Sonic 3&K / Angel Island Arc
Sub-Boss: Sub-Boss Theme
Major-Boss: Major-Boss Theme
Angel Island Zone - Morning/Midday
Act Description: Established original. For bombers, utilize this sprite.
Sub-Boss: Flame Craft Act 1
Arena: Established original.
Boss Description: Established original.
Boss Action: Established original.
Number of Hits: 6
Inter-Act Transition: Established original.
Act Description: Established original. For near end of act bomber also utilize this sprite.
Major-Boss: Flame Craft Act 2
Arena: Established original.
Boss Description: Established original.
Boss Action: Established original.
Number of Hits: 8
Inter-Stage Transition: Established original.
Hydrocity Zone - Afternoon
Act Description: Established original.
Sub-Boss: Whirlpool Machine
Arena: Established original.
Boss Description: Established original.
Boss Action: Established original.
Number of Hits: 6
Inter-Act Transition: Established original.
Act 2 (An enhanced/remastered version example)
Act Description: Established original.
Major-Boss: Waterspout and Depth Charge Machine
Arena: Established original.
Boss Description: Established original.
Boss Action: Established original.
Number of Hits: 8
Inter-Stage Transition: Established original.
Marble Garden Zone - Afternoon/Evening
Act Description: Established original.
Sub-Boss: Tunnelbot
Arena: Established original.
Boss Description: Established original.
Boss Action: Established original.
Number of Hits: 6
Inter-Act Transition: Established original.
Act Description: Established original.
Major-Boss: Jet Drill Pod
Arena: Established original.
Boss Description: Established original.
Boss Action: Established original.
Number of Hits: 8
Inter-Stage Transition: Established original.
Carnival Night Zone - Night
Act Description: Stage layout remains the same as origin except for all red barrels utilizing the up-and-down controls, change their color to yellow and place the neon lit "arrows" (see example in Act 2 pic above) about areas where these barrels are located to hint the directions for them.
Sub-Boss: Self D-Struct Machine/Bowling Spin
Arena: Established original.
Boss Description: Established original.
Boss Action: Established original.
Number of Hits: 4
Inter-Act Transition: Established original.
Act 2
Act 2 (Lights out portion)
Act Description: Established original.
Major-Boss: Energy Ship
Arena: Established original.
Boss Description: Established original.
Boss Action: Established original.
Number of Hits: 8
Inter-Stage Transition: Automatic: Sonic looks up to Flying Battery fly overhead and Eggman flying off. Sonic runs up the platform all the way to the edge of it pass the cannon with the camera panned over to show the edge of the platform with the canon still in view. Sonic waits at the edge of the platform for a moment before jumping into the cannon to launch up to Flying Battery ship.
Flying Battery Zone - Night/Dawn
Act Description: Stage layout remains the same as original except using night palette sky for most of the zone. Example found in Sonic 3 Complete Level design otherwise, established original. For Knuckles play-through, it will be the daytime palette since with his game routes, he won't be able to board Flying Battery until after Mushroom Hill in the daytime. If possible, darken the color palette for the outside portions of the ship would be ideal.
Sub-Boss: Gapsule
Arena: Established original.
Boss Description: Established original.
Boss Action: Established original.
Number of Hits: 6
Inter-Act Transition: Established original.
Act Description: Established original. After major boss 1 (Barrier Eggman), a slightly brighter sky for the rest of the act to show it's transitioning to dawn. Again, example found in Sonic 3 Complete.
Major-Boss 1: Barrier Eggman
Arena: Established original.
Boss Description: Established original.
Boss Action: Established original.
Number of Hits: 8
Major-Boss 2: Hang Mobile
Arena: Established original.
Boss Description: Established original.
Boss Action: Established original.
Number of Hits: 8
Inter-Stage Transition: Burst from ship front door and use door as snow board in next level.
Description: For Knuckles play-through, it will be the daytime palette since with his game routes, he won't be able to board Flying Battery until after Mushroom Hill in the daytime. Maybe a bonus, darken the color palette for the outside portions of the ship as well.
Icecap Zone - Morning
Act 1 From snowboarding until exiting tunnel into ice cave
Act 1 (Need more refined edition)
Act Description: Established original except beginning uses door instead of snowboard.
Sub-Boss: Iceball
Arena: Established original.
Boss Description: Established original.
Boss Action: Established original.
Number of Hits: 6
Inter-Act Transition: Established original.
Act Description: Established original.
Major-Boss: Freeze-O-Matic
Arena: Established original.
Boss Description: Established original.
Boss Action: Established original.
Number of Hits: 8
Inter-Stage Transition: Established original.
Launch Base Zone - Midday
Act 1 (Need more refined version)
Act 1 2nd Option
Act Description: Established original except beginning uses door instead of snowboard.
Sub-Boss: Swing’m Spikez
Arena: Established original.
Boss Description: Established original.
Boss Action: Established original.
Number of Hits: 6
Inter-Act Transition: Established original.
Act 2
Act 2 2nd Option
Act 2 3rd Option
Act Description: Established original.
Major-Boss: Ball Shooter
Arena: Established original.
Boss Description: Established original.
Boss Action: Established original.
Number of Hits: 8
Major-Boss: Beam Rocket
Arena: Established original.
Boss Description: Established original.
Boss Action: Established original.
Number of Hits: 8
Major-Boss: Big Arm
Arena: Established original.
Boss Description: Established original.
Boss Action: Established original.
Number of Hits: 8
Inter-Stage Transition: Platform fall then Tails carry Sonic to Mushroom Hill. Transitional cutscene showing the Death Egg falling into the mouth of Angel Island's volcano.
Mushroom Valley Zone - Afternoon
Act Description: Established original.
Sub-Boss: Hei Hou
Arena: Established original.
Boss Description: Established original.
Boss Action: Established original.
Number of Hits: 6
Inter-Act Transition: Established original.
Act Description: Established original.
Major-Boss: Jet Mobile
Arena: Established original.
Boss Description: Established original.
Boss Action: Established original.
Number of Hits: 8
Inter-Stage Transition: Jump off the grassy platform into the wind to blow to Sandopolis.
Sandopolis Zone - Afternoon/Evening
Act Description: Established original.
Sub-Boss: Guardian
Arena: Established original.
Boss Description: Established original.
Boss Action: Established original.
Number of Hits: 6
Inter-Act Transition: Established original.
Act Description: Established original.
Major-Boss: Egg Golem
Arena: Established original.
Boss Description: Established original.
Boss Action: Established original but quicker motions.
Number of Hits: 8
Inter-Stage Transition: Established original.
Lava Reef Zone - Night
Act Description: Established original.
Sub-Boss: Heat Arms
Arena: Established original.
Boss Description: Established original.
Boss Action: Established original.
Number of Hits: 6
Inter-Act Transition: Established original.
"Act 3"
Act Description: Established original.
Major-Boss: Hot Mobile
Arena: Established original.
Boss Description: Established original.
Boss Action: Established original but hard mode version like here.
Number of Hits: 24
Inter-Stage Transition: Established original.
Hidden Palace Zone - Morning
Act Description: Established original.
Major-Boss: Knuckles the Echidna
Arena: Established original.
Boss Description: Established original.
Boss Action: Established original.
Number of Hits: 8
Inter-Stage Transition: Established original.
Sky Sanctuary Zone - Midday
Act Description: Established original.
Sub-Boss 1: Mecha Sonic Round 1: Egg Mobile-H
Arena: Established original.
Music: Sub-Boss Theme 1
Boss Description: Established original.
Boss Action: Established original.
Number of Hits: 8
Sub-Boss 2: Mecha Sonic Round 2: Flying Eggman
Arena: Established original.
Music: Sub-Boss Theme 2
Boss Description: Established original.
Boss Action: Established original.
Number of Hits: 8
Major-Boss: Mecha Sonic Round 3: Combat
Arena: Established original.
Music: Major-Boss Theme
Boss Description: Established original.
Boss Action: Established original.
Number of Hits: 8
Inter-Stage Transition: Established original.
Death Egg II Zone - ???
Act Description: Established original.
Sub-Boss 1: Red Eye
Arena: Established original.
Boss Description: Established original.
Boss Action: Established original.
Number of Hits: 8
Inter-Act Transition: Established original.
Act Description: Established original.
Major-Boss: Death Ball
Arena: Established original.
Boss Description: Established original.
Boss Action: Established original but hard mode version like here.
Number of Hits: 8
Final boss: Great Eggman Robo
Inter-Stage Transition: Established original.
The Doomsday Zone - ???
Description: Stage layout remains the same as original mostly except with 4 phases.
- Asteroid Dodging
- Rocket Tracker
- "One-Hit Kill" Laser Tracker
- Final Chase
Ending Cutscene Theme (Edit cutscene just long enough the have one loop of the track to end perfectly when the scene ends.)
Sonic the Hedgehog: Origins Ending Medley
S3&K Credits Intro -> Sonic 2 Credits Intro -> Sonic 1 Credits Intro -> Green Hill -> Labyrinth -> Marble -> Starlight -> Scrap Brain -> Spring Yard -> Metropolis -> Emerald Hill -> Chemical Plant -> Dust Hill -> Aquatic Ruin -> Death Egg -> Proto Palace -> Mystic Cave -> Cyber City -> Wood -> Hill Top -> Casino Night -> Sky Chase -> Oil Ocean -> Wing Fortress -> Angel Island Act 1 -> Hydrocity Act 2 -> Marble Garden Act 2 -> Carnival Night Act 1 (Beta) -> Ice Cap Act 2 (Beta) -> Launch Base Act 2 (Beta) -> Mushroom Hill Act 2 -> Lava Reef Act 1 -> Flying Battery Act 2 -> Sandopolis Act 1 -> Death Egg Act 2 -> Hidden Palace -> Sky Sanctuary -> Sonic 3 Outro -> Sonic & Knuckles Outro -> Sonic 1 Outro
Example concept. Most of the credit scene. Credits on the left. Gameplay of each level on the right.
Ending cutscene: Sonic 3 & Knuckles credit scene, Tails land plane as Sonic jumps off then continues with traditional Sonic 1 scene except with Tails joining in too, at moment of final note in music cut to title of game over black screen, 4 seconds later cut to Eggman stomping on "End" text with destroyed Death Egg robot and broken Mecha-Sonic around him.
I hope you enjoy this brainstorm of ideas I put together. And I would like to give credit and thanks to all the ones who contribute their ideas to the series over the years that feels like brings new life into an old classic! And thank those who found really valuable prototypes of these games that could sparks even more creative ideas!
Be sure to credit the fan and their creations as well. Ask permission if there is none already given. And again, I wanted to share these ideas to the world in hopes maybe one day fans if not Sega themselves could use this as a rubric to make that ultimate Sonic trilogy game!