How to be a female gamer surrounded by dudes

in gaming •  7 years ago  (edited)

“It’s a hard knock life, for us”. There is this mindset in the gaming community, that if you are a girl (or a kid under twelve that sounds like a girl), you are a victim. But there are two ends of the spectrum for us ladies; either someone has the audacity to call us out for not being the kitchen and/or offend us with a slurry of offensive female stereotypes (because obviously, female skills aren’t up to par with males) or the guy that thinks you are a prize that he must win and pulls out all the stops to win your heart. Don’t get me wrong, there are some one-off occasions where you will play with someone who you get along with so well you are accepted as one of the boys #rareunicorns.

More often than not, girls are depicted as the damsels in distress that need protecting from a knight in shining armour, it’s the 21st-century ladies we don’t need saving when we can save ourselves! Yeah sure gender relations aren’t great in the gaming world (or anywhere, let’s be honest), but feminism this and feminism that, you don’t need an article to tell you that we are adults who are perfectly adequate in making the right moves towards positivity.

As a girl who has experienced her fair share of this, here are a few (hard-truths) pointers on how to get out of the woe-is-me pit of misogyny.

They don’t actually know you’re a female.

Calm your farm, I’m not calling you a dude – you just have to stop shoving your female agenda in everybody’s face. If you don’t want to be put down for having lady bits, don’t announce it to the world; ‘girl’, ‘lady’ or ‘miss’ you really don’t need to justify being a female, I highly doubt someone will mistake you for anything other than that. So what if you are a girl that plays games, good work snowflake you are a needle in a haystack; a diamond in the rough.

I understand the need to stand out, especially in a community where males dominate everything (or think they do, I see you girls stepping up in the pro-leagues). I mean if you want to be part of the larger community and not feel like an alien who doesn’t belong there, you’ll have to eventually make your way through and ‘become-one-of-them’ (not that you have to change who you are); the whole, ‘gamer gurrrrlz’ thing is what divides and singles females out, its self-segregation.

Girls usually get more attention than guys.

There’s something about the rarity of girl gamers that just draws guys in, like honey to the bees. Well I mean, females used to be a rarity. The type of attention you get depends wholly on your behaviour, and of course the game community you’re in.

I would say most of us girls try to avoid the attention. We disguise ourselves as dudes and only really reveal our gender when we really need to make a call or communicate. One of my girls isn’t shy at all, but she won’t react to flirtations or shut-downs as a means to be treated equally by our male counterparts. Then there are others who will fish for the attention, who are comfortable enough to flirt and be flirted with. If you like the attention, then by all means, dive deep honey. If you’re comfortable with showing a little bit of extra skin, talking about yourself and basically sexualizing your body then don’t be shocked/hurt about the way someone would treat you when you’re serving yourself on a silver platter for the whole gaming community.

Thicken your skin, don’t take everything so personally.

No one really knows who anyone is online, everything is quite anonymous; so people will twist whatever qualities you show and turn it into an insult against you. If you sound like you’re a kid… you’ll be turned into a little mummy’s boy, someone who sounds like a cliche gamer will most definitely be teased as a chubby virgin basement dweller, and girls… well we get ordered back into the kitchen to make sandwiches etc. Females are a little more sensitive (well more-so once a month) than males ‘surprise-surprise’, so obviously we tend to get a little cut easier than everyone else. If you get affected by it, remove yourself from that community or just get used to it because there is no way you can change it. Gaming is like a bag of salty chips, hold the chips. I’ve found it’s easier to adapt to their ways, and I tend to give back tenfold what they chuck at me, works 99.9% of the time (especially when you talk about lady thangs), but then that’s just me (one of my girlfriends just ignores them completely, she obviously has a lot more self-control than me).

But you know what girls, at the end of the day you just need to know how to rip it up on whatever game you’re playing; no one should be able to talk down to you about how you game simply because your gender/race/age doesn’t fall into the image they set for a gamer. But don’t get me wrong there are perks, sometimes it’s way better being a female gamer than a male (I mean we do get a lot of free stuff).

FYI disclaimer: Opinions expressed are solely my own and do not express the views or opinions of my employer.

Beth Weynberg @whossthatgirl
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My boyfriends favorite quote to exclaim is "I made you in a computer!"; I have other aspects that he adores, but one especially is my love for gaming. Throughout my years of gaming I have found that yes, girl gamers do gain more attention than our male counterparts - however, it's usually not in a good way. Not only have I been berated by men of the gaming community, but also by women of the gaming community that get "salty" over the attention I receive from the men that I play with.

Obviously men experience the backlash of fellow gamers, but I would argue that it occurs in a much less harsh way. The first things out of the mouths of my male counterparts is never hard to predict .... "I bet you're fat", "You're dumb", "Shuttup Wh**e", etc.
I believe that as the number of girl gamers increase, we will see more of an embrace for girls in the gaming community.

Yep, i couldn't agree anymore! Time to take over the gaming community :)

Can't wait for the gamer girl takeover. We warriors will follow the Khaleesi

Honestly, I don't believe that women experience more harassment then men do in gaming, it's just targeted at their gender more rather then for men. And for a very simple reason that you as well seem to point out. Women are just much rarer then men in gaming, thus making the gender a very prominent feature.

And I don't like you using the word misogyny in the begging, because I don't believe 99% of gamers actually hate women, but otherwise - this is a great article for how to avoid potential harassment aimed at your gender. But I would still say you will most likely still get harassed - just in the ways men usually get harassed.

Great post! Would you mind if I included it in today's "best of gaming"?

No worries! Would be absolutely be ok to be included in today's best of gaming! Thank you so much for your feedback! Steemit feedback is always constructive and informative. I'd certainly get a different treatment on other social media platforms!

I'd like to see more girls in gaming and I have actively encouraged my girlfriend to get involved. Once I showed her Ark Survival Evolved she was hooked and she quickly found out what boys, I specifically use the term boys for a reason, are like online. That game had a pretty good community base so it was a nice introduction but yes she had to understand that guys talk to guys pretty badly in online gaming, so it's natural that they will talk to girls in a similar manner, girls want equality right?

At the end of the day though you have complete control over who you game with and if you don't like the company, find better people to be with, we do exist!

Spot on sir! Spot on!

"It's all about the game." -VGHS (watch it. you'll love it ;) )

Hi. Not much to be known about me at the moment. I'm just an average casual gamer that's trying to get to the competitive side. The 2 main communities I'm in is the Super Smash Bros (SSB) and the Paragon community.

I never could answer the question of why the ratio of males to females is so off when it comes to competitive gaming, but you just about hit all the spots. I would love to see more girls in the gaming community in general, but the communities would have to do something about that.
For sure I know that the SSB community is slowly trying to get more girls in by having an all girls tournament in the form of crew battles. Although I haven't participated in any tournaments I am a witness to the scene growing, and it keeps getting bigger each year. If you haven't already you should follow Smash Sisters on Twitter.

Oddly enough, that's all I can think about. I'll post more if I can come up with something else.

Great to hear from other gamer girls out there. I am a girl and I am also a gamer. Not as often gaming as I want to be but that's life. Totally agree with some of what you said above, and I will admit I have kicked some butt too that shocked people when they found out I was a girl/woman. Keep doing your thing cause I love your post.

Haha well played girl! Thank you for the kind words :)

👍i am a girl
I'm a gamer 👾

fist bump

Man, I don't care if they are a male or female. I'll still body anyone In any game. lol Great post by the way.

Love it. Its all about the game :D

It's a good article, I'm a male gamer... but on internet? I don't care about your gender... you're just a gamer in my eyes when we play.

I don't believe in gender equality... women should be treated differently than men. demanding from them the same thing as men in my opinion is unfair!! but still, there are many things that are "human-based" not gender based....

And gaming I believe are one of them.

The gaming community, (most of) males are doing it wrong.

By the way

girls are depicted as the damsels in distress that need protecting from a knight in shining armour

This in games is a type of Escapism, a wish-fulfillment for guys who can't even speak with girls, the Problem isn't that games depicting women like that exists.

The problem is that they are the majority.. there aren't much games/stories that show girls as they should be shown. a different type of human (compared to guys) but still a human!! The Damsels in distress proven to sell so much that companies don't try alternatives anymore.

Thank you for your feedback! Very interesting take on it. I certainly can understand and see where your coming from :)

Haha, my friends don't even see me as a 'girl' when gaming :') I'm like one of the guys :P I've been a girl gamer ever since we got our first Atari and I'm proud of it!

Sounds like you have a great crew :) I think I have my Atari stored somewhere haha