World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade turns ten years old! 10 Reasons that it was the best expansion!

in gaming •  8 years ago 

The Burning Crusade is the first expansion pack to the popular game World of Warcraft. This expansion dropped two years after World of Warcraft's inception and it instantly became the fastest selling video of all time. It spent many hours trollin' away in the Outlands of the Burning Crusade and I figured what better way to celebrate it's 10th birthday by making a post about it!

You can see my review of World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade here!

Reason 1:
First introduction of new playable content. Travel through the dark portal and enter the Outlands where you can fight never before seen enemies!

Reason 2:
FLYING MOUNTS! This is the first time characters were ever able to control a flyable mount. This created much cheaper travel as you had to pay for flights previously.

Reason 3:
Level 70! Battle your way up from the previous level cap of 60 all the way to level 70!

Reason 4:
Arenas are finally released: Grab your friends and compete with them in 2v2, 3v3 or 5v5 battles.

Reason 5:
Alliance can finally play as shamans and the horde can finally play as a paladin! Previously this was impossible but with the release of Draenei & Blood Elves it became possible!

Reason 6:
25 man raids. If you can gather twenty four other people you will be able to crush the biggest bosses in the game!

Reason 7:
Heroic dungeons: Just when you thought you had every dungeon mastered now there is hard mode versions.

Reason 8:
World of Warcrafts graphics were updated and the servers were expanded to reduce lag and load time.

Reason 9:
In game voice chat is released. This allowed you to talk to your friends through a mic. Most people stuck with ventrilo though because it was less buggy.

Reason 10:
The fact that it was the first expansion is reason 10! Without this one we would not have gotten the even more epic Wrath of the Lich King!

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