New York ComicCon 2018
Ok guys...this was a HUGE convention, also my first time in this kind of event. It was totally AMAZING!!
Every year the largest comic conventions are setting records in attendance all over the US. Even without accurate numbers I can safely assume that NY is one of the top comic con show with the most attendance.
These comic con event is like a celebration of many different aspect of geek culture.
Fans from all around the world came to NY to show their best costumes. You see all kind of cool things like: comics, outfits, toys, custom made materials, actors interviews, new movies/video games previews and much more.
(Spanish) Ok amigos, esto es una convención GIGANTE , es la primera vez que asisto en un evento como este y créame es ESPECTACULAR.
Todos los años esta gran convención registra nuevos records de audiencia en todo US. No puedo ser preciso pero asumo que el de New York es unos de los mejores shows con mayor asistencia. Literalmente es una celebración de las diversidades de la cultura geek.
Todos los FANATICOS alrededor del mundo vinieron a mostrar sus mejores vestimentas. Todo tipo de COMICS, vestimentas, juguetes, materiales hechos al momento, entrevistas, nuevas películas/VideoJuegos en agenda y mucho mas.
-Prepare yourself to see weird stuff.
It can be funny, impressive and even a little disturbing or creepy seeing all those eccentric fans living their character role...they act and perform like real super heroes 😱.
(Spanish) Es tan gracioso, pero a la misma vez un poco perturbador cuando vez como los FANATICOS crean esas vestimentas y la mejor parte es, ELLOS VIVEN SU PERSONAJE Y ACTUAN como verdaderos superhéroes.
-A new world 🌎 where nerds and geeks come along together.
That culture is a widely varied as geeks themselves, but there’s a common thread that ties them all together.
You always hear about the “battle “ between Star Trek and Star Wars fans, same thing between Marvel and DC right??? Well...here you will see them moving along and having the time of their life.
(Spanish) En esta cultura hay mucha variedad de gustos, una de ellas, las grandes batallas entre los fanáticos de Star Trek y Star Wars?, 😂 me encanta. pues lo mismo pasa con Marvel y DC. Verán como los fanáticos de los personajes de MARVEL Y DC comparten y lo pasan bien.
-Video game industry in control
I have no words, this is absolutely true...the video games industries are controlling the world. It really doesn’t matter if is XBOX, PS, Nintendo, PC or smartphone. This a very aggressive market and keep getting better every freakin year.
(Spanish) No tengo palabras, nada mas que decir que es la pura VERDAD, la industria de los video juegos están controlando el mundo. No importa que consola de juegos, si es Xbox, Ps, Nintendo, PC or smartphone. La plataforma de mercadeo es demasiada agresiva y mejoran todos los AÑOS.
OK, ok, no more talking😬
Pictures by crypt🦎lizard
Please leave your comments below, I want to hear your opinion.😉
In this one about Yu-Gi-Oh!, the First thing I recalled was @tipu with their Steem Monsters! playing Cards 😬
Do you imagine Captain Jack Sparrow with the Thanos's gauntlet? HAHAHAHAH
Good job bro!
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Well appreciated man. I am glad you liked it.
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Amigo gracias por este post porque aunque no soy fanatica de los comics si me gusta el arte y a través de tus imagenes pude disfrutar de ese evento donde las caracterizaciones de los diverso personajes se hicieron notar. Y es que todos, de cierta forma, somos unos superheroes. Saludos. #conoceme
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Muchas gracias chica, fue un placer para mi compartirlo. 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼👍🏼
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pido disculpas pero ese no era el comentario que quería dejar el comentario no me salio completo, aquí va corregido, soy un apasionado de cómics y del anime, existen diferencias entre ambos, del anime japonés me gustan sus argumentos son sus pensamientos y sus personajes complejos, lo que no me gusta es la simpleza de su arte en mi opinión no me gustan sus dibujos, los cómics y su belleza en el sentido de la estética, lo que no me gusta en la simplicidad de sus historias y lo repetitivas que son, se salvan los cómics de autores independientes y los personajes populares conocidos, claro aparte están las grandes obras de la animación como akira, heavy metal, la tumba de las luciérnagas, plage dog, entre otras.Espero que en algún momento pueda apreciar alguna forma de serie animada que combina todos estos aspectos hasta ahora estaré esperando.
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Excelente punto de vista. No soy un "Hard Fan" como tu, pero entiendo tu punto. Muchas gracias por compartir tu opinión, EXCELENTE. Esa ultima combinación que comentaste "heavy metal, el dramatismo de la tumba de las luciérnagas, la acción de dragon ball, y una trama como la de cowboy bebop"
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Me agrada mucho el comic con, buenos cosplays y con los estrenos que se presentan, siempre son entretenidas
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Correcto, son super buenas y entretienen todo el dia. 👍🏼
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it looks like it was really cool. And it's a lot bigger than the ComicCon here in Germany. Can't wait to be at the ComicCon here in Berlin mid-October.
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I feel you!!! 👍🏼 This is my very first time and I completely amazed. ComicCon is in another level.
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Still have not gone to one of these cons yet but plan too, I'm a big scifi fantasy fan. Nice
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Yeah bro, it is an experience. you will love it.
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Man, I've always wanted to go to one of those. Looks like such high energy fun! Great reporting from "on-the-ground".
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Hhahahahahhaha THANKS BRO. "I Am One With the Force and the Force Is With Me"
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As an anime and marvel super hero fan, it has always been a dream of mine to attend such even. But I had no such luck! It must have been an awesome experience to actually meet in real life the actors who played the role! I saw it on tv last time, there were tons of people who came from the different parts of the world just to witness this once in lifetime event. Amazing photos by the way!
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That is awesome man, and yes, tons of people are gerting into comics world and LIVING IT. Thanks man 💪🏼
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everything looks real!! Would love to go next year!!
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Thank you, YES, the people really spent time customizing those costumes. hardcore fans!!
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Indeed! I love seeing costumes like its real! I should probably come and visit next time :) thanks for sharing this!
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You are welcome 💪🏼
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Have a good day!
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It look like a good place to visit . Thanks for sharing this on steemit .Amazing place .
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My pleasure and yes, very energetic city to visit.
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eso es un muy buen tema no me gusta tanto el anime pero si lo veo y me gusta soy un friki y pienso que es increible que ayas echo un post de la
comic con de new york algun día deciaria ir a una de esas :) sigue asi
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Muchas gracias mano, claro q si, ponte esa meta.👍🏼👍🏼
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oye men te entiendo mi sueño tambien es ir a una comic-con, eh ido a pequeños eventos de anime, pero ninguno de esos eventos eventos le llaga a los tobillos a una comic-con
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Man how I wish I was there! That's a huge crowd and by the looks of it, seems like everybody's having fun. I sure hope i'll be able to attend it next time.
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Yeahhhh, huge crowd, I SAW EVERYONE looking around trying to find the best outfit. Was awesome. Is a must go event. 💪🏼 Thanks man
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Nice post. I love New York..
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Thanks man, yes indeed. New York is awesome. All big events are coming here!!
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I am a huge fan of comic icons!!! So fascinated with the real-life characters (coz just look sooooo real!!) you guys nailed it!!! great photo coverage, too! congrats to the organizers of this one-of-a -kind COMICON event at NYCC.
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That was my pleasure bro, thanks. YES, the people nailed it. Real hard fans
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Hi mate, I'm also avid fun of a comic icons. Great work so real!! This is one of a kind
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Thank you man, as you said, THIS IS ONE OF THE KIND event. 🙌🏼
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Yes indeed!😎
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Me too also love those characters. They are all beautiful at first sight seems so real. Those comic icons are all my favorite characters. Awesome!!!
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Comic con in New York, just wow...........
Wanna go once in life
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yes man, is a must go event. 💪🏼 Thanks
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Hi @crypt0lizard I'm a bot, and wanted you to know that I've upvoted and re-steemed your post to help you with your promotion efforts! -exp
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Hahahahah thanks!!
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Great pics!
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Thanks 👍🏼
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that child in us will always stay. it looks so much fun there!
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100% true man, thank you bro
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you're welcome, bud! you sure had a good time!
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Me encantó tu artículo, siempre he querido asistir a un ComicCon, déjame felicitarte por las fotografías, muy buenas
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Muchas gracias mano, me alegra q les gusto.
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pido disculpas pero ese no era el comentario que quería dejar el comentario no me salio completo, aquí va corregido ( por otra parte el teclado no me ayuda) soy un apasionado del cómics y del anime, existen diferencia entre ambos, del anime japonés me gustan sus argumentos sus tramas y sus personajes complejos, lo que no me gusta es la simpleza de su arte en mi opinión no me gustan sus dibujos, del comics tomo su belleza su sentido de la estética, lo que no me gusta en la simplicidad de sus historias y lo repetitivas que son, se salvan los cómics de autores independientes y el de los personajes poca conocidos, claro aparte están las grandes obras de la animación como akira, heavy metal, la tumba de las luciérnagas, plage dog, entre otras. espero que en algún momento pueda apreciar alguna abra en forma de serie animada que combinen todos estos aspectos hasta entonces estaré esperando.
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New york , the best city in the world and comic con , the best event in the world , well that's hell of a place to be!!
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HELL YEAH!!! 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼😂 thanks!!!
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Awesome event! Would love to see this next time.
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Yes, was a great event. you will love it. 100% guarantee
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Where is Trump?
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Hahahahhaha That Dude will never appear on this kind of events. This is not halloween 😂😂😂😂
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Wow todo se ven sensacional
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Muchas gracias, de verdad que si. 👍🏼
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Among all, the Batman and the haloween Girls Steal the show !!!
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good taste.. hahaha
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New York is a wonderful city, I would like to come here.
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Yes it is, very nice place to visit. You will not regret it.
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Wow, it looks awesome. Batman, Dragonballz, Superman, all my favorites.
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Thanks man. They were great. Next year I will prepare better to get the most of the event.
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I wish I was there this very moment ...
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Someday you will be wherever you want . Personal goal!! 💪🏼
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Cool Pics and I liked the Mario pic
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Thank you, he was the only one as Mario. Very strange on this kind of event.
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i've always wanted to attend one of these but never really had the opportunity.
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This was my very first time, try it. Is a very nice experience. You will enjoy it.
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Interesting, good pictures ...
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Thanks man.
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You rock, you have my vote!
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Thanks man
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this is so cool! all the comic characters. how i wish i was there :(
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yeah man, that was so cool. I will not miss it next year.
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Excelente!!!! seguramente estuvo muy buena!!
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Muchas gracias. si, muy buena 👍🏼👍🏼
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wow! This is big! Awesome cosplays you got.
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Thanks man. was HUGE!!!!. I got tired walking all around. :-P
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I like the concept art with the batman suit.
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man, that Batman was tired HAHAHA. I told him, "Bro that is a nice suit, POSE!!... he look at me, never posed and said thanks in a lower voice" Poor Batman, was tired, that's all. hahahahaha
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Ohh i am sorry, you mean image #10 ? ahhaha now i am get it. Yeah Bro. that ART is AMAZING with all the details. Good stuff
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amigo me gusto tu post, gran entrada con tu escrito describiendo todo y lo mejor la galería de fotografías muy bien tomadas que nos dio la oportunidad de conocer con detalle lo que sucedió en el evento como si estuviese allí. Felicitaciones
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Muchas gracias mano. Me alegra que le haya gustado !!!! ese era el proposito
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Never been to any comic con but I bet it is so much fun. Awesome cosplays you got in here. 😉 Really need to. Go to one.
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Thanks bro, it was fun. Next year I will prepare better for this.
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En verdad es una convención bien particular, nunca pensé que el fanatismo los llevara hasta esos extremos, se toman todo con tal seriedad, me asombra la forma en que viven los personajes y esos disfraces tan elaborados. Las fotos son geniales.
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Muchas gracias mano. Pues que te puedo decir, es un evento unico. La mayoria de las personas que van VIVEN ESO.
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Comic Con NY, out of curiosity, as I would like to attend one of those events has to be total madness, the costumes are great. Thanks for sharing your photos, manage to transport us to the event.
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NY, siempre única, Comic Con no podía ser la excepción, realmente estoy impresionado con tus fotos, lo trasladan a uno hasta el evento, los disfraces son lo máximo, qué bueno el poder compartir con nosotros tu experiencia, seguro lo pasaste genial. En verdad te felicito.
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Muchisimas gracias, me alegra mucho que te hayan gustado. Ese era el proposito, compartir y q les gustara tanto como a mi. 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼
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Thanks bro, is my pleasure. is a must go event. Is so great. 🙌🏼
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Whoa! Seems like everybody's having fun. Would love to be there next time.
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Do it man. honestly I saw everyone happy. it is a great event. Thanks you bro
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Would want to go in this kind of event too.
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my man, my expectations were fulfilled. People of ALL AGES went there. Unique experience
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jajajaja muy entretenido las imágenes, ojala lleguen mas ya que otros estaban interesantes, felicitaciones bro.
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Muchas gracias mano. Eran demasiadas fotos hahaha
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me encanta todo lo que tenga que ver con comics,,anime,,comicon,,,cosplayers,,,,,,ya que soy un cosmaker,,,,exelentes fotos,,,,
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Muchas gracias mano, Son para ustedes. 💪🏼
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MAN, I HAD A BLAST AT JUST SEEING AT THIS POST, shame i cant go to a comiccon... Great content, man!
PS: That dragon ball poster is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G
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THANK YOU BRO!!!.. you know what? you are the first to props the Dragon Ball poster. I posted on my blog because I thought the same as you , was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. there was a lot MORE , but that will be hundred of pictures here, is too much. hahaha.
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As a Dragon Ball fan i had to do it, keep the good work bro, looking forward to it!
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Thank you
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WOww !! Likee !!
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Thanks bro
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La verdad es una experiencia disfrutable al 100 % solo para fanaticos e ilustrados de este mundillo de nerds cuando fui por primer vez fue como un sueno hecho realidad y tus fotos me hicieron recordar eso de nuevo gracias por compartirlos..
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Asi es mi hermano, es una experiencia unica. Muchas Gracias 👍🏼
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Excelente post yo también tuve la oportunidad de asistir a una convención.
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Muchas gracias mano, es increible 🙌🏼💪🏼
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it's fantastic
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It really was, Thank you 💪🏼
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