Sonic the Hedgehog Origins | Section 2

in gaming •  5 years ago  (edited)

Sonic the Hedgehog Origins Title.png

Title screen by SEGA. Edit by me. Rough Concept. Might needs updated Sonic sprite.

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Sonic 2 / West Side Island Arc

Sub-Boss: Sub-Boss Theme 2
Major-Boss: Major-Boss Theme

Emerald Hill Zone - Morning/Midday

07  Emerald Hill.png

Act 1


Act Description: Sonic's plane falls into Emerald Hill similar to Mirage Saloon cutscene and Sonic jumps off. Sonic is greeted by Tails as Tails checks to see if Sonic is okay. Then Sonic looks up left and Tails follow to see the Death Egg and Wing Fortress take off over Emerald Hill from left going to the right. Then act begins as level map is established as in original.

Sub-Boss: Big Chomper

Arena: Wooden bridge arena with big waterfall.
Boss Description: A bigger version of Chomper badnik
Boss Action:
Number of Hits: 6

Inter-Act Transition: Player continues on to Act 2


Act 2

Act Description: Established original. For Act 2, it continues to show more of the Act 1 background eventually showing more of a part of West Side Island in the distance (this would be edited in).

Major-boss: Drill Eggman

Arena: Original Emerald Hill boss arena.
Boss Description: Established original.
Boss Action: Established original.
Number of Hits: 8

Inter-Stage Transition: Walk off to right to a bridge. Eggman jumps on button to collapse bridge. Fall down waterfall.

Aquatic Ruin Zone - Midday

08  Aquatic Ruin.png

Act 1


Act Description:

Sub-Boss: Boss Grounder

Arena: Flat surface arena.
Boss Description: Bigger green version of Grounder.
Boss Action: From description: Attacks via jumping from the ground and trying to aim it's drills at the player. For another attack, it will bury itself spearing harmful debris as it goes underground.
Number of Hits: 6

Inter-Act Transition: Continue on behind a wall of leaves into Act 2.


Act 2

Aquatic Ruin Act 2.pngAquatic Ruin Act 2  Parallax.png
Rough concept WIP by me

Act Description: Inside a more jungle infested ruins with some waterfalls. Level design established original. For some example.

Major-boss: Hammer Eggman

Arena: Original Aquatic Ruin boss arena.
Boss Description: Established original.
Boss Action: Established original.
Number of Hits: 8

Inter-Stage Transition: Trampoline up the ceiling of the ruins.

Hill Top Zone - Afternoon

09  Hill Top.png

Act 1


Act Description:

Sub-Boss: Magbot

Arena: Indoor flat surface arena room with 3 floating platforms, one on each side and one little higher in the middle.
Boss Description: Similar to one of the DD Wrecker bots in Sonic Mania.
Boss Action: Magbot lets the lava rise in the room until just under the floating platforms then heats up from the lava. Magbot jumps around towards you in the room
Number of Hits: 6

Inter-Act Transition: Continue on to Act 2.


Act 2
Hill Top Zone Act 2.png


Act Description: Background utilizing mostly this design from Sonic Mania The Misfits Pack and designed by Jubbalub and team but in 16-bit format.

Major-boss: Submarine Eggman

Arena: Original Hill Top boss arena.
Boss Description: Established original.
Boss Action: Established original.
Number of Hits: 8

Inter-Stage Transition: Loop-de-loop into a tunnel with the camera stuck centered with the loop and tunnel and the left and really tall Hill Top trees on the right.

Wood Zone - Evening

10  Wood.png

Act 1


Act Description: Utilizing background and foregound elements like in this video and background tree movements like in this example. There's also been fan creation made of this level too. I think the elements from the first video could be added along the elements in the second vid.

Sub-boss: Shiver Saw

Arena: A regular flat surface arena with trees overhanging over the top the arena.
Boss Description: Similar to Shiver Saw in Sonic Mania.
Boss Action: Similar actions to Shiver Saw in Sonic Mania except it hovers higher, out of reach of the player. When it launches its rotating saw at the player, it's launched much faster than in Mania and much farther then retracts fast back towards itself. If it launches the saw towards the floor, it jams the saw into the floor thus forced to retract itself towards the floor as well, giving the player opportunity to hit it.
Number of Hits: 6

Inter-act Transiton: Continue on to the right behind a wall of trees and go into Act 2 environment.


Act 2
Wood Act 2.pngWood Act 2  Parallax.png
Rough concept WIP by me

Act Description: Evening near night, in a forest lumber yard with cut down trees dotting the area. Industrial parts and lights a among the construction.

Major-Boss: Armor Saw Egg-mobile

Arena: A moving platform with a large rotating circular saw on the far left end of the arena
Boss Description: An armor Egg-mobile that can't be destroyed simply by the player's attacks, but flight can be disabled and can be damaged by and cause damage to the circular saw.
Boss Action:
Number of Hits: 8

Inter-Stage Transition: Fall down a collapsed wooden mine shaft to underground.

Mystic Cave Zone - Night

11  Mystic Cave.png

Act 1


Act Description: Fall in the level from the top. Then rest of act is just the established original mostly.

Sub-Boss: Drill Bot

Arena: Established original.
Boss Description: Similar the original Mystic Cave boss except a badnik design.
Boss Action: Established original.
Number of Hits: 6

Inter-act Transiton: Player continues on to Act 2. A purple rock background wall helps transition the Act 2 background.


Act 2
Mystic Cave Act 2.pngMystic Cave Act 2  Parallax.png
Rough concept WIP by me.

Act Description: A large organized purple mine held up by wood columns with lanterns lining the distant back.

Major-Boss: Egg-Mine Train

Arena: A scrolling screen mine cart riding arena.
Boss Description: A big train.
Boss Action: Shooting bombs and projectiles in patterns. Simple jump attacks on the train's weak spot can beat it.
Number of Hits: 8

Inter-Stage Transition: Malfunctioning Drill Bot comes back and destroys floor. Player fall into the collapsed pit.

Proto Palace Zone - Morning

12  Proto Palace.png

Act 1


Act Description: Fall in the level from the top. Then rest of act is just the established original mostly.

Sub-Boss: Water Pulser

Arena: A water flooded flat surface arena. Water not too high to jump out of to catch a breath. Arena like this but flooded.
Boss Description:
Boss Action: Shoots damaging water pulses at the player in patterns. Simple attacks can beat it.
Number of Hits: 6

Inter-act Transiton: Player continues on to Act 2, runing through tunnel with blue and purple rock into a large cavern environment.


Act 2


Proto Palace Act 2.png

Tileset Source. Tileset edits by me. To use for most of the act until near boss arena area.

Proto Palace Act 2.2.png
Boss arena area.

Act Description: Using a cooler purple pallet like in the examples found in the latter half of the collection of pictures here. Far background with tileset like this.

Major-Boss: Brass Eggman

Arena: Established original.
Boss Description: Established original.
Boss Action: Established original.
Number of Hits: 8

Inter-Stage Transition: Walk off automatically from the capsule to the right until into a room with an ancient mural featuring the 7 chaos emeralds and a glowing creature resembling Sonic and learn about how to turn in Super Sonic. From here, if you have all 7 chaos emeralds or whenever you do, you now are able to transform into Super Sonic. Then player is water blast to ceiling from an unstable floor.

Dust Hill Zone - Afternoon

13  Dust Hill.png

Act 1 (OST)


Dust Hill Act 1.png


Act Description: Blasts from the ground from a water spout. Similar to this example with the lines in the sand uniquely 2.5D paralaxing. Tileset for the level here (minus "Acme" labeled boxes). Also using sand tilesets as well. See example of tilesets to use in the 3rd and 4th example in the link here. Unique level map design.

Sub-Boss: Sandworm

Arena: Flat surface sand arena.
Boss Description: Design the same from Sonic Mania in 16-bit format.
Boss Action: Function about the same except only in 2D space.
Number of Hits: 6

Inter-Act Transition: Environment changes from day blue sky to yellow afternoon sky after mini-boss is defeated.


Act 2


Dust Hill Act 2.png

Source. Edited by me.

Act Description: Similar to 1st act but now in the afternoon with a yellow sky. Unique level map design.

Major-Boss: Scorpanoid

Arena: Flat surface sand arena.
Boss Description: A scorpion robot. (Edit badnik to house Eggman's Egg-mobile in it instead of a razor back)
Boss Action: From description: The tail has a spiked ball ready to strike at the player with. Can also clamp at the player, and can also shoot lasers out of the claws. It's face is the hit-point.
Number of Hits: 8

Inter-Stage Transition: Automatically walks to the right then pans over to see Oil Ocean factory complex in background. Then walk off to right on an Oil Ocean platform.

Oil Ocean Zone - Afternoon/Evening

14  Oil Ocean.png

Act 1


Act Description:

Sub-Boss: Meter Droid

Arena: Established original from Sonic Mania.
Boss Description: Established original from Sonic Mania.
Boss Action: Established original from Sonic Mania.
Number of Hits: 6

Inter-Act Transition: After sub-boss is defeated, a wall of fire transitions the act before Act 1 completed.


Act 2


Oil Ocean Act 2.png
Created by me. Oil Ocean Act 2 Tileset.png

Act Description: Established original except with Sonic Mania act 2 background for Oil Ocean. Smokestacks will belch out exhaust.

Major-Boss: Submarine Eggman II

Arena: Established original.
Boss Description: Established original.
Boss Action: Established original.
Number of Hits: 8

Inter-Stage Transition: Cannon launch through wall.

Metropolis Zone - Evening

15  Metropolis.png

Act 1 (OST)


Act Description: Combines Act 1 and Act 2's original levels into one seemless act.

Sub-Boss: Flying Egg-bot

Arena: Established original.
Boss Description: Established original except as a badnik. The ballons will still be Eggman balloons.
Boss Action: Established original.
Number of Hits: 6

Inter-Act Transition: Continue on to Act 2 with a background wall to transition the background, then go into a tube that goes thru fencing to transition level map tileset to a more red color palette.


Act 2 (Beta OST)
Metropolis Act 2.png

Act Description: Red and hot steel/smelting factory. A unique level map design. Featuring close molten steel buckets for platforms, loop-de-loops with fans in the center of it, molten steel pour hazards, etc.

Major-Boss: Egg-MagMobile

Arena: Flat surface arena with pipes lined all across under the surface for steam columns. A steel crucible automatically move across the top of the arena. Two switches, one on each far side of the arena.
Boss Description: An armored Egg-mobile that can not be attacked by the player's basic attacks. two crucibles on each side of the Egg-mobile.
Boss Action: Boss has 3 phases. Phase 1 is the mobile will hover over the arena, this phase is the players chance to attack by hitting whichever switch to dump molten steel on the machine from a crucible that is carried over the arena over the mobile. Phase 2 will have Eggman go off screen for a moment then return facing forward to dump molten steel from both crucibles on the mobile from all the way on the left edge of the arena to the right edge. Player must be directly under the mobile as it dumps across to avoid getting hit. Phase 3 will have the steam columns expel from the floor one by one from left to right then back to left.
Number of Hits: 8

Inter-Stage Transition: Transport through a transport tube.

Chemical Plant Zone - Night

16  Chemical Plant.png

Act 1


Act Description: Established original except combined original Act 1 and Act 2 into one act. beginning of stage starts by transporting through Chemical Plants transport tube and launch out of it.

Sub-Boss: Water Eggman

Arena: Established original.
Boss Description: Established original.
Boss Action: Established original.
Number of Hits: 6

Inter-Act Transition: Continue on in front of a background wall to transition into Act 2 environment.


Act 2

Act Description: Similar level design to Sonic Mania's Chemical Plant Act 2 design.

Major-Boss: Mean Bean Machine

Arena: Established original from Sonic Mania.
Boss Description: Established original from Sonic Mania.
Boss Action: Established original from Sonic Mania.
Number of Hits: N/A

Inter-Stage Transition: Transport through tube.

Casino Night Zone - Night

17  Casino Night.png

Act 1 (OST)


Act Description:

Sub-Boss: Shuffler

Arena: A regular flat surface arena.
Boss Description: A red with yellow stars upside-down cup-shaped botnik.
Boss Action: A simple 3 cup shuffle, each round shuffling 15 moves. After shuffling is finished, player must hit the correct cup that's the actual Shuffler and not a dummy cup. A correct hit lands a hit. An incorrect hit explodes the dummy cup causing the player damage and the player will have to retry the round again unless they have no rings. Each shuffle round adds one more cup to the field and speeds the shuffling slightly.
Number of Hits: 4

Inter-Act Transition: Walk through a wall right of the arena to into Act 2 portion.


Act 2 (Beta OST) (Preferably sped up to almost 1.25x)


Zone layout looks like this.

Act Description: Established original except with beta Casino Night background.

Major-Boss: Catcher Eggman

Arena: Established original.
Boss Description: Established original.
Boss Action: Established original.
Number of Hits: 8

Inter-Stage Transition: grab Tails then zap him have him flying off screen to the left with Eggman laughing and flying off. Then Sonic runs toward a Casino Night elevator with no platform to jump down it to transition to Cyber City. Jump down a tube.

Cyber City Zone - Night/Dawn

18  Cyber City.png

Act 1


Act Description: Digital factory using these tilesets. Drop down a tube to start level. A unique challenging level map design.

Sub-Boss: Flying Guardian

Arena: Flat surface arena
Boss Description: A flying saucer-like badnik. Sprite set found in link above.
Boss Action: Teleports into the arena. 1st phase, zooms over the player's spot on the arena just out of reach of jumping and tracks over the player as launches from the top of it and drops a yellow spiked mine in that spot breaking immediately leaving yellow clusters, doing periodically 5 of them. Then stops and teleports off-screen. 2nd phase, from back off-screen it zooms in from right to left then off-screen out of reach of jumping as it launches from the top 3 red mines (zooming to the spots as it one on the left, center, and right part of the arena) that don't break immediately, the mines break leaving clusters about 3 seconds after being dropped. 3rd phase, the badnik teleports to the top center of the screen then teleports closer to the ground (well within jumping range to attack and dodge its attack) on the left side of the arena and blasts its laser cannon on its bottom sweeping from left to right. Then repeat the phases except using opposite sides for phases 2 and 3. Simple attacks can beat it.
Number of Hits: 6

Inter-Act Transition: Lights brighten up background and foreground


Act 2

Indoor section of 2nd act.


Source. Image created by ExecByte
Outdoor section of 2nd act.



Act Description: You journey to see the rest of the cyber factory now lit up more before going outside and seeing the city.

Major-Boss: MagnEggtosphere

Arena: A water flooded arena with a magnetic floor and with 2 floating platforms, one on the left and one on the right, with a large lightning rod in the center of the arena. A switch is located in the center of the arena on the floor in the water.
Boss Description: An Egg-mobile with an electromagnetic shield surrounding it as protection from attacks and can be as a weapon as it hurts the player. The flooded floor act as a weapon for and against the player as when lightning strikes the lightning rod periodically, anything within the water will be electrocuted.
Boss Action: Boss has 2 phases. The first phase involves Eggman tracking and flying towards wherever the player is to hit the player. Phase 2 has Eggman fly to the middle of the arena an unleash an electric energy burst in 8 cardinal directions towards off screen. The player must timely hit the switch to attract the Egg-mobile into the water. Once lightning strikes, the vehicle's shield is momentarily disabled to get a couple of hits in before is reactivates.
Number of Hits: 8

Inter-Stage Transition: Sonic runs to the edge of the building and sees the wing fortress fly off to the right. Then looks back to jump onto and ride with Tails on Sonic's plane going off screen.

Sky Chase Zone - Morning

19  Sky Chase.png



Act Description: Established original except beginning of stage starts with a darken night/early dawn background and brighten to normal background morning at the point of the stage when music completes it's first loop..

Interstage Transition: Fly right off screen.

Wing Fortress Zone - Morning

20  Wing Fortress.png



Act Description: Established original.

Major-Boss: Barrier Eggman

Arena: Established original.
Boss Description: Established original.
Boss Action: Established original.
Number of Hits: 8

Inter-Stage Transition: Tails plane fly Sonic up to Eggman's rocket ship to grab onto.

Death Egg I Zone - Morning/Midday

21  Death Egg I.png


Act Description: A unique new single act custom level design. Features reverse gravity, spikes, electrical zappers, bottomless pits on the bottom and top of the level, bars to hang from, floating platforms, and transport tubes. No rings are available in the whole level.

Major-Boss 1: Mecha Sonic

Arena: Established original.
Boss Description: Established original.
Boss Action: Established original.
Number of Hits: 8

Death Egg Robot

Major-Boss 2: Death Egg Robot

Inter-Stage Transition: Sonic 2 final cut scene begins normally with Sonic running out out Death Egg. Sonic falls back to earth losing his Super form due to exhaustion. Tails catch Sonic. After the Sonic 2 cut scene music ends, both see the Death Egg falling to Angel Island, crashing on it, and all falling down off screen. Both fly down towards the ocean waters where the Sonic 3 intro smoothly gets transitioned in seamlessly.

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