in gaming •  6 years ago 


A Beatiful Adventure with Big Reveals

Starring outstanding scores and reviews, the new God Of War for PS4 has passed down like nothing short of a masterpiece. The game counts with a consistent style, with beautiful environments enhanced by the brand new graphics, turns in the playstyle,and a brand new history (In which the game focus incredibly well); all these bombs characteristics gives a fresh air to this well known saga, that everyone want more of!

As is notable to see, the game is set in a Norse mythology-inspired world, and, YES, “inspired” which means that no every detail is exact to the fascinating mythology, especially when we already count with another (and others) mythology (s)
in the saga, as is in the case of the greek. With all this settle in, we can expect some knobbly and great twists that may blend together both mythologies in the game.

Atreus, God of Mischief

And this is the big spicy part, Atreus (Son of our beloved protagonist) is actually Loki, the infamous god that we all know thanks to popular culture. I’ll tell you the reasons why.

Loki isn’t the biological son of Odin, in some sources of norse mythology, he’s the son of Fárbauti (Father) and Laufey (Mother), two giants that die when Loki was young. As we know for the GoW ending, Atreus’ mother (Faye) was actually a Giant, who wanted he to be called Loki, and knew he was a key piece to Ragnarok (End of World).

She was a giant... I AM a Giant... - Atreus

If those aren’t enough proofs, here’s comes the combination between both mythologies: Kratos is the representation of Farbauti, in GoW universe. Farbauti is known in ancients norse histories as “lightning” or the “Cruel Striker”, title that makes an obvious comparison point with our mad protagonist. In some points in norse myths, Loki’s father is killed by Odin, resulting in his son getting’ adopted by the god as a son, and we saw Odin’s family is coming for Kratos by the ending. might that be a foreshadow to Kratos death in futures games?

If you still don’t still believe, there are some more kick-ass proofs!

  • Atreus personality: As Atreus learns about his godhood, starts to change due to know he’s a god. He turns cocky and impulsive, charging recklessly into enemies without hesitation; doesn’t caring if he kills , believing that since he is a god, it gives him the right to do anything he wants.

I'm a God... - Atreus

  • Loki’s ability reference: In some point in the game, when Atreus get knowledge of his god nature, he ask Kratos very assured if he can turn into a Snake or a worf
  • Balder’s death: Atreus is responsible for Balder’s death, thanks to mistletoe arrow. This is the same way Loki was responsible for his death in ancient histories. When Loki, the mischief-maker, heard of this, he made a magical spear from this plant (in some later versions, an arrow). He hurried to the place where the gods were indulging in their new pastime of hurling objects at Baldr, which would bounce off without harming him, Loki gave the arrow to Baldr's brother, the blind god Höðr, who then inadvertently killed his brother with it.

So well, this this all my steemians pals. Ubisoft may be giving us a foreshadowing for a big Kratos death in the future, but the question goes: “Will stay death, or will comeback to give us more action? We don’t have a way to truly know, but we’ll wait impatient to play and see more of GoW soon!


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