[VR Let's Play] Minecraft VR: Let's Build an Undersea Base, Part 9 (Observation Pod)

in gaming •  7 years ago 

Harvested my first wood from underwater, and built an observation pod to put my bed in. Moving up in the world! Or down? Because underwater? Haha, get it? Laugh please, I crave external validation.

Stay Tuned for Part 10

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Lol, first time I see this I have bad experiences with the VR because it makes me dizzy when walking and when I see upwards, really a pity. LOL

It looks interesting that observatory down the water, my passion in Minecraft was to work with the redstone.

Redstone is amazingly complex. There seems to be no limits to what can be built with it. I saw a redstone computer that could play tetris once.

The possibilities are endless Alex, the universe expands abruptly when using redstone especially create circuits, automatic food systems, irrigation systems and many other things.

All that without including the nuclear energy mode or the engineering mods that are wonderful!

I had eight automated potion machines in an old seabase of mine:

Then you are ready to try to make your own reactor and give energy to your underwater observatory, like our beloved Captain Nemo!!

Damn. That is some next level shit. What does it do, besides move around and make noise?

Well with energy you keep your machines running (faster furnaces, food packaging, automatic miners, among many other things) believe me it is very entertaining.

If the idea is not very clear, I leave a series about the mod.

It's a shame, but I can't use mods on this version of the game. It's based on the Win 10 Bedrock codebase, not Java.

There's no zombie in the coral, it looks perfectly safe.

This piece create a sense of humor at the same time it give reason for someone to think deeper over a issue before reaching conclusions.

Harvested my first wood from underwater, and built an observation pod to put my bed in. Moving up in the world!

That I see involved a lot of hard work and commitment.

it looks like a different experience than the one outside water
gtaphics are not that great

Even with your collection you could build your platform haha. Now we will have to wait as you continue advancing in your game. regards

😄I see what you did there, you still have a long way to go though, lets build up or down, you know because Underwater?😄😂

There may be no zombie in the coral, however, the opportunities are endless, the universe expands abruptly when the usage of Redstone specifically create circuits, automatic food systems, irrigation structures and plenty of different things.it seems perfectly safe. even along with your collection you may construct your platform. we will wait as you preserve advancing for your sport.

Hi @alex

How are you ?

Your game is very interesting and nice .
You are always some different , i really like it .

Thanks for sharing @alexbeyman
Upvote you .

I've only played a few times, what I like the most is that you can design without limits, feel at home if you wish or make the house of your dreams. I will follow your videos to see if I can learn more things! you induced me to play

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Do well.
All is well.

That door trick though... How do you know it's not realistic.. have you tried it? :D

creative post for game...thank you share with us

my daughters are all day in minecraft, but the advantage that I see of this game is that it looks futuristic, and they learn in some way, to make designs of civil engineering,

Perfect. You're so good at developing this. This is awesome man.

Game is wonderful with great graphics..
It is different exprience to play in water as compared to the out of water..
Keep it up you will do it..
Thanks for sharing..

Enjoys them minecraft videos so much at the moment. ;)

Glad to see we're back to Minecraft. My new favourite.

Moving up in the world!

Naa Bruh... You're moving down ... Haha. The observation pod ain't bad either. Nice construction @alexbeyman

You can make changes in ways, but the underwater idea makes it different and interesting.