Gaming Meme - Can We Please Just Take A Moment To Remember The Dogs Noses...

in gaming •  7 years ago 


Hello Fellow Steemian Gamers,

Quick meme for you tonight before I post my final Overwatch video for the night.

I really hope people don't take any offence from this one as it is just meant as a joke but how much does the rubber look like the dogs nose?

I may have to email Sony just to make sure they don't actually use Dogs Noses...

This meme has been doing the rounds for a while online I can't take the the credit for this one though it was sent to me a long time ago by a fan of my Instagram page that you can see below.

Thank you all for your support I really hope you like the content I'm putting out for you all. As always I'm up for requests so let me know if you want to see anything from me.

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Seriously? @grownfolksgaming thanks my friend needs to see this.

Resteem it dude so they can see it.

Lmao 😂😂

Is that real, because its looks like a "conspiracy theory" to me....