Acidic PH Scale


Instead of a money based economic system, Neo-Nubia will have work focused according to to an individual’s skills. Though each member of society has to participate in every level of society such as Political Decision Making, and overall Community Maintenance like is done in a TRUE DEMOCRACY. All of the basic necessities will be taken care of like Food, Clothing, Housing, Healthcare, Education..etc. Everyone comes together with their own inherent skills and talents and build their own path in Neo-Nubia. You grow as big or as small as you want. The concept of money in Neo-Nubia is beneficial for the progression of the entire kingdom. Money will be strategically used by the community as opposed to individually. Neo-Nubia will compete in the Global Marketplace with our own currency; The Gold Dinar. Neo-Nubia’s Economic System will prioritize the citizen’s complete and total well-being with all the resource necessary for living. Then any money generated because of the work done by the population will be used to build the infrastructure of our country and also do trade internationally. The decisions of what to do with the money that is generated will be determined by ALL the citizens of Neo-Nubia like is done in a true democracy. I coin this THE CROWD FUNDED ECONOMY. It is an economy where all resources, wants & needs are provided to to the population by the population. People still work income generating jobs but instead of keeping the money for themselves, they choose to compile all of the their funds together to pay for the necessary resources for living; Housing, Food, Clothing, Education, Healthcare & Infrastructure for the nation instead of only for an individual. The excess wealth will be used to generate massive profit generating income streams such as Automotive Industries, Architectural Firms, Energy Companies & Defense Systems.

In respect for Muammar Gaddafi, Neo-Nubia’s official currency will be the Gold Dinar. Neo-Nubia's primary aim will be for the Gold Dinar to be the World’s Reserve Currency.


Ninjas. From birth we will train a group of elite level boys and girls in all levels of warfare, weaponry, military strategy, espionage, offensive and defensive maneuvers.

Neo-Nubia will explore Alternative Energy technology suppressed by all the proponents of Capitalism that rather turn a profit than introduce new energy concepts that advance humanity’s progression. Which highlights another weakness in the Capitalism model, if there is technology that pushes humanity forward by providing a solution such as Free Energy which is not profitable to the Energy Companies; the technology will be suppressed rather than be explored. The continued subscription to the selfish Capitalism model will only lead to prolonged self-destruction of humanity rather than productive expansion of the human experience. Zero Point Energy in particular allow human beings to tap into massive amounts of clean energy for absolutely free!


The problem with the Educational System as it currently exist is; it is not set up to encourage critical thinking and creative expression. The current Educational System only encourages the maintenance of pre-existing institutions. It teaches you how to make a living inside the already established institution, instead of how to create a future regardless of an already established institution. You go to University sold on the dream that you will graduate with the life skills necessary to make the best out of your life but you graduate as an "Economic Janitor". Your only job is to maintain a flawed, sexist, greedy work environment. In this structure, you lose the name you were born with to become a number. Sometimes it feels like the “Job” you are after is out to take your very soul. That’s not real Education. That is indoctrination into Sugar-Coated-Slavery. Real Education must be based on basic Life Principles. A lesson I learned when I dropped out of College to pursue my idea for a business. I learned more in one year of working for myself than I did in 2 years of going to College. Real Education teaches adaptation and critical thinking because the truly educated person understands that the world is always changing; we exist in a constant state of ever expanding chaos. A truly educated person will never be out of a job or an opportunity because their understanding of the world allows them to create their own opportunities or assist in opportunities presented to them.
I am happy you achieved those Bachelors, Masters & Doctorate Degrees but in the unfortunate event that your field goes belly up over night or that there is no longer a need for your services, profession, skills, or insight in the field you earned your degree in - would you still be able to draw from the components of your “Education” in order to continue making a comfortable living for yourself? If your answer is no then you have not been properly Educated. You have a useless piece of paper that you wasted 4-12 years after High School to get. A truly Educated person is a rare breed. This person can go anywhere on the Earth, completely naked, where no one else speaks their language,the customs and traditions are unfamiliar, and not only survive but thrive. Does your Education allow you to do that? If your answer is “no", then unfortunately, you have not been educated correctly. Your “Education” was only a profit generating business model powered by Capitalism.
The purpose of an Education is to mold a person into someone confident enough to handle every and any situation that life confronts them with. The Educational process is meant to shape a person into someone filled with solutions or the ability to easily arrive at solutions; instead of someone who is only stuck on the problem. The final result of the Education process should allow a person to DO and BE anything they can imagine. Become a limitless being in a limited environment. That is the purpose of an Education. Not To Get A Job! Neo-Nubia will develop an Elite-Level Educational System that grows a person’s infinite capacity to find solutions and express themselves in infinite ways.

I must pose a question to anyone taking the time to read through this proposition of a better future for humanity; How much money is too much money? After spending a lifetime amassing wealth, securing the financial future for your loved ones for the next 50 generations, buying your 20th vacation home, your 100th sports car, and your 15th 150 foot Yacht - What next? Where does it stop? How far are you willing to go for your own selfish self gratification?Is money really the end goal? Is that all a human’s life is worth, their entire existence spent on Earth chasing money? There has to be more than selfish accumulation of material things. What kind of society do we live in where a tiny percent of the population lives in extravagant wealth while the majority of the population barely get by. Struggle to make ends meets. What kind of person keeps all the resources to himself while the rest of humanity suffers? Some men live with the ability to positively progress the development of the human race but hoard it to themselves simply because they cannot make a profit. Capitalism therefore, transcends from being an economic business model and becomes a sickness. A cancer to progress and advancement and an outdated, weak, self destructive model that will only result in the downfall of humanity. Even with all that being said; I do believe Capitalism plays a role in the progress of humanity, albeit a small and more concise one. The accumulation of money cannot be the sole purpose for humanity’s existence. The trap of Capitalism only keeps people stuck on this hamster wheel chasing the illusion of cheese, then dying. Humanity never truly fulfills it’s purpose because it was distracted by the pursuit of money. That cannot be humanity’s only purpose and for that reason alone, Capitalism is an ineffective, failed model. Of course the 1% will argue for Capitalism as an institution because they are the only ones that benefit - hence being the 1%. The rest of us struggle to survive while they simply print more money whenever they are running low. Capitalism must be destroyed.

I have no intention of ever reinventing the wheel. That euphemism alone misleads a person into believing there was an inventor of the universally sacred geometric shape besides God. Instead of reinventing the wheel, I'm boldly suggesting that we have been using the wheel in it's most primitive state. The reliability in the many uses of the wheel have lulled us into a dangerous state of stagnant comfort & arrogance. Believing that because we found a few uses for the sacred circular geometric shape which brings ease to our everyday lives; that's it. Nothing else is possible. Damming the endless flow of uses from this universally sacred geometric object. Instead, my purpose is to simply ask "What else can the wheel be used for?" Allowing the flow of universal sacred geometric knowledge to once again flow and assist in the advancement of the human race. At which point, I hope humanity can arrive at the global conscious shift that acknowledges just how much we under use the many tools God freely made available to us. Why did God choose to make the Sun a sphere? What about the planet? How many uses of the Triangle have we yet to discover? Was it only a coincidence that ancient Egyptians choose to build Pyramids. What did they know that we don't? Just questions.
(Neo means "New". Everyday is a NEW day. Every moment is a NEW moment. Neo represents people who refuse to live by OLD standards and ideologies.
More points will be added overtime. This is a new thing so if you have any suggestions on how it can become better please feel free to share. )


  1. Eliminate Homelessness.
  2. Build Giant University. Innovate Elite Educational system.
  3. Equip everyone with a suitable position.
  4. A Rose Garden is very important to get the citizens in tuned with nature. There has to be a Rose Garden because if the country of Neo-Nubia is to work; the citizens must be aligned with God & Nature. Fill the air with the smell of hope, abundance & progression as opposed to poverty, desolation & lack.
  5. Initiate Establishments that promote unity & healthy lifestyles.
    6 ) All races are welcomed. Neo-Nubia is primarily for the upliftment, focus and fulfillment of God's people but any race willing to help build with the community is more than welcomed to join us. We’re not racist.
  6. Have establishments to help people recover from drugs and regain a hold on their lives.
  7. Elite level defensive systems to Protect our land. Gundams.


  1. There will be a lot of tricks to try to make this movement fail. DEFEND IT FROM EVIL! If War is Necessary Then We Will Have No Mercy! Annihilate All Opposition.
  2. Establish a giant Ninjutsu Dojo that all residents are required to attend. Every citizen is required to know how to defend themselves from attack.
  3. Establish an Arts Center to cultivate the minds of our community
  4. Neo-Nubia is the firm foundation of God’s Kingdom.
  5. Only do actions that cultivate Spiritual, Physical & Financial Growth & Stability.

Humanity is in a desperate need for a restart. In a world plagued by disease, war, murder, hatred & poisoned food (GMO); humans are so busy trying to survive that we have forgotten that our purpose is to be the care takers of Planet Earth. The world as it currently exist is trapped by a cycle of perpetual self destruction, not by the average person scraping for the little they can get to survive in this skewed system, but by the super rich. Their extreme economic advantage over the average human allows them to initiate destructive agendas that serve to destroy our beautiful Planet Earth as well as the variety of lifeforms that inhabit it. Their systems of control that solidifies their hold on power such as Capitalism, Communism & Socialism are all out-dated ways of thinking in comparison to our current fast paced technological development.
Our means is outgrowing their mind. Right now is the only time period in human history where knowledge is so freely and vastly available to any individual. At the touch of a keyboard, a man can learn anything his heart desires. Technology has made the potential for rapid human development almost instant. Therefore, as long as we continue to subscribe to Adam Smith's 18th century economic theory of Capitalism or its early 19th century counterpart developed by Karl Marx, Communism; we will literally be living in the past. We have to acknowledge that we live in a new era. Capitalism has no place in this new era nor does Communism, Socialism...etc. New ideas, new systems, new paradigms as well as new thought patterns must be developed in this new era.
It is pertinent to our survival for us to break away from these out-dated thought processes that only serve to benefit a few while keeping the rest of the human community stuck in a perpetual state of desperation & subjugation. It is time for us to CHALLENGE every pillar of society. Is War necessary? If Yes, then for who? Is Money necessary? If Yes, then for who? Is Love necessary? If Yes, then for who? Is Religion necessary? If Yes, then for who? How much of our current society is actually beneficial to the progression of human evolution and how much of it only serves to keep us stuck in a cycle of systems that no longer benefit us? It is time to ask these questions.
It is time to overthrow old ways and de​velop processes that are beneficial for the entirety of humanity. Neo-Nubia is the wave. Neo-Nubia represents a step away from money based economy. The economy in this Utopia is based on the ability of mankind to come together and build a better tomorrow .
The Future Is Now. Neo-Nubia.

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  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Have you heard of Micheal Tellinger - UBUNTU

Those were my thoughts exactly when I started reading the post, but I the Tellingers approach is a bit different.

Thanks and congratulations for putting such time and detail into expressing your thoughts for improving the human condition. I have no doubt that you sincerely mean well. However, though I agree with some of your sentiments, much of your suggested initiatives seem quite socialist, dictatorial and quite misguided. As just one example, guaranteeing housing as a human right, though it sounding great, is IMO ill conceived. As shocking as it may sound, there are actually no guaranteed human rights, not even to life. That said, human beings DO have the natural abilities and talents to not only survive and obtain the basic life necessities, but to thrive! Each using there only unique talents. The problem is not that some people do not have guaranteed from other people forcibly being maid to pay, but that the very social and economic system which most all of use live under is extremely damaged, and riddled with parasitical systems, institutions and individuals that also work to maintain the status quo to maintain there advantage. The true answer to lack of housing, poverty or any social ill is 1) freedom of choice 2) freedom to, and being allowed to fail 3) the right to ALL the fruits of your success and the responsibility to deal, work through, and learn from your own failures. If just these simple steps were implemented, I believed most all the ills you have listed above will be righted in a relatively short period.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

I quite enjoyed this post, and found it to be insightful on many levels. And it does seem unfair that it is not being more widely recognized and appreciated on this platform. Though we may not agree with all of your recommendations they do stimulate the reader to think and ponder. I do especially like your insights on drug use as they parallel mine: "I believe the main reason people increasingly turn to drugs is because of their lack of involvement in a community. Drug users are filling a void or escaping from a reality that has left them with no way out. Some Drug users are trapped by societal barricades that neither allow them free expression nor authentic interaction with their environment; resulting in multiple forms of stress. " The author, Dan Millman, in one of his books made a connection between drug-use and frustrated creativity, and wrote that it is the blocks to creativity which need be addressed and not the abuse per se.

The philosophers will come.....just give it time! :-) We are going through the typical growing pains of a new social network.

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