Ultima Online Legacy's 2D: Lab of Ultima - Alchemy (Potions)

in game •  7 years ago 

Hi Dear Game Lovers ! As you know, I am preparing a comprehensive series about Ultima Online and continuing to speed up the series. Today's topic will be related to Alchemy in the game. Alchemy is a merchant skill to be well-synchronized to the Ultima Online world. And the products produced by the Achemist must be using almost everyone in the game. So, as we will understand, it is a very successful job in trading (if you have a craft char). People who prefer this skill, also often prefer the Inscriptoion as well. In general, I'll be talking about with this skill on this article...


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Players who want to specialize in the job of alchemy need to be accompanied by a brand that sells magician's Laboratory and Wizard items. Because this skill to improve really grind! First of all, let me tell you the general logic

Logic is very simple, we take empty bottles and fill the inside of these bottles with various pots. Every pot we fill is less than one of our witchcraft materials. The required wizard material varies according to the pot you have filled. And you can't fill the pot you want at every stage. Before proceeding to the improvement stage, you can see the list of products that the Alchemists are capable of.

  • Cure Potion

If you stay in the poison effect, it will help to recover yourself. Type can be lesser, normal or greater. Greater is the most effective one, only the chance of healing varies depending on the size of the poison given.

  • Poison Potion

It's used to poison your sword. In this way, you can give poison to the player in weapons with "Infectious Strike" capability (special hit). There are normal, lesser, greater, deadly types.

  • Agility Potion

Dextery allows for a certain time to increase by 10, greater than 20 with the normal potion. (Statcap increases without effect.)

  • Strenght Potion

Strenght allows for a certain time to increase by 10, with the normal potion and 20 with the greater potion. (Statcap increases without effect.)

  • Explosion Potion

Creates an explosion in 3 seconds when used. You must select with the target that appears where you want to throw.

  • Softening Potion

It is created with a volcanic Ash item called Artitic Ogre. Special dragleat and some skins are used to soften.

  • Heal Potion

With the Normal potion, recovers 5-10 Healths and with the greater one recovers 10-20 healths.

  • Refresh Potion

Increases your stamina (or fill)

  • Nightsight Potion

Provides brightness sight.

The pots are divided into 3 classes, less-normal-greater, among themselves. Of course, the material required under construction varies according to the class of the pot. Mostly the greater pots are preferable, obviously a problem I don't understand in the game is the presence of less and normal pots.

Without class separation, Mages, Warlocks and Warriors all need these pots. Especially before the poison pot begins to action, the Warriors are indispensable during the preparatory phase. They fear their enemies by using the most poisonous that the Alchemists have made pots to their swords. So if the server you are playing has been given the ability to use poisonous swords to Warriors, then the warrior characters are generally more dominant. In fact the logic of the game is already based on the poisoning. Because it's just a skill in the game that strengthens the poison of the poison skill that we call "In Nox".

You can see the materials we use to produce popular pots in the table below.

Potion NameRequired MaterialsRequired Skill
Cure Potion6 Garlic95.1
Heal Potion7 Ginseng85.1
Refresh Potion5 Black Pearl85.1
Deadly Poison Potion8 Nightsight90.1
Agility Potion3 Bloodmoss80.1

In summary, this skill is used to produce the potions you see above. They have specific functions and are made using "mortar and pestile". For each potion producing, you need the magic material and an empty bottle. When you click on the materials you need twice in mortar and pestile, you can see it through the Alchemy menu. Alternatively, you can use the above table as a guide.

Image Sources

1 | 2 | 3 | Small Potion Icons

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Reaaally hard game I never dared to play

yeah hardest mmorpg i have ever played,

Step by step , understandable post . Heal at heal , kürde lazım . Malice atma ..

reis o başka ya, knight online mı vardı be ultima zamanında eeeeeeeeeeeey donumla 20 kilo geliyodum o zamanlar oynuyodum peh..

Bilmiom reis ama knight daki cz zevkini kimse vermedi be :(. "cesur_boy" du çarımın adı aresde o zamanlar 000000 bide f9 vardı . 000 dan spike yemiş adamım yani

reis ben erzincan_TR 'den gb almış adamım ne anlatıyon ya ???????????