Agoes Gaming - Learn To Understand Hero Orge Magi Game Dota 2 (Vol.97)[Billingual]

in gaming •  7 years ago 

Hello Everyone.....!

Kembali lagi bersama saya @agoesdeuge, yang masih konsisten untuk menulis tentang game Dota 2 dengan cara pikir saya sendiri dan saya pahami didalam game Dota 2 tersebut. Pada kesempatan kali ini, saya akan menjelaskan hero intelligence yang sangat berbeda dari hero intelligence sebelumnya, kenapa berbeda? Hero ini bisa menjadi Hero Tanker atau type Hero Hard Support disebuah team dalam game Dota 2. Diawal pertandingan saja hero ini memiliki HP yang sama seperti hero Tanker lainnya, makanya saya bilang ia bisa menjadi hero tanker disebuah team. Hard Support hero, yang dimana bisa membantu team atau merelakan mati didalam pertempuran yang amat dasyat, namun akan sulit dibunuh apabila anda membuild item tanker disaat pertandingan. Hero yang saya maksud adalah Orge Magi.

Back again with me @agoesdeuge, who is still consistent to write about Dota 2 game with my own way of thinking and I understand in the game Dota 2. On this occasion, I will explain the hero intelligence that is very different from the previous hero intelligence, why is it different? This hero can be a Hero Tanker or type Hero Hard Support in a team in the game Dota 2. At the beginning of the game alone hero has the same HP as other Tanker heroes, so I said he could be a tanker hero in a team. Hard Support hero, which can help the team or let go of death in a very fierce battle, but it will be difficult to kill if you build a tanker item in the game. The Hero I mean is Orge Magi.

Orge Magi Hero intelligence type attack (mele), yang dimana memiliki skill yang sangat mudah untuk mengganggu musuh anda saat berada di safelane atau midlane. Dengan memiliki Hp yang setara dengan hero tanker dan skill untuk membantu haras musuh disemua lane anda inginkan. Bagi saya pribadi untuk memainkan hero ini sangatlah mudah, karena skill yang ia miliki mudah untuk digunakan saat pertandingan berlangsung yang begitu rumit. Skill 2 yang bisa anda handalkan untuk haras musuh dan skill 3 untuk menambahkan attack speed terhadap anda sendiri atau ke rekan team anda. Maka dibawah ini saya akan menjelaskan apa saja kelebihan dan kekurangan dari hero Orge Magi.

Orge Magi Hero intelligence type attack (mele), which has a very easy skill to disrupt your enemy while in safelane or midlane. By owning Hp which is equivalent to hero tankers and skill to help the enemy in all lane you want. For me personally to play this hero is very easy, because the skill he has is easy to use when the game progresses so complicated. Skill 2 that you can rely on to enemy and skill 3 to add attack speed against you or your team mates. So below I will explain what are the advantages and disadvantages of Orge Magi hero.


"Memiliki kelebihan dari base strength, strength growth, base armor, dan health regen(HP) yang besar membuat hero ini cukup tanker atau keras meskipun berperan sebagai hero support. dan mempunyai skill set yang bisa memenuhi berbagai kebutuhan seperti skill stun, slow, buff, dan burst damage."

"Having the advantages of base strength, strength growth, base armor, and a large health regen (HP) make this hero quite tanker or hard despite acting as hero support. and has a skill set that can meet various needs such as skill stun, slow, buff, and burst damage."

"Memiliki kekurangan base intelligence dan intelligence growth yang sangat kecil untuk hero yang mempunyai attributes utamaintelligence. Ini membuatnya punya mana pool yang cukup sedikit. Meskipun tanker, hero Ogre Magi adalah hero melee yang sangat lambat dan sedikit mobilitas (lincah). Disaat situasi tertentu, ini akan menjadi kesulitan untuk hero Orge Magi."

"Has a lack of base intelligence and intelligence growth is very small for heroes who have the main attributes of maintelligence. This makes him have a pretty little pool. Despite the tanker, the hero Ogre Magi is a very slow melee hero and little mobility (agile). In certain situations, this will be a hardship for Orge Magi hero."

Roles Orge Magi Hero

  • Support
  • Nuker
  • Disabler
  • Durable
  • Initiator

Ogre Magi has 4 skills and ability, and there are additional skills if upgarde to Aghanim's item


Skill yang menghasilkan stun dan bisa membuat musuh anda terdiam sejenak, apabila terkena dari skill 1 ini. Sering saya mainkan untuk menjaga Hero Carry team dan bisa cepat mebunuh musuh yang berada di lane.

Skill that produces stun and can make your enemies pause for a moment, when exposed from this skill 1. Often I play to keep the Hero Carry team and can quickly kill the enemy who is in the lane.
  • Ability: Unit Target
  • Affects: Enemy Units
  • Damage Type: Magical
  • Pierces Spell: No
  • Dispellable: Strong Dispels Only
  • Stun Duration: 1.5 Second
  • Fireblast Damage: 220 Each level
  • Cooldown skill: 12 second
  • Mana needed: 105 Each level

2. Ignite

Skill yang menghasilkan move slow dan damage terhadap musuh anda, disaat anda haras musuh anda. Skill ini yang membuat musuh anda akan sangat rumit untuk mendekatkan dirinya ke team anda atau creep anda di lane yang anda tempati.

Skill that produces slow move and damage against your enemy, when you must be your enemy. This skill makes your enemies very complicated to get closer to your team or your creep in the lane you live in.
  • Ability: Unit Target
  • Affects: Enemy Units
  • Damage Type: Magical
  • Pierces Spell: No
  • Dispellable: Yes
  • Duration: 8 second each level
  • Burn damage: 50 each level
  • Slow: 26% each level
  • Cooldown skill: 15 second
  • Mana needed: 90

3. Bloodlust

Skill yang sangat berguna untuk team anda yang memiliki hero pusher yang bisa menghancurkan tower musuh dengan cepat. Skill yang menghasilkan attack speed dan move speed terhadap anda dan team anda, dan bisa anda aktifkan ke arah tower anda agar bisa menghalau creep dengan cepat.

Skill that is very useful for your team who has a hero pusher that can destroy the enemy tower quickly. Skill that generates attack speed and move speed against you and your team, and can you switch towards your tower so that it can drive creep quickly.
  • Ability: Auto-Cast
  • Affects: Allied Units and buildings
  • Pierces Spell: Yes
  • Dispellable: Yes
  • Bonus move speed: 16% each level
  • Bonus attack speed: 60 each level
  • Duration: 30
  • Cooldown skill: 20 second
  • Mana needed: 65

4. Unrefined Fireblast

Skill tambahan dari build item Aghanim's, yang fungsi sama seperti skill 1 yang sudah saya jelaskan di atas, hanya saja banyak needed Mana untuk mengaktifkan skill ini.

Additional skills from the Aghanim's build item, which functions just like the 1st skill I've described above, it's just a lot needed Mana to enable this skill.
  • Ability: Unit Target
  • Affects: Enemu units
  • Damage Type: Magical
  • Pierces Spell: No
  • Dispellable: Strong Dispels Only
  • Stun Duration: 1.5 second
  • Fireblast Damage: 275
  • Cooldown skill: 6 second
  • Mana needed: 400

5. Multicast (Ultimate)

Skill ultimate yang passive namun menghasilkan penambahan + untuk setiap skill, yang diantaranya skill yang diatas bertambah lebih sangat ampuh untuk digunakan, apalagi skill 2 dan 3 sangat berguna di late game.

The ultimate skill is passive but produces the addition of + for each skill, including the skill above is more powerful to use, especially skill 2 and 3 is very useful in the late game.
  • Ability: Passive
  • Fireblast mana increase: 60 each level
  • Fireblast cooldown reduction: 6 each level
  • Ignite radius: 450 each level
  • Ignite cast range increase: 450 each level
  • Bloodlust cooldown reduction: 15 each level
  • 2x cast chance: 60% each level
  • 3x cast chance: 25% each level
  • 4x cast chance: 12.5% each level


  • Level 10 Skill talent tree : +60 Gold/Min
  • Level 15 Skill talent tree : +300 Health
  • Level 20 Skill talent tree : +40 Bloodlust AS
  • Level 25 Skill talent tree : +275 Fireblast Damage


Starting Items:

  • Animal Courier.
  • Tango Use: devour, Range: 165.
  • Clarity, Use: Replenish, Range: 250.
  • Boots Of Speed, +40 Movement Speed.

Early Game:

  • Boots Of Speed, +40 Movement Speed.
  • Magic wand, + 2 All attributes +1.5 Hp regeneration Active: Cooldown energy 13 seconds.

Core Items (Support):

  • Arcane Boots, +50 Movement Speed, +250 Mana, Active: Replenish Mana, Cooldown: 55 Seconds, Radius: 900.
  • Aether Lens, +450 Mana, +1.25 Mana Regeneration. Increases targeted spell and item cast range by 250.

Utility Items:

  • Observer Ward (yellow).
  • Sentry Ward (blue).
  • Dust of Appearance, Use: Reveal, Cooldown items: 30 Seconds.
  • Gem of Treu Sight, Passive: true sight.
  • Smoke of Deceit, Use: Disguise, Cooldown Item: 1 Seconds.

Situational Items:

  • Infused Raindrops, +0.5 Mana Regeneration, Passive : Magical Damage Block, Cooldown Item : 7 Seconds.
  • Ghost Scepter, +5 All Attributes, Active: Ghost Form, Cooldown Item: 20 Seconds.
  • Glimmer Cape, +20 Attack Spedd, + 15% Magic Resistance, Active: Glimmer, Mana: 90, Cooldown Items: 14 Seconds, Range: 800.
  • Veil Of Discord, +5 Hp Regeneration, + 6 Armor, +6 Agility + 6 Strength + 14 Intelligence, Active: Magic Weakness, Mana: 50, Cooldown Item: 20 seconds, Range: 1000, Duration: 16 seconds.
  • Pipe of Insight, +6.5 Hp Regeneration, +30% Magic Resistance, Active: Barrer, Mana: 100, Cooldown Item: 60 Seconds. Radius: 900.

Extension Items:

  • Force Staff, +10 Intelligence, +5 HP Regeneration, Active: Force, Mana: 25, Cooldown Item: 23 Seconds, Range: 800.
  • Solar Crest, +10 Armor, +1 Mana Regeneration, +20% Evasion, Active: Shine, Cooldown item: 7 Seconds.
  • Spirit Vessel, +250 Healt, +30 Movement Speed, +1 Mana Regeneration, +2 All Attributes, +2 Armor, Active: Soul Release, cooldown items: 7 Seconds.
  • Eul's Scepter Of divinity, +10 Intelligence, +2.25 Mana Regeneration, +40 Movement Speed, Active: Cylone, Mana:175, Cooldown Items: 23 Seconds.
  • Aghanim's Scepter, +10 all Attributes, +175 Health, +175 Mana, Passive: Ultimate Upgrade.
  • Guardian Greaves, +55 Movement Speed, +250 Mana, +5 All Attributes, +5 Armor, Active: Mend, Cooldown Item: 40 seconds. Radius: 900, Dispel Type: Basic Dispel. 

Game Play Hero Orge Magi

Untuk awal game seperti biasa, anda perlu beberapa item regenerasi(HP) seperti item Tango, Healing Salve, dan Clarity (jika perlukan). Kalau anda tidak bertugas membeli item Courier dan Ward(yellow), belilah regenerasi(hp) tambahan, atau salah satu antara item Wind Lace atau item Orb of Venom. Kedua item tersebut bisa memudahkan anda dalam melakukan harass di lane terhadap musuh anda. Jika anda ternyata bertugas membeli Courier atau Ward(yellow), saya tetap menyarankan anda punya minimal salah satu dari kedua item tersebut dan dua-duanya item akan jauh lebih baik.

For the beginning of the game as usual, you need some regeneration items (HP) such as Tango, Healing Salve, and Clarity items (if needed). If you are not in charge of purchasing Courier and Ward (yellow) items, purchase additional regeneration (hp), or one of the Wind Lace items or Orb of Venom items. Both items can make it easier for you to do harass on the lane against your enemy. If you turn out to be in charge of buying Courier or Ward (yellow), I still recommend that you have at least one of the two items and both items will be much better.

Jika anda sudah atau sedang tidak perlu melakukan haras terhadap musuh anda, carilah celah untuk melakukan rotasi dan gank disetiap lane. Ditambah dengan salah satu hero yang tepat untuk diajak untuk membantu gank, Skill Fireblast dan Skill Ignite sudah sangat cukup untuk membantu gank. Walaupun tidak, cukup berada di lane dan mengganggu musuh dengan melakukan haras beberapa saat juga sudah sangat cukup untuk rotasi anda sambil mendapatkan XP yang bisa anda peroleh. Intinya, di early game, tugas anda adalah memanfaatkan HP, Armor, dan Regenerasi(HP) yang anda miliki untuk memenangkan di lane melalui haras atau spam skill 2, rotasi, dan gank disetiap lane. Dari situlah, baik anda dan team anda akan punya waktu untuk mendapatkan free farm, dan yang lebih penting untuk anda sendiri, XP untuk mendapatkan level up ke level 6.

If you are or are not need to do your best to the enemy, look for loopholes to do the rotation and gank in every lane. Coupled with one of the right heroes to be invited to help the gank, Fireblast Skill and Ignite Skill is enough to help the gank. Although not, just being on the lane and harassing the enemy by doing a few moments is also very enough for your rotation while getting XP you can get. Essentially, in the early game, your job is to utilize the HP, Armor, and Regeneration (HP) you have to win on the lane through spam or skill 2, rotation, and gank on every lane. From there, both you and your team will have time to get a free farm, and more importantly for yourself, XP to get level up to level 6.

REGARDS GAMERS @agoesdeuge

Original Skill + Ability In Game Dota 2

Original Image Screenshot From In Game Dota 2

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