Inside my Radio is a game which was released the 11th May 2015 made by a French independent studio : Seaven Studio.
Story : You are Taek, that we discover as a ghost who passes by a radio and find himself sucked inside it.Once in the radio, Taek takes the form of a green block with a headset.We then understand that the world is not good at all and the music is lost little by little because spiders seems to have taken control of this world.
Graphics : Visuals are pretty good and pretty unique, every area feels so different from the night city disco to the spider's area.The personality of every character is portrayed quite well with just a square and two colors.
Sound : Soundtrack fits well to every level and you can even change it while you play that's an amazing concept. Sound effect were great as well jumping and slamming to the ground feels so good.
Gameplay : Inside my Radio is a rhythm platformer, in which if you want to do anything, you do it to the rhythm like jumping, dashing forward or wall jumping. The game provides a visual aid that you can toggle,and the controls are pretty well synchronized with the music. It also has unique mechanics per level, such as sliders that serve as a platform while changing the music as you move them, or a supercharged form with infinite jumps and dashes
Replayability : The story mode is depressingly short, with less than two hours of length, including a fair share of mistakes and deaths. Deaths which are almost meaningless as there is a checkpoint almost everytime you complete a small part of the level.The game feels too easy, and it seems like they tried compensating this with an extra gamemode, that lets you choose any level you've played and replay it with a time limit and a score system.
- Great sound design and graphics.
- Fun story
- Unique mecanics
Cons :
- Expensive
- Short