Retro Review - Zero Wing

in gaming •  7 years ago  (edited)


Many games jump to fame thanks to its innovative graphics, its incredible plot and way of telling a story or thanks to its wonderful soundtrack capable of transmitting countless feelings, while others jump to fame due to a translation error, as is the case of the game that I will present next, a game that today could be considered cult, thanks to the large number of jokes that have been created to over the years.

Today's retro review is about that game, which despite not being bad, is quite funny because of its mistakes: Zero Wing.

The story is quite simple, we are in the year 2101, a year where special piracy was something of every day, therefore the Federation of the Milky Way set the task of devising a plan to be able to finish once and for all all with all these space pirates, thanks to this plan for 2 years they kept the pirates against the corners and it was believed that they had finally been eliminated, but it was not so.

Surprisingly the main battle ship belonging to the federation was attacked, exploded due to a bomb that had been implanted previously, in that explosion equally destroyed the ships that were used to fight fought against the pirates,
this attack was planned by the leader of the cosmic pirates: Cats, but their plan was not only to destroy the main ship of the federation, but also took control of all the bases of defense that previously had been constructed to eliminate the pirates, because of this, he became the most dangerous man in the galaxy, since he had control over a great amount of weapons of which could conquer many planets.

But fortunately one of the battle ships was able to escape before the explosion, this being the only hope to be able to take control of all bases and eliminate Cats.



The story Zero Wing through the years are full of jokes because of its bad translation: "ALL YOUR BASE ARE BELONG TO US" is the phrase with which you can easily describe this game, only this small and mistranslated phrase, was enough to remain in the world of video games during all these years. Belonging to include pop culture in general.

Graphically it is a game that does not stand out in comparison to others of its time, but still it does not look so bad, remember that we are before a game where we manage a ship and our aim is to destroy everything that was in front of us , the scenarios are not well worked, in fact the background of these are quite simple and with colors not very flashy.

Design of the ships in the same way is not something innovative, they have the correct simplicity so that it is not a visibly bad game, but because we travel in space and visit many planets the number of scenarios that we can observe is varied, as well as with enemies, we can find many of them with different modeling.


Something that stands out compared to the other aspects mentioned, it is in the final bosses, where they present very good designs and in some cases quite original and in turn have a large size where you can see the quality of details better.




I must admit that the soundtrack of zero wing is quite good, it has a moderate amount of melodies, whose melodies were correctly composed for this type of game, where they really adapt to the special theme presented to us. I have no complaints regarding the soundtrack, you could say that is the best aspect of this game.

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Compared to other games of the same genre, Zero Wing has a fairly simple gameplay, we control a ship that must fire a certain amount of enemies that appear on the screen, we also have the possibility to obtain items that will grant us different types of weapons, with different styles of shots and support ships that will help us to attack the enemies or ships that will serve as a defense.

The game also has a moderate level of difficulty, not exactly difficult, but if it presents us with a pleasant challenge at the time we are playing, as well as their final bosses who each have a different design than the previous, these also have patterns of attacks where none resembles the previous one, in turn as it is customary the difficulty of these increases as we progress in the game.




In general, Zero Wing has a gameplay like another game of its type, does not bring anything new, but in turn is quite fun to play (as well as its poor translations).


Zero Wing is not a game that will change your life, much less a game that stands out especially in all its aspects, but being really objective, is a game that can entertain you during the time you are playing, of course if it is that you like the game of the genre "shoot'em up and although it is a game that has been eclipsed in a certain way by its meme, it is a recommended game.


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early 2000s flash animation memes wouldn't have been the same without this game.

hahaha thats right, my friend.

Ahh... somebody set us up the bomb!

We get signal.

I really missed playing Zero Wing, great game review because of this i remebered the days im playing it :), By the way I also review games and game consoles. If you like you can also visit my page :D