Hard Games: Is The Game Difficult or Unfair? How to make a Videogame more fair to players

in gaming •  7 years ago  (edited)

The older games, those released on NES were really hard games, most of the new generation of players can't stand their difficulty.. Recent games started to become easier and more accessible to general public, So can the Hard Games sell these days? Yesterday on steemit I've discussed this topic with @lethn1 (a Gamedev) who expressed his fear of making his game too difficult and wanted the feedback from some Gamers (check out his thread he really needs the feedback).


I believe that if the Game is fair to the player, even if it's very difficult, it will sell. or at least it won't gain as many negative reviews as unfair game.

This article is written for a Game Developer but it can give the normal gamer some food for thoughts, I'm not an expert but I incorporated many things I learned by playing, reading articles, and watching Extra Credits (who are THE experts, you can find their videos below) in this article.

No Game is Too Difficult

Every level of difficulty have players who are so into it!!..and in my opinion, there's nothing called "too difficult" but there's a thing called "Unfairly Difficult".

But why difficult games are treated poorly most of the time? that's because many games are difficult in a way unfair even to the players who're really skilled.

There's a Difference Between "Hard to Master" and "Hard to Play"

A good Game is a Game that you can learn easily (unless it is marketed as
Hard to Learn) but it's hard to master. A game that makes you feel that you've improved a long way since you started but you still have more to learn.

A Hard to Play Game is bad, it might have terrible and unresponsive controls, it lags even on a powerful computer. or it doesn't have a clear set of rules, making the player think that the game concept is great but the design of it isn't good.

Unfair/Fake Difficulty

The game that cheats you, the game that has unfair rules or one that doesn't follow the rules it established. That's a game with Fake Difficulty... some of the things that makes the game like that is:

  • The Game Levels aren't Difficult, but the way it's played is bad either because of Controls or the Design.
  • The Game isn't clear about its rules.
  • The Game doesn't offer the required info to complete it.
  • The Game assumes the player knows things that are either incorrect or unrelated to this type of games.
  • The outcome doesn't depend on the player's actions.

If the game promises skilled players that they win then it's fair, But if you can't win unless you know beforehand what the challenge will be (played the level before) no matter how much skilled you are? then the game is unfair.

How To Make A Difficult Game Fair?

1. Difficulty Must Not Be Faked

Players are smart (at least more than media think of them), if one of the problems mentioned in Fake Difficulty above is in it. They will know!! as these Games feel unfair even to the skilled players.

2. Controls!!

The best thing a game can have is Great Controls, and the worst thing it can have is Bad or Unresponsive Controls (especially in fast paced games).. If the new players can't get hang of how to control your characters in the first 5 minutes of the game? and the developers never made something to compromise that?! that's not a good design choice.

(The player should be able to change the control buttons too)

3. The Game Should Be Approachable

The Game should start simple, not necessarily easy, but it should introduce as little as possible of its system at first, ensuring the player knows how to use one set of the game rules before gradually introducing the next, and there should be a challenge there. Just make the challenge in the first few levels in a way ensures the player gets the experience and skill to tackle the next levels.

4. Rules Should Be Consistent

Don't surprise the player with changing the rules halfway of the game, If the player is used to some rule of the game and they see something new in your new level, then they should think how to tackle it within the rules the game showed them until now.

If there is some rule change coming.. the game should imply that it will come... like putting a checkpoint/savepoint just before it, so when the player lose they know they've lost because there is a new rule they have to learn... and the player won't feel like "they couldn't have been able to see that coming".

5. "Trial And Error" Should Be Beneficial But Not Needed

If even the skilled players 'must' lose the first time they play a section of the game? mostly because something unexpected within the rules the player knows happens. Then this game depends on "Trail And Error" to fake its difficulty. And that's very bad!!

When the player thinks "How the heck I was supposed to see that coming?!!" when they lose, when they feel the game made them lose and they haven't lost due to their mistakes, that's the point where most Gamers "rage quit".

If it was "I should've seen that coming" instead, and the average players started immediately thinking of the mistake they made and found one. then that game is fair.

A good difficult game should make the player always say "next time, I will do it for sure".

and if the player is expected to lose the game many times? the good game will have a very short time delay between time between losing and trying again. even instantly if possible.

6. If You Did Bad At Early Game That Shouldn't Make The Game Harder Later

Unless the game has a narrative reason for that, or if the player knows that messing up now will make them regret it later. Some type of games it's very easy to do, like games where you gain resources (let's say healing items) you're supposed to save until later in the game but the player doing badly at early levels use them to save themselves at the time. Only to not have enough of that resource 3 hours later!! making the game unwinnable for them.

If it's necessary to have that in the game then it should at least allow the player to 'save' themselves without restarting the game from the early levels.

7. Offering Multiple Options To Clear Every Challenge

A Game even if all of them are harder to do than the average game on the market, the game should give you enough tool to complete every challenge in more than one way... The best strategy to do this is making every challenge can be overcome with in at least three ways:

  • The Skilled Player Option: requires a lot of skill but very short time and/or resources from the player.
  • The Average Player Option: requires some skill but also needs some time and/or resources.
  • The Boring Option: that requires no skill at all, It requires a lot of time but as little resources as possible.

With some of the challenges have very boring ways to overcome them, players can use these ways to avoid challenges they can't succeed because they lack skill, but at the same time, they know that if they're skilled enough they'll do it faster, so they'll try to improve their skill.

The Boring Option also uses at least resources as possible, its main benefit is to spare the resources to try overcoming the next challenge by The Average Player Option.


Many indie games fall short of following these points I wrote above, most of the recent AAA titles does them, but most of these games aren't difficult. Dark Souls is one game that's very difficult but is loved because of that.

(Source: Dark Soul)

To write this Post I've read a little about the topic but most of the info can be found in "This topic" and these two Videos "When Difficult Is Fun" & "Easy Games".

As a gamer, what do you think about Hard Games? Do you think I'm right or wrong? Do you have something to add to this topic?
I'm waiting for your opinions.

Wow, I've said "a good game is" so many times here.. didn't I?

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Great article. Personally, I don't like games that are too difficult.. As I don't have the patience to progress.

Dark Souls and Bloodborne caused me to smash 2 DS4's lol.

Thanks for sharing, I will follow you.


me too... I just wanted to state what makes a game difficult in a good way...

I prefer easy games too, as I play for Narrative not the Challenge.

I'm always compelled to play everything on the hardest difficulty. I feel like if I'm not conquering the game at it's most challenging I'm just wasting time.
I agree with you on fake difficulty, hate that stuff.

unlike you, I don't play on hard unless it's a game I completed before (more than once)... only Normal and Easy modes (mostly Normal.. I don't remember last time playing Easy).

I agree with you on fake difficulty, hate that stuff.

No one likes fake difficulty, at least no one I heard about.



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Sure hard games can still be made. In fact, I think there's a resurgence of such games with the gaining popularity of the Dark Souls series and the remaster of Crash Bandicot or the XCOM games. People want hard hitting games as much as they want casual games.

Problem is, alot of them these days don't attempt to make it complex so it is hard to master, but opt into making enemies bullet sponges or implement some sort of energy system or a slow grind to extend the game and force you into buying "gold" equipment via microtransactions.

That is not hard, just a cheap way to get more money out of people. And I for one don'l like that.

Great post btw!

Problem is, alot of them these days don't attempt to make it complex so it is hard to master, but opt into making enemies bullet sponges or implement some sort of energy system or a slow grind to extend the game and force you into buying "gold" equipment via microtransactions.

Yeah, I totally agree... In the future, I might write a Post about these cheap methods.

You won't be the only one. I write on games and politics, so I'll definitely bitch about them at some point :p

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Very well written mate.

There's a Difference Between ''Hard to Master'' and ''Hard to Play''

This is the line which answers everything and offering multiple options to clear the game/level depending upon the skill set is way to go

Thanks, it took a lot of hours of research to write it so I'm glad you found it useful.

I am not a gamer but it was interesting to read this post.
To me, life is a big game, and I Know i many cases the more difficult it is, the more enjoyable it can be.
What some people live as a drama, can be lived by others as a comedie.

To me, life is a big game, and I Know i many cases the more difficult it is, the more enjoyable it can be.

I kind of agree... every bad experience you have today, will be something to joke about tomorrow!!


Bad camera angles that hide stuff the player needs to know. Cameras that change angle while you are playing, throwing you off course. Let players see what they need to see, and don't let your camera screw over your players.

Yeah, I think I forgot to mention Bad Camera Angles

Great points! I much rather play a good hard game than a horrible easy game any day.

Thanks for reading and commenting

You know some of old games were hard simply because of bugs. Personally I don't remember last game that was difficult.

Can remember only dark souls but that is exactly hard to play if it had quick save game would be 100 times easier. You just can't imagine how much time needs to be spent to just run from a to b.
Also dark souls is an example of boring option, you can just level up get all gear and win any bossfight.

I never played Dark Souls.. but from what I know about it... It does every point I said in my post. If you're skilled enough you can win. if you're not skilled you can grind until you get a gear that helps you to win.

some of old games were hard simply because of bugs. Personally I don't remember last game that was difficult.

yeah... maybe you don't find the games difficult anymore because of your accumulated skill from playing many games? But you know? most of the AAA titles are made to sell to as many people as possible... so if it wasn't marketed as a Hard Game then %70 of time the game will be fairly easy.. at least the main parts of it (optional content and challenges are made for those who invest their time in playing so a lot of time it'll be very hard).

That was my point games aren't difficult now. Problem with unfair difficulty mostly presents at free to play games.

I don't think easy games are bad (actually I like easy far more than hard if you want my taste)... but I know this can be very disappointing for people who like harder challenges. I wish game companies make games with more varied difficulty.

about Companies, there's a post I wrote few days it needs some a lot of editing and I'll publish it

I see how Dark Souls instead is not a boring option. You can go the boring way and grind till you power up enough to make a boss fight easy, but skillful players can win bosses without any grinding. It's a game in which you can win by skill alone :)

I didn't say you can't win without skill.

Ah, didn't focus too well on the comment, just forgot the main point of the post and thought "Wow, someone thinks Dark Souls is a boring grinding game". Sorry :)

That's what he meant saying:

Also dark souls is an example of boring option

It doesn't mean Dark Souls only does The Boring Option.... but you can use The Boring Option in it... and actually this game does all the three options quite good too.

I read the comment and noticed I just reacted too quickly and in a wrong way, as I had forgot what the post was about.. just saw the line about dark souls being boring and thought "This can't be serious" :D

haha!! it happened to me too... Once I replied about "suicide" to the wrong comment in the wrong post.

I remember playing stardew valley, and there was an egg hunt event. I made sure the ai did not get a SINGLE egg, and they still one. I was just like: So it's completely randomized who will win, and that I can sit there and do nothing and still win?

Stardew Valley... is one of the games that I want to get If I completed half of Games that I have in my Library now. I love the harvest moon series and I want more.. StdeVa while it doesn't look like Harvest Moon (or should I say: Story of Seasons), it feels and plays like one.

Very well written indeed! Another thing that can potentially perturb gamers is the addition of "Must have" DLC to finish the game or reach a higher level and get better gear, hell even both of those at once!

That's a problem... I want to talk about DLCs in one of my future posts (part of that post is already written but I need more research).... It's very bad for a DLC to be must have.... DLC should be a reward for players who invest in the game

reach a higher level and get better gear

But I don't think DLCs that do this (and only this) are bad, most players won't want that special gear so it make sense to not release it with the game but give it to players who invest much of their time and money in it. the only time I disagree with this type of DLC is when the game is multiplayer... and that special gear make who bought it stronger than those who didn't.... then I'm against that because it is a Pay2Win scheme.

when you think of how much developing one game costs these days, you'll see that having a DLC in necessary (developing games was less costly 10 years ago, that's why DLC-free $20-40 AAA game was profitable for companies).... The problem happens when the DLC is used to get money from poor players who won't need it, but the developers added cheap ways to make it sell.

I was meaning as it being a multiplayer online game, sorry I forgot to mention that

Ah... I don't know about Multiplayer... the thing is. if that game is not a free-to-play that depends on microtransactions only to pay for its server (I don't like these as)... they need other ways to get money from players to pay the server cost...

a 'Must Have' DLC may be a problem but for online game it can be the best possible option.

Many Online games servers shut-down because the Company developed it can't maintain the server with the little money they get anymore... will you rather pay of a DLC? or watch the game you love die?

well, that's what I think....

Very good point there

You had a bunch of good points in this post. Games were typically harder back in the days, but some say it was also as the games were so much shorter. To make a game feel longer, it was made so hard you coulnd't just run through it.

Nowdays the games are typically longer and there is no need for the "Die and start over"-thing we have seen in multiple old games.

Some are still trying to make use of this. They aren't focusing on game delevopement otherwise but create a high difficulty only to make the game seem longer, without adding enjoyability. Some even pretend the bad controls are meant to be a difficulty factor!

However, sometimes there is actual complexity (which can affect the UI) which can increase the difficulty to play the game, which may scare mainstream gamers.. but on the other hand, over-simplifying game leads to no good. Standard autoaim for FPS games and continuous auto saving after every jump in a platformer brings you no good.

There are still good games nowdays which are not easy. Dark Souls are one of the examples of this. I've loved Dwarf Fortress which has a very steep learning curve, but it's a pleasure after you get in the game. Binding of Isaac: Rebirth can be seen of some difficulty, especially if you want to get game completely finished.

So many good options to choose from.

You made some great points too.

Nowdays the games are typically longer and there is no need for the "Die and start over"-thing we have seen in multiple old games.

yeah, this was an attempt to make the game longer and it worked for their generation as one game at the time didn't have much competition. now if you lose a game few times in row you just close it, open Library and choose a new game. you can try the first game tomorrow but it took its time for today.

Most of AAA games don't do difficulty in an unfair way... that makes some of them easy... but you know what? Many of these games have really hard parts, they're just go unnoticed because of the other options to play I mentioned in the post.

I mean, try to play stealth in Assassin Creed.. the game sometimes challenges you to play that way (and gives you more synchronization points when you do that)... but it's hard, time-consuming, and not necessary to complete the game. most people won't play like that. But people who want a challenge? they'll find it very hard!!...

or its just me finding it very hard.. haha...

That's actually good and in some caases it's been done really well! Giving the players option to be challenged.

It's also a good use of different kinds of achievements. It lures people to try "the hard way", if you have to play a map without killing anyone or similar.

That way you can get a lot of casual gamers trying out different kinds of hardcore playthroughs :)

wow, very inspiring post !

Good Job !

Thanks, I've written another article... this one is about some psychological trick and how game making companies abuse it.

Is it not true? A game, is a game, is a game, is a game?

Umm... not sure what part you're talking about... can you quote it?

I really miss being able to play a platformer that isn't some variation of a rogue-like or rogue-lite. My favorite games were Sonic 2, Aladdin, Jungle Book, and The Lion King growing up. Now everything seems to be this hellish trial and error jumpfest with guns and powerups :/

Would love some recommendations for simple (modern) platformers!

I wish these games get made often too..... But there are 2 reasons making a game like this hard to sell these days....

  • Designing 100 Levels by hand is harder than making a system which creates 10,000 different levels!! that's why a company will create more levels if they added rouge-like system to the game.

  • Most gamers these days want more replayablity, if they played all the 100 levels in a game that doesn't generate new levels...and mastered them.. know what? they won't play the game again (until long time passes if they really love it).

One solution is to create a game with both designed levels (for main mode), and generated levels (for endless mode).... But Designing a good level by hand is very tiring and expensive for the company... if they can generate 10,000 levels on the fly... why spend money on premade levels while games with only generated levels sell very well?!

Makes a lot of sense actually though I wonder how much replayability matters as much these days. I think there's the hardcore group that really, really likes to master these types of games and then you have someone like me that wants one or two good playthroughs every few years.

The problem I kind of see with the generated levels is how saturated the market is with it. There really haven't been many levels in these games that have stuck in my head. I'm sure some bias is there because of playing them as a kid but I haven't stopped and went "damn, this is like the cart level in DK" or "I wish I could have more time to do the slots on Casino Night zone".

Anyway, not sure where I was going with all that haha. Maybe we'll see traditional platformers pop up in these next few years - I can only hope!

That's a cool research! Like it. I've never seen such an approach to the problem before.

Thanks.. though most of these are already known points... Just they're not written in one place (most of the points I made are talked about in detail in Extra Credits videos)

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